‫ماليزيا تستعرض عروض الرعاية الصحية من الطراز العالمي التي تقدمها في صحة عمان 2023

تقدم الرعاية الصحية في ماليزيا عروضًا حصرية من المستشفيات الخاصة الرائدة في مجالات الخصوبة والأورام والعظام والعافية المتميزة.

في مسقط، عمان، 18 سبتمبر 2023 – تستعرض الرعاية الصحية في ماليزيا عروضها للرعاية الصحية من الطراز العالمي للعمانيين، في معرض ومؤتمر عمان الصحي السنوي، الذي يقام في مركز عمان للمؤتمرات والمعارض في مسقط. مجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي، وهو وكالة تابعة لوزارة الصحة الماليزية، مكلفٌ بتيسير وتعزيز صناعة السفر العلاجي في ماليزيا، جنبًا إلى جنب مع العديد من المستشفيات الخاصة الرائدة في البلاد والحاضرة في الجناح الماليزي، تحت العلامة التجارية “الرعاية الصحية في ماليزيا” من 18 إلى 20 سبتمبر 2023 في الكُشك رقم 5500.حيث يضم خبراء طبيين واستشاريين متخصصين في الخصوبة والأورام وجراحة العظام وإعادة التأهيل، من مستشفيات خاصة حائزة على جوائز في ماليزيا مثل متخصصي ألفا لأطفال الأنابيب والنساء، وكيه بي جيه للرعاية الصحية، ذ.م.م.، ومركز صنواي الطبي، ومقره في كوالالمبور الكبرى. تدعو الرعاية الصحية في ماليزيا الأفراد المهتمين بالعلاج في الخارج لاستكشاف حزم الرعاية الصحية الحصرية، وتدعو الشركاء المحتملين للتواصل مع ممثليها في جناح الرعاية الصحية الماليزي.يوفر معرض ومؤتمر عمان الصحي السنوي منصة لتبادل القيم حول المعرفة الطبية والخبرة والتكنولوجيا وأفضل الممارسات بين الجهات الفاعلة في مجال الرعاية الصحية العالمية. بصفته ممثلًا لوزيرة الصحة الماليزية، الدكتورة زليخة مصطفى كأحد المتحدثين الرئيسيين خلال هذا الحدث، فقد أتيحت الفرصة للرئيس التنفيذي بالإنابة لمجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي، فريزال بي. جعفر، لمشاركة النقاط الرئيسية حول نهج ماليزيا في إصلاحات الرعاية الصحية وتطوراتها في قطاع الرعاية الصحية في البلاد في الورقة البيضاء للصحة المُطلقة مؤخرًا.

قال فريزال بي. جعفر، الرئيس التنفيذي بالإنابة لمجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي: “مع تركيزنا الشديد على رفاهية شعبها، بذلت سلطنة عمان جهودًا عديدة في ظل رؤية عمان الصحية 2050 لتطوير نظام بيئي قوي للرعاية الصحية يكون مستدامًا وشاملًا وسريع الاستجابة لاحتياجات المجتمع. ومن هذا المُنطلق، تتشارك كلٌ من عمان وماليزيا تطلعات متسقة لإصلاح نظام الرعاية الصحية. وبموجب الورقة البيضاء للصحة، تطمح ماليزيا إلى الحفاظ على أمة تتمتع بالرفاهية من خلال إنشاء نظام رعاية صحية عادل ويسهل الوصول إليه ويتمحور حول احتياجات الناس. بل ويصل هذا الالتزام إلى ما هو أبعد من حدودنا ويمتد إلى جميع القطاعات الفرعية. ونحن نطمح إلى تقديم نفس جودة الرعاية للمجتمع العالمي الأوسع من خلال السفر العلاجي”.

وأضاف: “لقد نجح مجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي في إقامة شراكات بين القطاعين العام والخاص في مختلف الأسواق، وتعزيز العلاقات لتسهيل حصول المرضى على علاجات عالية الجودة في ماليزيا. وبفضل نجاح هذه الشراكات، فإننا نتطلع إلى بناء علاقات مع الجهات الفاعلة الاستراتيجية في الصناعة في الشرق الأوسط لتوسيع نطاق الوصول لخدماتنا للرعاية الصحية عالية الجودة ومعقولة الأسعار لسكان الشرق الأوسط، وخاصة العمانيين، ونتطلع لنكون ضمن الاتجاه السائد بين العمانيين الباحثين عن علاجات الرعاية الصحية بالخارج”.

بالإضافة إلى العلاقات بين الحكومات، فقد تعاون مجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي أيضًا مع مؤسسات معترف بها عالميًا لدفع التميز الطبي والخدمي إلى الأمام، فضلًا عن ترقية الترويج الدولي. وتشمل هذه المؤسسات مايو كلينك الشهيرة، وجمعية أنظمة إدارة ومعلومات الرعاية الصحية (HIMMS)، وهيئات الاعتماد الدولية مثل اللجنة المشتركة الدولية (JCI) بالإضافة إلى شركات الطيران العالمية، ومقدمي الخدمات المالية والتأمينية، والشركات الميسرة للتكنولوجيا، وغيرهم.

إن السفر العلاجي في ماليزيا صناعة متطورة، وهو إحدى الخدمة الرئيسية التي تصدرها البلاد. وتخضع هذه الصناعة لرقابة صارمة من قبل وزارة الصحة الماليزية، وهي ضمن الدول القليلة في المنطقة التي تقدم دعمًا حكوميًا قويًا لضمان معايير لا مثيل لها من الجودة والسلامة والأخلاق المهنية في خدمات الرعاية الصحية الماليزية.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن الرعاية الصحية في ماليزيا تتمتع بقدرة تنافسية عالية وبأسعار معقولة، حيث توفر علاجات متطورة تضاهي دولًا مثل الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والمملكة المتحدة وأوروبا واليابان، بتكلفة معقولة جدًا. وكفاءة التكلفة المذكورة أيضًا بفضل اللوائح الصارمة للتسعير التي نصت عليها وزارة الصحة الماليزية، لضمان بقاء الرعاية الصحية في ماليزيا في متناول كل من يحتاج إليها.

قال فريزال: “نحن متحمسون لكوننا جزءًا من معرض ومؤتمر عمان الصحي السنوي، ونتطلع إلى استكشاف الفرص الإبداعية، وعرض أحدث التقنيات والخدمات والمرافق، والاستفادة من فرص الاستثمار. إن الرعاية الصحية في ماليزيا موجودة هنا لتوفير بعض المرافق المتقدمة والمتطورة لجميع العمانيين والمسافرين للحصول على الرعاية الصحية وتلقي العلاج في ماليزيا، وتوفير رعاية استثنائية داخل وجهة آمنة وموثوقة لراحة البال”.

يوجد حاليًا أكثر من 200 مستشفى خاص في ماليزيا، حيث نقوم باعتماد وتسجيل المرافق الأكثر جاهزية والمزودة بجميع الخدمة فقط لتكون من مقدمي خدمات السفر العلاجي المشاركين. لقد تلقى معظم الأطباء ومتخصصي الرعاية الصحية في ماليزيا تدريبهم من مؤسسات مشهود لها دوليًا في ماليزيا والولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة وأستراليا وأوروبا، وتمتلك المستشفيات الخاصة الماليزية اعتمادات من مؤسسات مرموقة، مثل اللجنة الدولية المشتركة (JCI) ولجنة اعتماد تكنولوجيا الإنجاب (RTAC)، والمجلس الأسترالي لمعايير الرعاية الصحية (ACHS)والجمعية الماليزية لجودة الرعاية الصحية (MSQH).

ومن الجدير بالذكر أن العديد من المستشفيات الخاصة في ماليزيا حصلت على تصنيفات مرموقة، ومنها الاعتراف بها كأفضل المستشفيات في علاجات مختلفة، مثل: أمراض القلب، وأمراض الغدد الصماء، وأمراض الأعصاب، والأورام، وجراحة العظام، وطب الأطفال، في استطلاع مجلة نيوزويك المرموقة لأفضل المستشفيات المتخصصة في آسيا والمحيط الهادئ لعام 2023. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تم إدراج ماليزيا مؤخرًا كأفضل وجهة للمتقاعدين في آسيا من قبل ناسداك ومجلة إنترناشيونال ليفينج.

للحصول على معلومات شاملة عن الرعاية الصحية في ماليزيا وخدماتها، بما في ذلك السفر العلاجي، تفضل بزيارة موقع: https://malaysiahealthcare.org.my. ابق على اطلاع دائم بأخبار الرعاية الصحية الماليزية من خلال متابعة حساباتنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي على فيس بوك عبر الرابط: http://www.facebook.com/malaysiahealthcare.org وعلى لينكد إن عبر مجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي.

لاستفسارات وسائل الإعلام:

توتي إسماعيل

نائب الرئيس


مجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي


شاندريكا باسكاران

مدير أول

العلاقات العامة والتواصل بشأن المحتوى

مجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي


نبذة حول مجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي

مجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي هو وكالة حكومية تابعة لوزارة الصحة الماليزية، مُكلفٌ بمسؤولية تنظيم مخطط السفر العلاجي في البلاد، لجعلها صناعة خدمات مُصدَّرة رئيسية. تأسس مجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي في عام 2009، ويعمل على تضافر جهود الجهات الفاعلة في الصناعة ومقدمي الخدمات في تسهيل وتنمية صناعة السفر العلاجي في ماليزيا تحت العلامة التجارية “الرعاية الصحية في ماليزيا” بهدف جعل ماليزيا الوجهة العالمية الرائدة للرعاية الصحية. يعمل مجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي عن كثب مع أكثر من 90 منشأة رعاية صحية خاصة في ماليزيا،

وكلهم أعضاء مسجلون في مجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي.

العنوان  الشرح
عمان للرعاية الصحية – 1 (من اليسار) الأستاذ الدكتور عزمين كاس، استشاري جراحة الأعصاب، مستشفى كيه بي جيه التخصصي 2؛ وفاريزال بي جعفر، القائم بأعمال الرئيس التنفيذي لمجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي؛ والسيدة حفصة مختار، المدير العام الأول للرعاية الصحية في كيه بي جيه، ذ.م.م.؛ والسيدة أمل محفوظ حزام، المدير التنفيذي الأول للتسويق المؤسسي في الرعاية الصحية في كيه بي جيه، ذ.م.م.؛ والدكتورة نور عادلة أنور، استشارية أمراض الدم السريرية، أخصائية أمراض الدم في مركز المرضى الدوليين في كيه بي جيه؛ سعادة شيفول أنور محمد، السفير الماليزيا لدى سلطنة عمان، في معرض ومؤتمر صحة عمان 2023.
عمان للرعاية الصحية 2 القائم بأعمال الرئيس التنفيذي لمجلس السياحة العلاجية الماليزي، فريزال بي جعفر مع السيد خالد بن حمد البوسعيدي، رئيس مجلس إدارة مجموعة سابكو عمان، وضيوف موقرون آخرون في جناح ماليزيا.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 3642217

The Coretec Group Announces Industry Panel Discussion on Development of Lithium-Ion Batteries with Speakers from Navitas Systems and EnPower Greentech, Inc.

Dr. Ramez Elgammal will lead off with an update on Endurion before expert panelists discuss the challenges and opportunities currently facing battery innovators

ANN ARBOR, Mich., Sept. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Coretec Group (OTCQB: CRTG), developers of silicon anode active materials for lithium-ion batteries and cyclohexasilane (CHS) for electric vehicles (EV), cleantech, and emerging tech applications, today announced that it will host a virtual panel discussion on the future of and challenges facing battery innovation. Speakers include fellow industry players, Navitas Systems and EnPower Greentech, Inc., and will take place on Wednesday, September 27, at 11:00am EST. The panel will be independently produced and hosted by The Coretec Group via Zoom.

The event is titled “Lithium-Ion Battery Technologies: From Innovation to Adoption – A profile of 3 Michigan-based companies pushing the frontiers of batteries.” To begin the program, The Coretec Group’s Chief Technical Officer Dr. Ramez Elgammal will give an overview of the most recent updates and developments on Coretec’s Endurion battery program. His update will be followed by a battery innovation and market opportunity discussion, featuring industry experts from:

  • The Coretec Group (OTCQB: CRTG), the panel host and silicon anode developer for lithium-ion batteries will be represented by its VP of Partnerships & Development, Dr. Michelle Tokarz;
  • Navitas Systems, a small and large format battery producer, represented by its Director of Development, Chris Silkowski; and
  • EnPower Greentech, Inc., a leading provider of next-generation batteries and power solutions, represented by its Chief Engineer for Cell Commercial and Production, Dr. Henry Mao.

Together, the expert panelists will share their unique perspectives and insights with the virtual viewing audience. Their conversation will span a wide range of pertinent topics including the biggest issues facing lithium-ion battery innovation; where the potential for major breakthroughs in battery performance lie; and what the future of lithium-ion battery adoption will look like.

“Each of these panelists are experts at using unique approaches to battery development, and strive to achieve the same shared goal of a higher capacity battery,” said Matt Kappers, CEO of The Coretec Group. “The battery category today stands beyond just the tipping point, but at the precipice of mass commercial adoption resulting in a completely reworked energy economy. This discussion will be filled with valuable insights into current and future battery innovation, and its role across the entire energy value chain. We can’t wait to hear everyone’s ideas.”

The free, hour-long online panel discussion will be held on Wednesday, September 27, at 11:00am EST. Anyone interested in attending the virtual panel may register here.

About The Coretec Group

The Coretec Group, Inc. is an Ann Arbor, Michigan-based developer of engineered silicon and is using its expertise to develop silicon anodes for lithium-ion batteries that will charge faster and last longer. This program is called Endurion. Silicon has the theoretical ability to hold up to 10x the amount of lithium ions as compared to traditional graphite. Through its proprietary nanoparticle approach, Endurion is loading silicon into the battery anode. A modest increase in silicon will be a game changer that will revolutionize the EV market as well as other energy storage applications.

Additionally, Coretec is also utilizing its engineered silicon to develop a portfolio of energy-focused products, including solid-state lighting (LEDs), semiconductors, 3D volumetric displays, and printable electronics. If commercialized, The Coretec Group’s groundbreaking work is capable of disrupting EV and energy storage markets, positioning the Company as a pioneer in these high-growth industries.

For more information, please visit thecoretecgroup.com.

Follow The Coretec Group on:

Twitter – @CoretecGroupInc
LinkedIn – www.linkedin.com/company/24789881
YouTube – www.youtube.com/channel/UC1IA9C6PoPd1G4M7B9QiZPQ/featured

Forward-Looking Statements

The statements in this press release that relate to The Coretec Group’s expectations with regard to the future impact on the Company’s results from operations are forward-looking statements and may involve risks and uncertainties, some of which are beyond our control. Such risks and uncertainties are described in greater detail in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Since the information in this press release may contain statements that involve risk and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, the Company’s actual results may differ materially from expected results. We make no commitment to disclose any subsequent revisions to forward-looking statements. This release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to buy any securities of any entity.

Corporate Contact:

The Coretec Group, Inc.
Lindsay McCarthy
+1 (866) 916-0833

Media Contact:

Spencer Herrmann
FischTank PR
+1 (518) 669-6818

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8924946

Winners Announced in 2023 Stevie Awards for Great Employers

Bank of America and Globe Telecom Among Top Winners

Winners in the 8th Annual Stevie Awards for Great Employers Were Announced at a Ceremony in NYC

The 2023 Stevie Awards for Great Employers recognize the world’s best employers and the human resources professionals, teams, achievements, and HR-related products and suppliers who help to create and drive great places to work.

FAIRFAX, Va., Sept. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Winners in the 2023 Stevie® Awards for Great Employers, an international competition, were announced on Monday, September 18 during a gala event in New York City. The awards recognize the world’s best employers and the human resources professionals, teams, achievements, and HR-related products and suppliers who help to create and drive great places to work.

A complete list of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Stevie Award winners by category is available at http://www.StevieAwards.com/HR.

A diverse group of organizations and individuals around the world are among those recognized. The organization that won the Grand Stevie Award for Most Honored Organization of the Year is Bank of America of Charlotte, NC, with seven Gold, seven Silver, and seven Bronze Stevie Awards wins totaling 45.5 points. Organization of the Year goes to the organization with the most award points, with each Gold Stevie win counting for three points, each Silver Stevie win for two points, and each Bronze Stevie for one-and-a-half points.

The Grand Stevie Award for the Highest-Rated Nomination of the Year goes to Globe Telecom Inc. of Taguig City, Philippines for their nomination of Ato Jiao for Chief HR Officer of the Year, which received an average score from the judges of 9.5 out of a possible 10.

Leading winners of Gold Stevie Awards include Bank of America (7), Cathay United Bank (5), IBM (4), Tata Consultancy Services (4), Tech Mahindra (4), Dimes Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (3), Enerjisa Enerji (3), Product Madness (3), TELUS International (3), Akbank T.A.S. (2), American Systems (2), Ayala Land Inc. (2), BlueSky Personnel Solutions (2), Borusan (2), DHL Global Forwarding, Freight (2), FedEx (2), Globe Telecom (2), GoHealth (2), Golden Hour Veterinary Telemedicine (2), Kordsa Teknik Tekstil A.Ş. (2), Saint-Gobain North America (2), Siemens AG (2), and Top Hat (2).

More than 1,000 nominations by organizations from 28 nations were evaluated in this year’s competition. Winners were determined by the average scores of more than 125 professionals worldwide acting as judges.

Stevie Award winners in the 31 Employer of the Year categories were determined by a unique blending of the ratings of professionals and the votes of the general public.

The Stevie Awards for Great Employers recognize achievement in many facets of the workplace. Categories include:

  • Employer of the Year Awards
  • HR Achievement Awards
  • HR Individual Awards
  • HR Team Categories
  • Solution Provider Awards
  • Solutions, Implementations, and Training Programs or Media Awards
  • Thought Leadership Categories
  • COVID-19 Response Awards

The awards are presented by the Stevie Awards, which organizes eight of the world’s leading business awards programs including The International Business Awards® and The American Business Awards®.

About the Stevie Awards

Stevie Awards are conferred in eight programs: the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 12,000 entries each year from organizations in more than 70 nations. Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about the Stevie Awards at http://www.StevieAwards.com.

A sponsor of the 8th annual Stevie Awards for Great Employers is HiBob.

Marketing Contact
Nina Moore
+1 (703) 547-8389

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/06939e25-fba1-4760-aacd-ed60700c9173

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8924230

Impulse Dynamics Announces Leadership Changes

Jason Spees Appointed to Chief Executive Officer — Shlomi Nachman To Be Chairman and John Liddicoat To Join the Board of Directors — Expanding Depth of Medical Device Industry Leadership and Track Record of Driving Commercialization Success With Advanced Technology

MARLTON, N.J., Sept. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Impulse Dynamics plc, a global medical device company dedicated to improving the lives of people with heart failure, announced new leadership appointments, including Jason Spees to Chief Executive Officer, Shlomi Nachman to Chairman of the Board, and John Liddicoat, M.D., as a member of the Board of Directors. Spees was recently President and Chief Commercial Officer at Impulse Dynamics and brings a depth of medical device industry experience from commercial leadership roles. Nachman most recently was the Company Group Chairman at Johnson & Johnson, overseeing the Cardiovascular and Specialty Solutions & Vision Group. Liddicoat most recently served as Executive Vice President and President of the Americas Region and Enterprise Technology & Innovation function at Medtronic.

“I am pleased to lead the Impulse Dynamics team, focusing on a strong commercialization strategy and our commitment to an ongoing pace of innovation to change the course of treatment for patients living with heart failure,” said Spees. “We find ourselves in a unique position to capitalize on robust clinical data and a lineup of cutting-edge technologies, exemplified by the Integra-D™ trial featuring the groundbreaking single device that integrates our CCM® technology with implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) technology. I look forward to working closely with the board and the leadership team to optimize the company for its next phase of commercial acceleration.”

“I am honored to join the board of an organization that has showcased substantial contributions to the advancement of heart failure treatment,” said Shlomi Nachman. “Over 64 million people suffer from heart failure, and many of those treated are not experiencing the higher quality of life they deserve. With CCM therapy and its future product pipeline, we are in the exciting position of being able to help millions of these patients to feel better and lead fuller lives,” Nachman added. “I’m looking forward to working with the leadership team and the board to ensure a direct path to ongoing innovation and commercial success.”

“I’ve been watching Impulse Dynamics and its technology from the sidelines for many years, and I am excited to now be able to join the team,” said Liddicoat. “I look forward to working with a strong leadership team to lead innovation-driven growth as we aim to enhance the standard of care for heart failure patients across the globe.”

Jason Spees joined the company as President and Chief Commercial Officer in July 2021. He brings more than two decades of successful leadership roles in the medical device industry. Spees was most recently Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Biotronik in the areas of cardiac rhythm management, cardiovascular intervention, peripheral vascular intervention, diagnostics, and digital health. Prior to Biotronik, Spees was the Chief Commercial Officer of Preventice Solutions, along with multiple leadership positions, including Vice President of Sales for Boston Scientific. He holds a B.S. in Operations Research and Engineering from the United States Air Force Academy and an M.A. in Public Management – Finance from the University of Maryland.

Shlomi Nachman was the Company Group Chairman of Cardiovascular and Specialty Solutions and Visions Group within Johnson & Johnson’s Medical Devices sector. Nachman was a member of the Medical Devices Group Operating Committee, where he led a diverse portfolio of six medical device businesses, including Electrophysiology, Neurovascular Intervention, Ear, Nose & Throat, Breast Aesthetics, Optometry and Ophthalmology. Before that, Nachman had various roles with increased scope and responsibilities, including Worldwide President of Biosense Webster and Cordis. His career at Johnson & Johnson spanned over 27 years, comprising multiple leadership positions with a proven track record of success that has recognized the ability to drive growth, innovation, and architect business turnarounds. Additionally, Nachman has accrued deep knowledge in all aspects of medical devices, such as general management, strategy, L&A, finance, product development, operations, sales and marketing, and research and development. Nachman was born in Israel and holds a B.S. in Management and Economics from the Technion Institute, as well as a diploma in electrical engineering from the Amal Technical School.

John Liddicoat brings a history of transformational leadership focused on execution. He spent 16 years at Medtronic, driving the strategic direction and global operations of increasing size and scope, including the Structural Heart, Cardiac Rhythm, and Heart Failure businesses. In his most recent role as Executive Vice President and President of the Americas region and the Enterprise Innovation and Technology function, he was responsible for designing and implementing go-to-market strategies to deliver above-market growth across North and South America. Liddicoat graduated medical school from the University of Chicago, completed a residency in general and cardiothoracic surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, and served on the faculty of Harvard Medical School. An innovator and entrepreneur, he has also served as a consultant to venture capital firms and early-stage medical device companies.

About the Optimizer® Integra CCM-D™ System and CCM® Therapy

The Optimizer Integra CCM-D System is an investigational device that combines CCM therapy and ICD therapy into one device. This device is being used in an FDA-approved Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) study and is not available for sale in the United States.

Impulse Dynamics currently offers the Optimizer system that is FDA-approved and CE-marked. The Optimizer system delivers CCM therapy — the company’s proprietary technology — to the heart. CCM therapy has been designed by Impulse Dynamics to improve the heart’s contraction, allowing more oxygen-rich blood to be pushed out through the body. CCM therapy is indicated to improve the 6-minute hall walk, quality of life, and functional status of NYHA Class III heart failure patients who remain symptomatic despite guideline-directed medical therapy, are not indicated for CRT, and have a left ventricular ejection fraction ranging from 25 to 45 percent.

CCM therapy delivers non-excitatory electrical pulses from the implantable Optimizer device in a manner designed to improve heart contraction. CCM therapy sends unique electrical pulses to the heart cells during their absolute refractory period. Impulse Dynamics has completed numerous clinical studies, including several randomized controlled trials, and CCM therapy has been published in more than 120 peer-reviewed journal articles.

About Impulse Dynamics

Impulse Dynamics is dedicated to advancing the treatment of heart failure for patients and the healthcare providers who care for them. The company pioneered its proprietary CCM therapy, which uses the Optimizer technology platform to improve quality of life in heart failure patients. CCM therapy is delivered through the Optimizer system, which includes an IPG implanted in a minimally invasive procedure and approved for commercial use in the United States and 44 countries worldwide. More than 9,000 patients have received the therapy as part of clinical trials and real-world use, where it is proven to be safe and effective for heart failure patients with debilitating symptoms who otherwise have few effective options available to them. To learn more, visit www.ImpulseDynamics.com or follow the company on LinkedInTwitter, and Facebook.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release are forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as ‘‘may,’’ ‘‘will,’’ ‘‘should,’’ ‘‘expect,’’ ‘‘plan,’’ ‘‘anticipate,’’ ‘‘could,’’ ‘‘intend,’’ ‘‘target,’’ ‘‘project,’’ ‘‘contemplate,’’ ‘‘believe,’’ ‘‘estimate,’’ ‘‘predict,’’ ‘‘potential’’ or ‘‘continue’’ or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements concerning potential benefits of CCM therapy, and CCM therapy combined with an ICD delivered via a single device (CCM-D), and the absence of risks associated therewith; the ability for CCM therapy and our products to fill a significant unmet medical need for patients with heart failure; and the short-term and long-term benefits of the Optimizer Integra CCM-D System and CCM therapy in patients with heart failure, as well as to the physicians treating those patients. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Other important factors that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those contemplated in this press release include, without limitation: the company’s future research and development costs, capital requirements and the company’s needs for additional financing; commercial success and market acceptance of CCM therapy; the company’s ability to achieve and maintain adequate levels of coverage or reimbursement for Optimizer systems or any future products the company may seek to commercialize; competitive companies and technologies in the industry; the company’s ability to expand its indications and develop and commercialize additional products and enhancements to its current products; the company’s business model and strategic plans for its products, technologies and business, including its implementation thereof; the company’s ability to expand, manage and maintain its direct sales and marketing organization; the company’s ability to commercialize or obtain regulatory approvals for CCM therapy and its products, or the effect of delays in commercializing or obtaining regulatory approvals; FDA or other U.S. or foreign regulatory actions affecting us or the healthcare industry generally, including healthcare reform measures in the United States and international markets; the timing or likelihood of regulatory filings and approvals; and the company’s ability to establish and maintain intellectual property protection for CCM therapy and products or avoid claims of infringement. The company does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements and expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the company’s views as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release.

Rohan More, Global Vice President of Marketing
Impulse Dynamics

Ian Segal, Public and Media Relations Manager
Impulse Dynamics

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8924737

أبرمت شركة كومبا تيليكوم ليمتد اتفاقية إطارية متعددة السنوات مع شركة دو الرائدة للاتصالات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة لتسهيل توسع الشبكة وتطورها

ھونج كونج  -19  أيلول 2023 – أعلنت الیوم شركة كومبا تیلیكوم سیستمز ھولدینجز لیمتد (“كومبا تیلیكوم” أو “المجموعة” رمز الأسهم ببورصة هونغ كونغ: 2342)، وهي شركة عالمية رائدة في توفير الحلول اللاسلكية، أنها قد أبرمت اتفاقية إطارية متعددة السنوات مع شركة دو، من شركة الإمارات للاتصالات المتكاملة (EITC) لتسهيل توسيع شبكتها وتطورها.

بموجب الاتفاقية الإطارية الجديدة، تزود كومبا تيليكوم شركة دو بمجموعة واسعة من أحدث الهوائيات للمحطة الأساسية مع الملحقات لتعزيز توسع شبكتها وتطورها؛ وستكون الاتفاقية الاطارية الجديدة هذه مكملا للاتفاقيات الاطارية القائمة التي وقعتها شركة كومبا مع شركة دو عام 2021، لتقديم منتجات نظام تقوية تغطية الجوال الثابتة داخل الأبنية وأجهزة إعادة إرسال الإشارة، مما يعزز مكانة شركة كومبا تيليكوم كمورد موثوق به ويعتمد عليه في سوق الاتصالات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

وقد ذكرت السیدة / أنابِل ھُوَ ، كبیرة نواب رئیس المجموعة ورئیس كومبا تیلیكوم إنترناشونال ” أننا متحمسون بإبرام الاتفاقیة الاطاریة متعددة السنوات مع شركة دو، حیث إن ھذه الاتفاقية الجديدة تعد بمثابة شھادة على التزامنا بتمكین دو من بناء بنیة تحتیة للشبكات الخضراء مستقبلية وعالیة الكفاءة من خلال التكنولوجیا وابتكار المنتجات، مما یعزز مكانتنا كبائع موثوق به ویعتمد علیه في سوق الاتصالات في الإمارات العربیة المتحدة.

كمورد رائد للأنظمة اللاسلكیة وأنظمة الاتصالات، تعمل شركة كومبا تیلیكوم على استكشاف وابتكار تقنیات جدیدة وأصدرت سلسلة منتجات ھوائیات ھلیفید جرین ذات التفكیر المستقبلي تضمن مفاھیم التصمیم الصدیق للبیئة ومنخفضة الكربون طوال دورة

حیاة المنتج بأكملھا، لدعم المشغلین في تحقیق أھداف الحیاد الكربوني في جمیع أنحاء العالم . حیث تم تجربة ھوائیات ھلیفید جرین ذات التفكیر المستقبلي في العدید من الشبكات التجریبیة لمشغلي المستوى 1 لإنشاء مكاسب إضافیة للھوائیات على الھوائیات التقلیدیة لتقلیل استھلاك الطاقة في الموقع بشكل فعال.

وقد ذكر السيد / سليم البلوشي، الرئيس التنفيذي للتكنولوجيا في شركة دو، انه يسعدنا التعاون مع شركة كومبا تيليكوم في قيادة التغيير التحويلي داخل المشهد الرقمي المتطور من خلال شبكة دو، حيث توفر شركة دو البنية التحتية للشبكة الأفضل في فئة الشبكات الذكية التي تغير نمط الحياة وطريقة عمل الشركات في جميع أنحاء الإمارات العربية المتحدة. وذلك أننا نركز على الابتكار والأداء والريادة العملية في الصناعة، حيث إن سجل شركة كومبا تيليكوم حافل بالإنجازات وتتوافق منتجات الهوائيات المتطور ة تماما مع التزامنا بتلبية الاحتياجات المتنوعة لعملائنا، وتمكين التحول الرقمي وتقديم أفضل تجارب لشبكة الاتصالات .

نبذة عن شركة كومبا تيليكوم سيستمز هولدينجز ليمتد

إن شركة كومبا تيليكوم هي مزود حلول لاسلكية رائد عالميا مع مرافق البحث والتطوير الخاصة بها وقاعدة التصنيع وفرق المبيعات والخدمات. حيث تقدم حزمة كاملة من المنتجات والخدمات بما في ذلك هوائيات المحطة الأساسية والأنظمة الفرعية والاتصالات

اللاسلكية والتعزيز اللاسلكي والإرسال اللاسلكي لعملائها حول العالم؛ حيث يقبع المقر الرئيسي للشركة في هونغ كونغ. حيث توفر إمكانات التصنيع ومراكز البحث والتطوير المتقدمة؛ كما توفر كومبا تيليكوم حلول الاتصالات اللاسلكية وخدمات تطبيقات المعلومات للعملاء في أكثر من 100 دولة ومنطقة حول العالم . فقد تم ادراج المجموعة في مؤشر هانغ سنغ المركب للشركات الصغيرة ومؤشر هانغ سنغ المركب للصناعة – تكنولوجيا المعلومات . وفي يناير 2023 ، تم إدراج شركة كومبا تيليكوم بنجاح على اللوحة الرئيسية لبورصة سنغافورة للأوراق المالية تريدينغ ليميتد، بتقديمها تحت رمز الأسهم (STC).

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة الموقع التالي:www.combatelecom.com

نبذة عن دو : نبذة عن دو:

تعمل دو تحت مظلة شركة الإمارات للاتصالات المتكاملة على إحداث تحولات إيجابية عبر جميع المجالات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية إلى جانب تعزيز التحول الرقمي في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. وتمكنت الشركة بناءً على استراتيجيتها الهادفة إلى تطوير واستقدم أحدث الابتكارات الرقمية التي تركز على الارتقاء بمختلف جوانب تجربة وحياة العملاء، من توسيع قاعدة المشتركين في خدماتها لتصل إلى نحو 9 مليون عميل خلال فترة زمنية قصيرة. وتعمل الشركة على تمكين جميع شرائح عملائها من التواصل بشكل سلس إلى جانب تعزيز نمو عمليات عملائها من المؤسسات. ورسخت دو مكانتها في السوق كشريك موثوق في مجال خدمات الاتصال وحلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات من خلال الالتزام برؤيتها التي أطلقتها منذ تأسيسها والهادفة إلى إعادة رسم معالم قطاع الاتصال والوصول إلى مستقبل متصل ومستدام. وإلى جانب توفير خدمات الاتصال الأساسية، تقدّم دو محفظة متكاملة من أحدث حلول وتقنيات البنية التحتية لمشروع المدينة الذكية إلى جانب حلول وتقنيات متطورة ومخصصة في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات وتخزين وحماية البيانات للجهات الحكومية والمؤسسات عبر كافة القطاعات بمختلف أحجامها فضلاً عن خدمات عالية الجودة في مجال الترفيه المنزلي.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة الموقع التالي:  http://du.ae

وللاطلاع على استفسارات وسائل الإعلام، يرجى الاتصال بـ

قسم تسويق الشركات في شركة كومبا للاتصالات

Miya Lin

البريد الإلكتروني: marketing@comba-telecom.com

Comba Telecom Awarded Multi-Year BSA Frame Agreement with UAE’s leading Operator du for Network Expansion and Evolution

HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 19 September 2023 – Comba Telecom Systems Holdings Limited (“Comba Telecom” or “the Group”, SEHK stock code: 2342), a global leading wireless solutions provider, today announced that it had been awarded a multi-year frame agreement with du, from Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (EITC), to facilitate its network expansion and evolution.

Under the new frame agreement, Comba Telecom will equip du with a wide range of cutting-edge Base Station Antennas and Ancillaries to enhance its network expansion and evolution.  This new frame agreement will build on the existing frame agreements that Comba signed with du in 2021 for supplying IBS passive products and repeaters, further strengthening Comba Telecom’s position as a trusted and reliable vendor in the UAE telecommunications market.

Ms. Annabel Huo, Senior Vice President of the Group and President of Comba Telecom International, said “We are excited to be awarded the multi-year frame agreement with du.This new agreement is a testament to our commitment to enabling du to build future-proof, high-efficient, and green network infrastructure through technology and product innovation. It further solidifies our position as a trusted and reliable vendor in the telecommunications market.”

As a leading provider of wireless and communications systems, Comba Telecom continues to explore and innovate new technologies and has released the forward-thinking HelifeedGreen Antenna product series that incorporates green and low-carbon design concepts throughout the entire product life cycle, to support operators in achieving carbon neutrality targets worldwide. The HelifeedGreen Antenna has been verified in multiple tier-1 operators’ trial networks to create additional antenna gains over traditional antennas to cut site energy consumption effectively.

Mr. Saleem AlBalooshi, Chief Technology Officer at du, said, “We are thrilled to collaborate with Comba Telecom in driving transformative change within the evolving digital landscape through the du network. du provides best-in-class network infrastructure and smart networks that transform lives and businesses across the UAE. As we focus on innovation, performance, and pragmatic industry leadership, Comba’s exceptional track record and cutting-edge antenna products align perfectly with our commitment to meeting the diverse needs of our customers, enabling digital transformation and delivering the best network experiences.”

About Comba Telecom Systems Holdings Limited

Comba Telecom is a global leading wireless solutions provider with its own R&D facilities, manufacturing base, and sales and service teams. The Group offers a comprehensive suite of products and services including base station antennas and subsystems, wireless access, wireless enhancement, and wireless transmission to its global customers. Headquartered in Hong Kong, with advanced manufacturing and R&D capabilities, Comba Telecom provides wireless communication solutions and information application services to customers in more than 100 countries and regions around the world. The Group has been included in the Hang Seng Composite SmallCap Index and Hang Seng Composite Industry Index – Information Technology. In Jan 2023, Comba Telecom successfully listed on the Mainboard of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited by way of an introduction under the stock code “STC”. For further information, please visit: www.comba-telecom.com.

About du

Operating under the steadfast umbrella of Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (EITC), du is an integral driver of the UAE’s economic, social and digital transformation. Thriving on digitally innovating all facets of the contemporary telecom experience, we touch the lives of millions of customers everyday as a dedicated enabler of connectivity, continuity and growth across consumer and enterprise segments. Whether delivering state-of-the-art Smart City infrastructure, bespoke enterprise ICT solutions, government communications, secure data solutions, or the very best in home entertainment and value, we are a reliable telco and ICT player shaping the future of communication for a more connected tomorrow.


For media inquiries, please feel free to contact:

Corporate Marketing Department of Comba Telecom

Mia Lin

E-mail: marketing@comba-telecom.com


Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship launches competition for Sustainable Development Goals innovations

Young people aged 11 to 24 can now register for the annual World Series of Innovation

NEW YORK, NY, Sept. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Interested in solving some of the biggest challenges facing humanity? Starting today, young people aged 11 to 24 can compete for cash prizes in the annual World Series of Innovation (WSI), presented by education nonprofit Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) and Aramco.

Prizes range from $300 to $1,500 with challenges focused on advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Eligible teams and individuals worldwide can sign up at innovation.nfte.com.

Each year, WSI unlocks the potential of young visionaries, empowering learners to embrace their inherent creativity and become architects of change. NFTE believes the entrepreneurial mind is well-suited to ideate solutions for sustainable development challenges—from hunger and social justice to climate change. In addition to presenting creative solutions to preserve our future, thousands of WSI competitors will develop the entrepreneurial mindset and practice design-thinking skills.

“Encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation among our youth is very important to Aramco.  By challenging young minds to think about issues like sustainability and socially responsible economic growth, the NFTE and exciting programs like the World Series of Innovation are developing future business leaders and teaching them how to find solutions.” said Feda Al-Tuwaijri, Aramco Head of Corporate Citizenship.

Dr. J.D. LaRock, NFTE President and CEO adds, “NFTE’s previous World Series of Innovation competitions have shown us that students are showing us adults the way forward in solving the world’s most pressing challenges — from a business that recycles seaweed for use as construction materials, to a platform that provides accessible financial literacy, to a solution that uses satellite data to draw connections between climate change, mosquito populations, and disease outbreaks.  The young people who will enter this year’s competition will do even more to drive innovation.”

Each fall, NFTE announces a new set of WSI challenges as a lead-up to Global Entrepreneurship Week. The robust global competition concludes December 11, and winners will be announced on April 15, 2024, during the World Creativity and Innovation Week.

This year’s six online challenges will advance the following UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • SDG 3, Good Health and Well-Being
  • SDG 8, Skills for Success: Citi Foundation
  • SDG 11, Connected Cities: Aramco
  • SDG 15, Biodiversity
  • SDG 13, Subscription Economy: Zuora
  • SDG 16, Inclusive AI: Ernst & Young LLP (EY US)

Learn more about the latest set of NFTE WSI innovation challenges, the sponsoring organizations, and the prizes being offered at innovation.nfte.com.

See some of the winning entries from previous challenges at innovation.nfte.com/results.

For media inquiries regarding NFTE, please contact Vanessa Hsia at 929-551-3813 or vanessa@thetascgroup.com; or Denise Berkhalter at 917-281-4362 or marketing@nfte.com.
About NFTE
Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) ignites the entrepreneurial mindset with unique learning experiences that empower students to own their futures. A global nonprofit founded in 1987, NFTE provides high-quality entrepreneurship education to middle school, high school and postsecondary students. NFTE brings the power of entrepreneurship to students, regardless of family income, community resources, special needs, gender identity, race, or ethnicity. NFTE has educated more than a million students, delivering our programs in school, out of school, in-person, online, or through hybrid models. Visit nfte.com to learn more.

About Aramco
Aramco is a global integrated energy and chemicals company. We are driven by our core belief that energy is opportunity. From producing approximately one in every eight barrels of the world’s oil supply to developing new energy technologies, our global team is dedicated to creating impact in all that we do. We focus on making our resources more dependable, more sustainable and more useful. This helps promote stability and long-term growth around the world. www.aramco.com


Denise Berkhalter
Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE)

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8924321

George Mason University is Virginia’s Top University for Social Mobility and a Top 50 National Public University

Fairfax, VA, Sept. 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Multiple national college rankings released in recent weeks have placed George Mason University among America’s top 50 public universities, top 100 among all public and private institutions, and Virginia’s No. 1 university for social mobility.

Released today, U.S. News & World Report’s Best Colleges 2024 rankings puts Mason at #51 among all public universities and #105 among all universities nationwide. Mason retains its top 20 ranking position for innovation and improved to a top 50 (#49) university for veterans, according to these national rankings.

“The rankings are confirming what we here at Mason and Virginians have known for some time; based on our performance, George Mason University is one of America’s top 50 public universities,” Mason President Gregory Washington said. “Further, today’s rankings reflect the value and performance families are looking for from a college education, and Mason’s year-over-year enrollment increases and placement of our graduates confirm that we are now a destination for graduates from Virginia and beyond.”

Overall rankings 

Mason is now a top 50 public university in the Wall Street Journal Best Colleges in the U.S. (#33, up from #95) and Forbes America’s Top Colleges (#40). In addition, U.S. News & World Report put Mason in a tie at #51 (up from #64) among public universities, and Washington Monthly National University Rankings ranked Mason 60th among public universities.

Among all universities, both public and private, Mason earns a tied ranking of 105th from U.S. News (up from #137), 95th with the Wall Street Journal (up from #179 in 2021), 93rd with Forbes, and 91st with Washington Monthly (up from #94).

Social mobility

The most significant change in this year’s rankings is the addition of social mobility factors to ranking methodologies, in recognition of growing public demand for more affordable, inclusive, and accessible universities. Mason places No. 1 in Virginia across all rankings that measure social mobility. Among public universities nationwide, Mason ranks #41 with the Wall Street Journal and #34 with Washington Monthly, both for social mobility, and #19 in the New York Times Top U.S. Colleges with the Greatest Economic Diversity.

“All students deserve access to a college education and experience that will deliver on a promise to transform their lives and set them up for lifelong success. Mason delivers in access, innovation, excellence, and opportunity. We are not just in the education business—we are in the success business,” added Washington.

Other national recognitions 

These high-profile rankings follow other recent scores that highlight Mason for being one of America’s most inclusive and welcoming universities. FIRE, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, updated its rankings this month, naming Mason No. 8 in the nation for First Amendment observation, up from 17th last year.

Campus Pride also gave Mason its “Best of the Best” designation again for offering safe and welcoming campuses to the LGBTQ+ community, one of just 30 universities in the nation and the only university in Virginia to earn this distinction.

“The measurements of success are starting to change to favor institutions that are more inclusive and less exclusive,” Washington said. “That adjustment is long overdue. Mason is all about helping hard-working students reach their Point B, no matter where their Point A happens to be.”

The university’s total student enrollment has surpassed 40,000 this year, a first for the Commonwealth of Virginia, including the largest freshman class in school history with 4,500 students. Mason’s graduation rates are higher than the national average. In addition, 86% of recent graduates are employed in the greater Washington, D.C. area and 89% in positions related to their career goals.

Currently, about one in four Mason students is in the first generation of their family to attend college, and a slightly higher percentage of Mason students qualifies for Federal Pell Grants, which are awarded to undergraduates with exceptional financial need.

This year, U.S. News also ranked several of Mason’s undergraduate programs in the top 100 nationally, including business, economics, psychology, computer science, and teaching.

Over the years, Mason has been recognized in the numerous college rankings as Virginia’s top public university for diversity, innovation, cybersecurity, homeland security, service to military veterans, and service to students outside the traditional college ages. Check out all of Mason’s updated rankings: gmu.edu/news/rankings.

About George Mason University

George Mason University is Virginia’s largest public research university. Located near Washington, D.C., Mason enrolls more than 40,000 students from 130 countries and all 50 states. Mason has grown rapidly over the past half-century and is recognized for its innovation and entrepreneurship, remarkable diversity, and commitment to accessibility. In 2023, the university launched Mason Now: Power the Possible, a one-billion-dollar comprehensive campaign to support student success, research, innovation, community, and sustainability. www.gmu.edu.

John Hollis
George Mason University

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8924300