Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Participates in Official Opening of Sustainable Development Goals Pavilion

HE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sultan bin Saad Al Muraikhi and HE Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Amina Mohammed participated today in the official opening ceremony of the Sustainable Development Goals Pavilion funded by the State of Qatar in partnership with the Education Above All Foundation, on the sidelines of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

The pavilion highlights the promotion of development and peace internationally to achieve sustainable development goals.

Source: Qatar News Agency

ICC Chairperson Told QNA: Qatar Made Big Steps Promoting Cricket

The Chairperson of the International Cricket Council (ICC) Greg Barclay praised the distinguished organization of the first Gulf Cricket Championship, currently held in Qatar at the West End Park International Cricket Stadium, running until September 23rd.

Six GCC national teams are participating in the championship.

Speaking to Qatar News Agency , the ICC Chairperson said: "I've been very impressed with everything that I've seen so far." He added that the entire Gulf region is a real growth area for this enjoyable sport, noting that the State of Qatar has made great strides to develop and spread this sport, training a large base of practitioners.

The ICC Chairperson explained that holding the 1st edition of the T20I Gulf Cricket Championship and the participation of six teams will help grow and spread this sport in the region over the years, thanking the Qatar Cricket Association and all those involved in holding this tournament, which is considered a great opportunity for cricketers and fans in the region.

Barclay expressed his great admiration for Qatar's success in organizing many important international cricket tournaments during the recent period, such as the Legends Masters tournament, considering that the Qatar Cricket Association plays an important role in promoting the sport, having great enthusiasm and vision, evident in the fact that it managed to successfully organize several important events.

The ICC Chairperson appreciated the Qatar Cricket Association's role in the Gulf Cricket Championship seeing the light, as it is the Association that proposed the idea of holding this tournament. He added that it is ICC's role to provide different world regions assistance and provide facilities towards promoting and supporting the game, commending the joint Gulf effort in supporting the game.

Regarding organizing the tournament annually, alternating between different Gulf countries, Barclay said that this matter is up to the organizers in the GCC, especially since regional organizers intend to organize the tournament every two years, adding that they may be looking into organizing a special tournament for women in the coming years.

The ICC Chairperson said that holding the championship every two years is a wonderful thing, expecting it to yield positive results in terms of spreading and developing the game in the region over time.

Barclay pointed out that the ICC has plans in place to spread cricket in areas of the world where it is still not very popular, which is exactly the reason behind supporting the Gulf Cricket Championship, providing organizers with all needed assistance and expertise, especially from a technical standpoint.

He continued that ICC is looking forward to organizing the Men's World Cup next year in the United States and the Caribbean, pointing out that starting the new season with a new region joining such as the United States is wonderful, stressing the Council's keenness on fortifying the game in various new regions.

At the conclusion of his statement, New Zealander Greg Barclay said that the ICC is looking forward to extending its events and competitions into a new region, in this case, the Gulf region, which is equipped with high-quality stadiums, pointing out that this matter will be covered in next season's tournament calendar discussions.

Source: Qatar News Agency


The President of the Lebanese University, Dr. Bassam Badran, announced in a statement today the reopening of the university's branches in Sidon and the resumption of academic and administrative operations on Monday morning, September 18, in wake of the stabilized security situation in the city.

Source: National News Agency - Lebanon

Syria at G77 summit calls for removing Western coercive blockade imposed on country

Syria called for immediate, complete and unconditional lifting of unilateral coercive measures, US embargo and sanctions imposed on several countries, establishing a new, more just international economic system to enhance the economic and social situation of the G77 countries and China in a way that would meet aspirations of peoples to live in prosperity and peace.

During the summit of G77 and China held in Havana, Finance Minister Kinan Yaghi, conveyed greetings of President Bashar al-Assad to the Cuban President and his people, appreciating its positive and constructive role in enhancing the multilateral work through holding this important summit in achieving sustainable development.

Minister Yaghi said this summit will help support the just causes of the South countries, including their right to benefit from modern technologies and using these technologies and innovations to achieve sustainable development.

Yaghi hailed the deep-rooted historical bilateral relations binding Syria and Cuba and the Group countries, and the joint work to respect international law and principles of the UN Charter of sovereignty, equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of states.

