‫DigiZag تحصد تمويلاً مكوناً من 7 أرقام خلال جولة التمويل الأولى من الفئة “أ” لتعزيز مشهد التسويق بالعمولة في منطقة الخليج العربي

أيلول 14 سبتمبر, 2023، عمّان- الأردن؛ أعلنت DigiZag، الشركة المختصّة في مجال الإعلان الرقمي والتسويق بالعمولة، عن إنهاء جولة التمويل الأولى من الفئة “أ” (Series A) بقيادة صندوق الاستثمار في الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة، المدار من قبل مجموعة العربي للاستثمار AB Invest، وذلك كجزء من استراتيجيّتها الرامية إلى زيادة توسّعها وتواجدها وتقدّمها الرقمي في أسواق الخليج العربي.

تأسست الشركة الأردنية DigiZag في العام 2015، لتعمل على توفير أحدث الحلول التقنيّة في مجال التسويق القائم على الأداء (الدفع بناءً على النتائج المحققة)، وذلك من خلال توظيف واحد من أكثر النماذج تنافسيّة وفاعليّة، حيث تتيح هذه الشركة المتطوّرة الفرصة أمام مختلف الشركات والمؤسّسات لزيادة عائداتها ورفع نسبة مبيعاتها من خلال حملات التسويق بالعمولة الموجّهة، مع الحفاظ على الإنفاق التسويقي في الحد الأدنى، ودون أي مخاطر. كما تعمل على تزويد عملائها بأدوات سهلة الاستخدام لمساعدتهم على التنبؤ وقياس العائد من الإنفاق على الإعلانات، إلى جانب تتبع الأداء في زمنه الفعلي، والتوسّع في الوصول إلى الجمهور المستهدف من المستهلكين بدقّة وكفاءة، عبر استخدام شبكة من المسوّقين والمؤثّرين الخبراء في العالم العربي.

ولقد علّق سيف عطعوط، المؤسس والمدير التنفيذي في DigiZag، على حصول الشركة على جولة التمويل الأولى من الفئة “أ” قائلاً: “سعادتنا كبيرة بهذه الشراكة المثمرة، وبهذا التمويل الذي سيمكننا من تعزيز حضور العلامة التجاريّة DigiZag وفريق العمل في البلدان المستهدفة للنهوض بمستوى التسويق الرقمي في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا وتطويره والارتقاء به، حيث سنعمل على خدمة المزيد من العملاء، ومساعدة شركات جديدة في المنطقة على تحقيق أهدافها التسويقيّة، والتفوّق في عالم التسويق بالعمولة”.

بدوره، أعرب رعد فاخوري، الشريك المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي للعمليّات في DigiZag، عن أهميّة هذا التعاون قائلاً: “سيمنحنا هذا التمويل المزيد من المرونة المالية للاستثمار في حلول رقميّة مبتكرة لمواكبة العالم الرقمي دائم التطوّر، وإضافة مجموعة من الخدمات الجديدة إلى قائمة الخدمات الحاليّة المقدّمة، وتقديم أدوات من شأنها تبسيط عملية التسويق بالعمولة أمام المسوّقين؛ الذين لطالما كانوا أهم وأبرز عوامل نجاح وتقدّم DigiZag منذ لحظة انطلاقها وحتّى يومنا الحالي”.

من جانبه، علّق جميل عنز، المدير التنفيذي لصندوق الاستثمار في الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة، على هذا الاستثمار قائلاً: “نتطلع قدماً إلى الشراكة مع DigiZag، وسنقوم بالعمل سوياً على تسريع النمو الإقليمي للشركة ومأسستها، وبناء فريقها المهني والمختص لتعزيز وجودها كشركة رائدة في مجال التسويق الرقمي في أسواق الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا”.

ومن الجدير بالذكر أن DigiZag قد نجحت في تحقيق نمو سنوي مطرد تراوح بين 25 و30% على مدار الثلاث سنوات الماضية، وذلك من خلال خدمة ما يزيد عن 300 عميل، وبدعم من المسوّقين الذين تجاوز عددهم ال3000 من مختلف البلدان العربيّة.

تم توزيعها بواسطة APO Group بالنيابة عن DigiZag.

تحميل الصورة: https://apo-opa.info/3LpuoRQ (سيف عطعوط، المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة DigiZag، ورعد فاخوري، المؤسس المشارك والمدير التنفيذي للعمليات في DigiZag)

DigiZag Secures Seven-Figure Funding “Series A” to Boost the Gulf’s Performance Marketing Scene

AMMAN, JORDAN – EQS Newswire – 14 September 2023 – Digital advertising and performance marketing company, DigiZag (www.DigiZag.com), secured a 7-figure “Series A” funding from the SME Investment Fund managed by Al-Arabi Investment Group as part of its expansion strategy, which aims to increase DigiZag’s market presence and digital advancement in the GCC region.

Established in 2015, the Jordanian company, DigiZag offers cutting-edge technology-enabled solutions in the field of performance-based marketing with a business model that focuses on payment based on achieved results. With its advanced platform, DigiZag provides companies and institutions with the opportunity to boost their revenues and increase sales through targeted customer acquisition marketing campaigns that minimize marketing spending and eliminate any associated risks.

With access to DigiZag’s easy-to-use tools, customers can effectively predict and measure the return on their advertising spend, receive real-time performance tracking indicators, grow their brand, and expand target reach by using a network of marketers and expert influencers from across the Arab world.

Saif Atout, the Founder and CEO of DigiZag, expressed his excitement toward the Series A and the company’s future prospects, emphasizing that the “funding will play a pivotal role in expanding the presence of the DigiZag brand and team within the targeted countries. At the current moment, our primary objective is to elevate the standards of digital marketing in the MENA region, focusing on its development and enhancement.” Atout further reiterated DigiZag’s commitment to serving an increased customer base, assisting new regional companies in attaining their marketing objectives, and excelling in the realm of performance marketing.

Furthermore, Raad Fakhoury, Co-Founder and COO of DigiZag, stressed the importance of this milestone, saying, “This partnership will provide us with increased financial flexibility, allowing us to invest in innovative digital solutions to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. Additionally, it will enable us to expand our range of services by introducing new offerings to simplify the performance-based marketing process of our suppliers, which has always been DigiZag’s priority since its inception.”

For his part, Jameel Anz, Managing Director of the SME Investment Fund, commented, “We look forward to partnering with DigiZag. Together, we will expedite the company’s regional expansion, establish strong institutional foundations, and cultivate a proficient and specialized team, elevating its position as a prominent player in the digital marketing field across the Middle East and North Africa markets.”

It is noteworthy that DigiZag has achieved consistent annual growth, with a range of 25 to 30%, over the past three years—attributed to their successful collaboration with over 300 customers and the invaluable support of over 3,000 marketers from various Arab countries.

FreedomPay Announces Strategic Partnership with PAX Technology, Inc. for Enhanced Global Commerce Solutions

The collaboration unleashes a Next Level customer experience enriched with loyalty and value-added services for millions of global customers.


FreedomPay, the preferred commerce technology platform for global industries including hospitality, lodging, retail and more, today announces its collaboration with PAX Technology, Inc., one of the largest electronic payment solution providers in the world.

Available in Q2 2024, FreedomPay will introduce PAX Technology devices to enable a secure, seamless, and unified checkout experience for consumers while empowering merchants with FreedomPay’s robust loyalty programs and data analytics capabilities. This partnership reinforces FreedomPay’s commitment to fostering an open and accessible ecosystem for its merchants and industry partners.

“FreedomPay is dedicated to delivering an unparalleled consumer experience by prioritizing speed, security and personalization,” said Chris Kronenthal, President of FreedomPay. “By teaming up with PAX Technology, merchants worldwide can now offer merchants and consumers a Next Level commerce experience.”

The partnership signals a new era of commerce excellence for merchants and consumers globally. With the inclusion of cutting-edge 4G wireless connectivity, merchants can now enjoy seamless and rapid transactions. PAX Technology’s all-in-one devices, integrating both point-of-sale and payments, streamlines operations and simplifies the checkout experience.

“This collaboration with FreedomPay combines cutting-edge commerce technology with industry-leading payment acceptance hardware solutions, driving global commerce by facilitating secure transactions for both consumers and businesses,” said Andy Chau, PAX Technology, Inc. President & CEO. “Our Android line of terminals will provide an extremely flexible payment solution for FreedomPay, and their customers.”

About FreedomPay
FreedomPay’s Next Level Commerce™ platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge and enables merchants to unleash the power of pay. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay’s technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce.

The company maintains a world-class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay’s robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in-store, online and on-mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale. www.freedompay.com

About PAX Technology, Inc.
PAX Technology, Inc.is one of the largest electronic payment solution providers in the world, with 70 million terminals located in over 120 countries. As a leading global manufacturer of payment solutions, we are committed to delivering innovative, high-quality, and secure payment solutions to businesses, large and small, worldwide. To learn more visit www.pax.us.

Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies for FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8921905

The 2023 CBI Index – the ultimate cross-jurisdictional investment tool launched

Showcasing the best countries to invest in this year

London, Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, the seventh edition of the CBI Index launched, providing captivating insights into the world’s top investment migration programmes in 2023.

From inception, the CBI Index, published in partnership with the Financial Times’ Private Wealth Magazine has been comprehensively ranking operational Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programmes for almost a decade – making it the ultimate cross-jurisdictional investment tool for global investors. The CBI Index is a trusted source both for those who wish to compare CBI programmes as a whole, and for those who wish to compare specific aspects of each programme.

The Index has evolved to become more than just a ranking tool, over the years it has established itself as a trusted voice in the industry, dissecting and gleaning important insights and trends that drive the investment migration sector. This year is no different, the industry has seen the biggest shake-up since the pandemic and investors require a legitimate sounding board with which to base their investment decisions.

“The CBI Index remains as one of the most important planning tools for global investors looking to include citizenship by investment products in their portfolios. It is well known that the CBI industry is a fragmented one, with different countries managing their own unique programmes, each with varying benefits, requirements, and regulations. Consequently, it can be challenging for investors to evaluate the relative merits of each programme. The purpose of the CBI Index, therefore, is to bring value to the CBI industry by providing a data-driven and practical tool for appraising programmes and facilitating the decision-making process for individuals considering them,” says James McKay, creator of the CBI Index and independent research consultant with expertise in global trend analyses.

The CBI Index assesses the performance and appeal of CBI programmes across a diverse range of indicators and measures by isolating factors — or ‘pillars’ — that measure programme features and the desirability of different jurisdictions. The pillars have been chosen for their relevance and comprehensiveness of measurement, and include:

  1. Standard of Living
  2. Freedom of Movement
  3. Minimum Investment Outlay
  4. Mandatory Travel or Residence
  5. Citizenship Timeline
  6. Ease of Processing
  7. Due Diligence
  8. Family
  9. Certainty of Product

The intricate combination of benchmarking, statistical analysis, and comparative investigation is what makes the CBI Index the number one tool for cross-jurisdictional planning for investors looking to set up their businesses, grow their assets and even find a new home for their families in different markets.

Caribbean nations still retain top spots

This year, St Kitts and Nevis took the coveted top spot, beating 11 other nations with active CBI programmes including Antigua & Barbuda, Austria, Cambodia, Dominica, Egypt, Grenada, Jordan, Malta, Saint Lucia, Türkiye and Vanuatu.

The Caribbean nations of St Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia and, Antigua and Barbuda took the top five spots in the 2023 CBI Index, indicating once again that the Caribbean has the most attractive CBI programmes in the world.

Despite global industry-wide challenges, St Kitts and Nevis took first place at 86 per cent and scored top marks in almost all pillars, cementing itself once again as a leader in the industry. Each of the nine pillars is scored out of a maximum of ten points and St Kitts and Nevis got full marks for Mandatory Travel or Residence, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence and Certainty of Product.

Dominica took second place, at 83 per cent and attained full marks for Minimum Investment Outlay, Mandatory Travel or Residence and Ease of Processing.

Grenada and Saint Lucia shared third place 80 per cent, while Antigua and Barbuda took fifth place, at 73 per cent.

Increased global scrutiny requires agile solutions

This year marked one of the most eventful for the investment migration industry, thanks to the pressures from the United States, United Kingdom, and European Union, exercising their clout in requiring CBI nations to prove that their programmes are indeed not providing a gateway for illicit characters.

Political pressure to suspend CBI programmes has caused much anxiety in the industry – threatening the existence of many programmes which are crucial in channelling much needed foreign direct investment to small island nations.

St Kitts and Nevis retained its top position in the due diligence category as it is the country leading the way in strengthening the legislative framework for its Programme, closing all loopholes relating to real estate investment and development projects. The St Kitts and Nevis Programme stands as one of the most regulated in the industry, showcasing the twin-island’s seriousness when it comes to the integrity of its offering.

Despite external pressures, it must be noted, Dominica was the first Caribbean nation to implement all ‘Six Principles’ agreed upon with the United States at the Roundtable held in February 2023. The ‘Six Principles’ include mandatory interviews for applicants aged 16 years and older and the revocation of passports from citizens who were dishonest in their applications.

Other nations in the Caribbean have followed suit, taking an agile and collaborative approach in responding to the global West.

CBI Index, still the most trusted cross-jurisdictional planning tool

The CBI Index has been published annually for seven years and remains as the most trusted source for global investors looking to expand their portfolios through citizenship by investment.

All 12 CBI programmes are measured according to nine pillars with reliance being placed on official sources and data publications from institutions of the highest international standing, as well as on the specialised input of industry experts, whose contributions and responses were used to obtain and interpret both qualitative and quantitative data used in the construction of the CBI Index.

In the 2023 CBI Index, the Freedom of Movement Pillar measures the relative strength of each country’s citizenship on the basis of three equally weighted factors: the number of destinations to which a country’s passport allows travel without restriction; the number of prime business hubs to which it provides access; and the degree to which a given citizenship provides settlement rights in other nations.

The Standard of Living Pillar is a measure of the level of wealth, comfort, and material goods offered by the 12 CBI jurisdictions under assessment. This pillar is vital to those who yearn to relocate and to secure a prosperous and fulfilling lifestyle as well as for those wanting to take advantage of local business opportunities or seeking additional geographical diversification for their assets.

The Minimum Investment Outlay Pillar measures one of the most practical and foremost considerations of CBI: how much capital is required for the investor to become an eligible applicant for the programme of their choosing.

The Mandatory Travel or Residence Pillar examines the travel or residence conditions imposed on applicants both before and after the granting of citizenship. Often busy with running a business or international travel, global citizens have little time to fulfil minimum stay requirements.

The Citizenship Timeline Pillar looks at the average time taken for citizenship to be secured by the applicant. The time at which application forms and supporting documentation are processed, and
the steps involved in approving an application, vary between programmes. Therefore, a thorough inspection of applicable laws, regulations, and policies was made to determine the official processing times mandated by each jurisdiction.

The Ease of Processing Pillar measures the end-to-end complexity of the CBI application process. In some jurisdictions, the application process can be a labour-intensive and painstaking task that is time-consuming for the applicant; in others, it is streamlined, and the applicant receives clear directives on how to proceed.

The Due Diligence Pillar, one of the most important, focuses on each nation’s commitment to ensuring that their programme remains transparent and effective at evaluating potential candidates for citizenship. It is, therefore, a measure of each programme’s integrity.

The Family Pillar measures the extent to which investors can obtain citizenship for their immediate and extended family. The CBI Index recognises that the rise of increasingly complex family relationships is driving investors to seek programmes that allow for a more diverse range of family members to be included under a primary application. While most CBI programmes provide for the inclusion of spouses and minor children, only a handful of countries do so for adult children and extended family.

The Certainty of Product Pillar encompasses a range of factors that measure a programme’s certainty across five different dimensions: longevity, popularity and renown, stability, reputation and adaptability. With the CBI industry currently in a state of flux amid a tightening regulatory landscape, it is more important than ever to provide investors with a means of differentiating a programme’s relative robustness.


CBI Index Communications
CBI Index

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8922219

Richard Curtis releases new version of famous Al Pacino ‘locker room’ scene to mark that the world is at halftime on Sustainable Development Goals

Al Pacino still from ‘Inches (with Al Pacino)| The Global Goals | Halftime 2023’

Al Pacino still from ‘Inches (with Al Pacino)| The Global Goals | Halftime 2023’

  • The world is at ‘Halftime’ when it comes to achieving 2030 Sustainable Development Goals – but only 15% are on track to be met
  • Richard Curtis releases new version of Pacino’s famous locker room speech to mark this halftime point

LONDON, Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Filmmaker and Sustainable Development Goal Advocate Richard Curtis and his organisation Project Everyone are releasing a special version of the famous ‘Inch by Inch’ locker room speech, delivered by Al Pacino in the Warner Bros. Pictures film Any Given Sunday.

The new cut of the scene puts it into the context of reaching ‘halftime’ for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and includes new lines especially recorded for this version of the scene by Mr Pacino.

The film is being launched today [14 September] to highlight the fact that the world is now at Halftime when it comes to the SDGs.

The SDGs are a collection of 17 goals agreed by world leaders at the United Nations in 2015 which aim to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all by 2030.

However, only 15% of the Goals are on track to be met, with the triple impact of COVID-19, conflict, and the climate crisis reversing years of hard-earned progress.

The film is being released as leaders prepare to gather at the UN General Assembly in New York. To highlight that the world is at Halftime when it comes to the Goals, renowned artist Es Devlin has designed and built a unique art installation at UNHQ – the SDG Pavilion – which is kicking off with a ‘Halftime Show’ at 7 pm EST on Monday 18 September featuring global talent and world leaders.

Richard Curtis said: “The Halftime Campaign asks everyone to come together to achieve the SDGs by 2030. I’m genuinely optimistic that with the right action and political will, in seven years, we could be looking back at one of the greatest second-half comebacks of all time. It has been very exciting to work with Al Pacino’s extraordinary speech to illustrate the passion and sense of urgency that is needed to turn things around.”

Video Courtesy of Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
ANY GIVEN SUNDAY and all related characters and elements © ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s23)

Media contact: cbull@goodnesspr.co.uk

A video accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/2bcc4f3a-f733-4233-8321-2572934c8967

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/dc4d4e06-625c-41e0-929a-d7be3d7d35ac

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000839446

Women’s Rights Organizations Unite to Launch Hurra Coalition, Paving the Way for Family Law Reform in MENA

BEIRUT, Lebanon, Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Inequality in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is being perpetuated by family laws that curtail the legal rights of women and girls in areas such as marriage, divorce, custody, and wives’ financial rights. To end this gender-based discrimination, leading women’s rights organizations from countries MENA have gathered in Doha for the public launch of the Hurra Coalition, which aims to reform family laws at the national and regional levels in compliance with international human rights standards.

Discriminatory family laws

While diverse in culture and history, MENA countries share common ground in penal codes governing family issues. This encompasses a complex tapestry of civil, religious, and customary laws and practices that regulate many aspects of domestic life and relationships. Often rooted in traditional and conservative religious interpretations, many family laws in the region reinforce harmful gender roles and perpetuate inequalities by discriminating on the basis of sex.

When the law renders women and girls subordinate, it reduces their decision-making power and curtails their professional, financial, and political opportunities, leaving them more vulnerable to human rights violations, including domestic abuse and sexual and gender-based violence. The harmful consequences are far-reaching, hampering countries’ development by thwarting the ability of women to reach their full potential and contribute fully to society’s progress.

Hurra Coalition

The Hurra Coalition empowers members to develop and implement campaigns to reform family law in areas such as child marriage, male guardianship, distribution of marital wealth and alimony, and child custody.

The seeds of the Coalition were sown in 2019, when international NGO Equality Now organized a convening in Lebanon bringing together a diverse group of women’s rights organizations interested in joining forces to lobby for change in their respective countries in the MENA.

Since then, the Coalition has grown into a dynamic group fostering a robust, diverse, inclusive, and collaborative women’s rights movement. Equality Now has been voted in as Secretariat of the Coalition and has been supporting and reinforcing members’ capacities in various aspects, including in campaign strategy, legal and media advocacy, engagement with policy and decision-makers, and development of active participation amongst young activists from marginalized communities.

The Coalition works in collaboration with the Global Campaign for Equality in Family Law, which unites feminist organizations from around the world advocating for governments to ensure equality in law, policy, and practice for all women, girls, and other marginalized groups. This applies to every matter relating to the family in all its diverse forms, regardless of religion and culture.

Making reform of family laws a top priority

Dr. Dima Dabbous, MENA Representative for Equality Now, explains, “Women in the MENA face severe discrimination in many aspects of their personal lives, including being limited in their ability to consent to marriage and divorce, retain custody of their children after divorce, and access their fair share of wealth in matrimony and inheritance.”

“Progress in family law reform has not only been very slow but has been reversed in some countries. We sincerely hope that the Hurra Coalition will give all members a safe space for the exchange of knowledge and expertise, and the necessary support and feeling of solidarity to address and overcome challenges of reforming family laws in the MENA.”

Laila Amili, Director of Mains Libres based in Morocco, says, “The main goal of launching the Hurra Coalition is the strong desire of associations from various Arab countries to improve the status of women, preserve their rights, and ensure their dignity is not harmed. This will only be possible through family laws that protect and emphasize women’s human rights and treat all family members fairly.”

Ghenwa Shinder, Executive Director of LECORVAW in Lebanon, outlines, “We are an association of organizations with a shared struggle and extensive experience in advocacy, training, and awareness raising about gender-based violence and the rights of women and girls.

“The Hurra Coalition encourages and supports partner organizations to carry out campaigns to reform family laws, and unifies efforts around networking and implementing joint activities and programs among members. This includes building the capacities of partner institutions, consolidating solidarity and cooperation, exchanging experiences, addressing challenges, and creating safe, broad, and free spaces for synergy with other regional networks that share the same standards and goals around guaranteeing justice for women and girls.”

Samia Melki, Executive Director of Kadirat in Tunisia, concludes, “As a founding member of the Hurra Coalition, I am very optimistic about its future because of the experience of women involved and the qualities they possess, such as selflessness, respect for others, and acceptance of difference. We are working on issues of great importance to change the lives of women in the region for the better.”

Media contacts:
Tara Carey, Equality Now Global Head of Media
E. Tcarey@equalitynow.org
T: +44 (0)7971 556 340 (available on WhatsApp)

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8921828

منظمات حقوق المرأة تتحد لإطلاق ائتلاف حُرَّة من أجل تمهيد الطريق لإصلاح قوانين الأسرة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا

تتفاقم حالة عدم المساواة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا (MENA) بسبب قوانين الأسرة التي تحُدّ من الحقوق القانونية للنساء والفتيات في مجالات مثل الزواج، والطلاق، والحضانة، والحقوق المالية للزوجات. ولإنهاء هذا التمييز القائم على النوع الاجتماعي، اجتمعت المنظمات الرائدة لحقوق المرأة في دول المنطقة في الدوحة لإطلاق ائتلاف حُرَّة، الذي يهدف إلى إصلاح قوانين الأسرة على المستويين الوطني والإقليمي بما يتوافق مع المعايير الدولية لحقوق الإنسان.

قوانين الأسرة التمييزية

رغم تنوِّع بلدان منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا من حيث الثقافة والتاريخ، إلا أنها تتقاسم أرضية مشتركة في الأطر القانونية التي تحكم قضايا الأسرة. ويشمل ذلك نسيجًا معقدًا من القوانين والممارسات المدنية والدينية والعُرفية التي تنظم العديد من جوانب الحياة والعلاقات المنزلية. يُعزّز العديد من قوانين الأسرة في المنطقة، التي غالباً ما تكون متجذرة في التفسيرات الدينية التقليدية والمُحافظة، الأدوار النمطية بين الجنسين ويرسخ عدم المساواة من خلال التمييز على أساس الجنس.

عندما يجعل القانون النساء والفتيات تابعات، فإنه يقلل من قدرتهن على اتخاذ القرار ويحُدّ من فرصهن المهنية والمالية والسياسية، ما يجعلهن أكثر عرضةً لانتهاكات حقوق الإنسان، بما في ذلك العنف المنزلي والعنف الجنسي والعنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي. العواقب الضارة لذلك بعيدة الأثر، إذ تُعيق تنمية البلدان من خلال إحباط قدرات النساء على تحقيق إمكاناتهن الكاملة والمساهمة بشكل كامل في تقدم المجتمع.

ائتلاف حُرَّة

يعمل ائتلاف حُرَّة على تمكين الأعضاء من تطوير وتنفيذ حملات لإصلاح قانون الأسرة في مجالات مثل تزويج الأطفال، ووصاية الذكور، وتوزيع الثروة الزوجية والنفقة، وحضانة الأطفال.

كانت بذور الائتلاف قد زُرعت في عام 2019، عندما نظمت منظمة Equality Now، -وهي منظمة دولية لحقوق المرأة-اجتماعًا إقليميًا في لبنان جمَع مجموعة متنوعة من منظمات حقوق المرأة المهتمة بتوحيد الجهود للضغط من أجل التغيير في بلدانها في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا.

منذ ذلك الحين، نما الائتلاف ليصبح مجموعة دينامكية تعمل على تعزيز حركة  قوية ومتنوعة وشاملة وتعاونية لحقوق المرأة. صُوِّت بالإجماع على اختيار منظمة Equality Nowللاضطلاع بمهمة أمانة الائتلاف، وعملت المنظمة على دعم وتعزيز قدرات المنظمات الأعضاء في مختلف الجوانب، بما في ذلك في استراتيجية القيام بحملات، والمناصرة القانونية والإعلامية، والمشاركة مع واضعي السياسات وصُنّاع القرار، وتطوير المشاركة الفاعلة بين صفوف الناشطين الشباب من المجتمعات المهمّشة.

يعمل الائتلاف بالتعاون مع الحملة العالمية للمساواة في قانون الأسرة، التي تجمع المنظمات النسوية من مختلف أنحاء العالم التي تدعو الحكومات إلى ضمان المساواة في القانون والسياسات والممارسات لجميع النساء والفتيات والفئات المهمشة الأخرى. وينطبق ذلك على كل ما يتعلق بالأسرة بمختلف أشكالها، بغض النظر عن الدين والثقافة.

جعل إصلاح قوانين الأسرة أولوية قصوى

توضّح الدكتورة ديما دبوس، ممثلة منظمة Equality Now في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، قائلةً: “تواجه النساء في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا تمييزًا شديدًا في العديد من جوانب حياتهن الشخصية، بما في ذلك قدرتهن المحدودة على الموافقة على الزواج والطلاق، والاحتفاظ بحضانة أطفالهن بعد الطلاق، والحصول على نصيبهن العادل من الثروة في الزواج والميراث.”

“لم يكن التقدم في إصلاح قانون الأسرة بطيئاً للغاية فحسب، بل إنه انعكس في بعض البلدان. نأمل مُخلصين أن يمنح ائتلاف حُرَّة جميع أعضائه مساحة آمنة لتبادل المعرفة والخبرات، والدعم اللازم، والشعور بالتضامن لمعالجة تحديات إصلاح قوانين الأسرة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا والتغلب عليها.”

تقول ليلى أميلي، رئيسة جمعية أيادي حُرّة في المغرب: “الهدف الأساسي من إطلاق ائتلاف حُرَّة هو الرغبة القوية لدى الجمعيات من مختلف البلدان العربية لتحسين وضع المرأة والحفاظ على حقوقها وضمان عدم المساس بكرامتها. ولن يتأتّى ذلك إلا من خلال قوانين الأسرة التي تحمي وتؤكد حقوق الإنسان للمرأة ومعاملة جميع أفراد الأسرة بإنصاف.”

أوضحت غنوة شندر، رئيسة الهيئة اللبنانية لمناهضة العنف ضد المرأة (LECORVAW) في لبنان، قائلةً: “نحن ائتلاف يضم منظمات لها نضال مشترك وخبرة واسعة في مجال المناصرة والتدريب والتوعية بشأن العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي وحقوق النساء والفتيات.”

“يشجِّع ائتلاف حُرَّة المنظمات الاعضاء ويدعمها للقيام بحملاتٍ لإصلاح قوانين الأسرة، وتوحيد الجهود حول التواصل وتنفيذ الأنشطة والبرامج المشتركة بين الأعضاء. ويشمل ذلك بناء قدرات المنظمات الشريكة، وتعزيز التضامن والتعاون، وتبادل الخبرات، والتصدي للتحديات، وخلق مساحات آمنة وحرة للتآزر مع الشبكات الإقليمية الأخرى التي تشترك في نفس المعايير والأهداف حول ضمان العدالة للنساء والفتيات.”

تختم سامية ملكي، رئيسة جمعية قادرات في تونس الحديث قائلةً: “بصفتنا عضواً مؤسّساً في ائتلاف حُرَّة، أنا متفائلة جداً بشأن مستقبل الائتلاف بسبب تجربة النساء المشارِكات والصفات التي يمتلكنها، مثل نكران الذات، واحترام الآخرين، وقبول الاختلاف. إننا نعمل لحل قضايا ذات أهمية كبرى لتغيير حياة المرأة في المنطقة نحو الأفضل.”


Zeina Khalil, Equality Now MENA Communication Officer, E: Zkhalil@equalitynow.org, T:+44 (0)7971 556 340 (available on WhatsApp)

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 3639740

TECO 2030 and Pherousa Green Shipping sign supply agreement to realize ammonia powered zero-emission deep-sea shipping


Pherousa Green Shipping 63.000 dwt Ultramax. Design Deltamarin

LYSAKER, Norway, Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TECO 2030 (OSE: TECO, OTCQX: TECFF, ISIN: NO0010887516) and Pherousa Green Shipping AS (PGS) sign green package supply agreement for up to six modern, zero-emission Ultramax dry bulk carriers of about 63.000 deadweight tons each. Each vessel will be equipped with 12 megawatts (MW) of TECO 2030 fuel cells for main propulsion onboard.

The TECO 2030 delivery scope is a green package approx. worth EUR 23 million per vessel. The delivery for TECO 2030 includes a complete system of fuel cells installed on a skid solution as well as power and automation equipment and is estimated to start shipment to shipyard by early-2026, with delivery in mid-2026. The fuel cell system will go into production at our Innovation Center in Narvik, Norway at the end of 2024.

Pherousa Green Shipping 63.000 dwt Ultramax. Design DeltamarinPherousa Green Shipping 63.000 dwt Ultramax. Design Deltamarin

A 12 MW fuel cell system will be utilized for full propulsion onboard each of the six vessels, enabling 100% emission-free operations. Each vessel will be about 63.000-deadweight tons and the first vessel is targeted for delivery Q1 2027.

The TECO 2030 fuel cell system will be installed in combination with a Pherousa Green Technologies AS’ (PGT) ammonia to hydrogen cracker. Bunkering ammonia and cracking to hydrogen on board the vessel will solve the present storage and infrastructure challenges of hydrogen as a marine fuel and thus paving the way for zero-emission deep-sea shipping.

Opting for hydrogen fuel cells in combination with an ammonia cracker allows shipowners to commence with ammonia and transition to hydrogen whenever desired, minimizing the investment risks. This approach does not only position ammonia as a viable hydrogen carrier but also enables its economic trade as a preferred fuel in shipping and complementing its traditional role in the chemical and fertilizer sector.

The total supply agreement is subject to financing of PGS’ newbuild vessels and reaching a final contract of supply, including closing price negotiations, according to industry standards.

”We are excited to team up with TECO 2030 and incorporate their Fuel Cell solution together with our own Cracking technology, permitting the Pherousa newbuildings to be the first ever fully electric deep-sea vessels on water,” said Hans Bredrup, Chairman of the Pherousa group. He further commented: “The technology combination between TECO 2030 and Pherousa doesn’t only reduce the ammonia consumption versus the ammonia fueled Internal Combustion Engines currently being developed, it also avoids burning Ammonia together with Carbon based pilot fuels” and adds: “Truly Zero-Emission by Choice.”

“We are proud to sign a firm supply agreement for six vessels with Pherousa Green Shipping, they are a young forward-thinking shipowner who wants to realize zero emissions deep-sea shipping. Pherousa is an exciting company, with a clear vision of proving that hydrogen and ammonia can be utilized to fuel tomorrow’s deep-sea vessels,” said enthusiastically Tore Enger, Group CEO, TECO 2030.

Contact TECO 2030:

Tore Enger, Group CEO, +47 92083800, tore.enger@teco2030.no

About TECO 2030:

TECO 2030 is building up Europe’s first Giga production facility of hydrogen PEM fuel cell stacks and modules in Narvik, Norway. The production capacity will be built up through 2023 and early 2024, targeting an output capacity of 400 MW of fuel cells in 2025, increasing to 1.6 GW in 2030.

TECO 2030 is a Norwegian based clean tech company developing zero-emission technology for the maritime and heavy industry. We are developing PEM hydrogen fuel cell stacks and PEM hydrogen fuel cell modules, that enable ships and other heavy-duty applications to become emissions-free. The company is listed on Euronext Growth on Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker TECO and in New York, OTCQX under the ticker TECFF. TECO2030 is a spinoff from TECO Maritime Group, a group that has provided technology and services to the global shipping industry since 1994. For more information, please visit www.teco2030.no.

Contact Pherousa Green Shipping AS:

Hans Bredrup, Chairman, +47 90951129 / +56998873036, hans@pherousa.no

About Pherousa Green Shipping AS:

Pherousa Green Shipping AS, headquartered in Oslo and established in 2023, is in the process of initiating an order for up to six modern, zero-emission Ultramax dry bulk carriers. These vessels are designed by Deltamarin in Finland and will be crewed and managed by OSM Thome Ship Management. The initial ship design is derived from an existing Deltamarin Ultramax model, but it has been modified to include the ammonia cracking technology developed by Pherousa Green Technologies AS (PGT). This technology employs ammonia as a hydrogen carrier, enabling true zero-emission propulsion.

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