Yaghi stressed that Syria carried on the war on terror and extremism on behalf of the international community, calling on the members of the group to support Syria in overcoming the effects of war, the blockade, and the consequences of the devastating earthquake that hit the country a few months ago.

“We demand the necessary support to establish the Syrian state’s control over the entire Syrian territory, and we demand the immediate, complete and unconditional lifting of the illegal unilateral coercive measures, US blockade, and the sanctions that our peoples and the Cuban people have been suffering from for more than sixty years.” Yaghi added.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

Syria participates in the 9th World Conference of Young Parliamentarians in Vietnam

A delegation from the People’s Assembly participated in the 9th global conference for young parliamentarians under the title “The Role of Young People in Promoting the Realization of Sustainable Development Goals via Digital Transformation and Innovations” which was organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Vietnam during the period between the 15th and 17th of September.

The members of the delegation stressed the importance of the role of young parliamentarians and their keeping pace with the needs of the times, pointing out that Syria, despite the terrorist war that was imposed on it, sought to harness information and communications technology to bring about development in all fields, in addition to issuing many legislations in this regard.

They pointed out what the unjust Western economic blockade imposed on Syria and its people and the difficulty of obtaining the necessary supplies and equipment had caused in creating a huge gap in the digital field, calling for continued work to lift the blockade on Syria and to continue fighting terrorism.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

People’s Assembly holds new session of its third legislative term

The People’s Assembly on Sunday held the 1st session of its 10th regular round of its 3rd legislative term, chaired by Speaker Hammouda Sabbagh and attended by Prime Minister Hussein Arnous and the Ministers.

Opening the session, Sabbagh stressed the importance of collective institutional work on all levels, in order to meet the needs and requirements of the resilient Syrian people, in accordance with the available potentials to modernize laws and legislations that contribute to development of society and its institutions.

The Assembly’s Speaker called upon the executive and legislative authorities to spare no efforts in achieving their duties honestly and in a trustful way based on the directives of President Bashar al-Assad.

Concluding his speech, Sabbagh addressed “greetings, appreciation, and respect” to the Syrian people, and mercy and immortality for the souls of the nation’s martyrs, and a speedy recovery to the wounded and injured.

For his part, Prime Minister Arnous briefed the Assembly on the government activities and the plans that were implemented, stressing that Syria’s complex crises are due to the war against terrorism and its supporters for more than 12 years.

Arnous stressed that the terrorist war has negative impacts on the national economy.

The Premier summarized the procedures that have been adopted by the government to tackle the situation as the government has taken a series of remedial measures, some of which are of phased features, others are of long-term strategy, and all have development dimension.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

Demonstrations in protest against QSD separatist militia in Hasaka countryside

Demonstrations in protest against US-linked QSD separatist militia in al-Malikiyah region in Hasaka countryside, and in denunciation of the militia practices.

Residents in Mabada Village blocked several roads with burning tires in denunciation of the militia criminal practices, especially its continued kidnapping of the youth, looting agricultural crops, imposing royalties on the families, and stealing their properties, local sources told SANA reporter.

The sources pointed out that the protests were accompanied by a general strike and the closure of all shops in the area.

The US occupation forces illegally present on the Syrian al-Jazeera, in cooperating with QSD militia, are plundering the national resources and strategic crops such as oil, wheat and barley crops. they deprive the Syrian people of their wealth on the one hand, and tighten the noose on the Syrian people on the other hand, by forcing them to push their children to join to the militia ranks as part of the systematic occupation policy to create chaos and prolong the crisis in Syria

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

Slightly above-average temperatures, misty weather in some regions

Temperatures will be slightly above average in most regions, as the country is affected by the Indian superficial seasonal air pressure accompanied by western air currents in the upper parts of the atmosphere.

The skies will be clear in general with some scattered clouds, the weather will misty in the eastern, al-Badia regions, the wind will be westerly to southwesterly with low to a moderate speed, the sea waves will be low in amplitude, according to Meteorological Department.

The expected temperatures in some Syrian cities will be as follows: Damascus 33/18, Daraa 32/18, Hasaka 37/22, Tartous 30/23, Aleppo 35/18, Deir Ezzor 38/24.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency