Caretaker Minister of Culture, Judge Muhammad Wissam Al-Murtada, and Russian Ambassador to Lebanon, Alexander Rudakov, inaugurated today the activities of the 'Russian Culture Festival in Beirut' held at the National Library, organized by the 'Russian House' in cooperation with the Lebanese Ministry of Culture.

Governor of Beirut, Judge Marwan Abboud, Chargé d'Affaires at the Embassy of Qatar, Ahmed Al-Obaidly, Actors Syndicate Dean Nehme Badawi, President of the National Conservatory, Dr. Heba Al-Qawas, and a number of prominent figures attended the inauguration.

In his delivered speech on the occasion, Al-Murtada expressed his pride to partake in honoring this great cultural heritage that marked our capital, Beirut, with Russian creativity in music, theater, cinema and thought, which began in the middle of the last century, and turned into a civilized and cultural harmony between the Lebanese and Russian peoples.

The Russian Cultural Center played a pioneering role in its consolidation and strengthening, and our patronage of this event is only to confirm the continuity and activation of this role between our two countries, he asserted.

Addressing the Russian Ambassador, Al-Murtada continued From your country, Your Excellency, emerged the most beautiful novels in literature and philosophy, and the sweetest classical music and sciences of all kinds, which soon turned into a world heritage that attracted people of science and culture, especially in medicine, where thousands of Lebanese doctors graduated...and that comes as no surprise in a country that worked on sciences of all kinds, nurtured its scholars and thinkers, and exported its knowledge not only in Eurasia, but in all countries of the globe, until the Russian language became one of the six languages in the world approved by the United Nations.

The Ministry of Culture in Lebanon is looking forward to close relations with your esteemed embassy in Beirut at a time when we are in dire need to convey the civilized image of a country steeped in history, with which we have close bonds of brotherhood and cultural exchange that we look forward to consolidating, because Russia, in our view, is the bosom that has highlighted for more than a hundred years the artistic and creative side of the Middle East, and sought to introduce it to the world through the Museum of Art of the Peoples of the East, whose holdings include unique pieces and works of art, including artifacts, paintings, statues and manuscripts from the Middle East and the Far East, Al-Murtada went on.

He concluded by welcoming the Russian Ambassador and the honorable guests to Lebanon's National Library, hoping to transform this event into a permanent program of activity that reflects the depth of what brings us together in a world that is in dire need of adopting the language of art, creativity, culture and the arts.

In turn, Ambassador Rudakov thanked the Culture Minister for his efforts to strengthen relations between the two countries, and thanked the attendees for showing interest in Russian culture.

We are working to develop cultural and humanitarian cooperation between our two countries, despite the complex situations we are going through, whether at the international or Lebanese level, Rudakov said.

Today, we look at Russia on the world stage, as it is an honest country that can be trusted and a defender of traditional values, he added, affirming that Russian policy aims to enhance the spirit of partnership and mutual trust in international relations.

Rudakov also pointed out that Russian artists greatly contribute to enhancing Russia's image as a democratic country that calls for a multipolar world, while preserving its cultural and civilizational diversity, adding that they are effectively creative in confronting the Rusaphobia that the West is spreading with attempts to culturally abolish Russia.

It is to note that the cultural festival opening included a concert by Opera Leonora and the Russian Song Theater Lyubava, in addition to popular and modern songs about Russia, and an exhibition of paintings by Lebanese and Russian artists.

Source National News Agency - Lebanon

Assistant Foreign Minister Meets Pakistan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs

HE Assistant Foreign Minister Lolwah bint Rashid Al Khater met with HE Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on the sidelines of the conference "Women in Islam: Understanding the Rights and Identity of Women in the Islamic World," which concluded in New York.

During the meeting, they discussed the bilateral cooperation relations between the two countries and several conference-related issues, especially enhancing international efforts to empower women in all fields.

Source: Qatar News Agency


Free Patriotic Movement Chief, MP Gebran Bassil, said today on Twitter 'Before the Prime Minister heads to the Vatican to reveal an open-mindedness, if he could sign the 565 Decree on restoring the nationality to those who are entitled to it by law...The PM is not signing because the majority are Christians, and this is according to his confession! He ought to sign all decrees at once, not one by one to blackmail us politically with every signature, as he says.'

Bassil added, The decrees are only declarative. This is their right by the Nationality Restoration Law; we do not know any of them and their number does not change the demography of the country. He ought to sign without sectarianism! Also, before leaving power, and most likely without going back this time, as he well-knows, if he would only reduce the violations of the constitution and laws, so as to leave behind a good memory other than his famous title in the Republic!

Source National News Agency - Lebanon

Shura Council Participates in Two Coordination Meetings on IPU Assembly Sidelines

The Shura Council attended the coordination meeting of the Islamic parliamentary group, held on the sidelines of the 146th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), which kicked off Saturday in Bahrain and will last for five days.

The Shura Council delegation to the meeting was headed by HE Shura Council Speaker Hassan bin Abdullah Al Ghanim.

The meeting saw the Shura Council discuss and submit, on behalf of the Arab parliamentary group, a request to include the criminalization of contempt of religions, as an emergency item on the Assembly's agenda, titled criminalizing contempt of religions, violating places of worship and sanctities, spreading hatred among peoples, and instead calling for the promotion of coexistence, tolerance, world peace and security.

Participants stressed the importance of this item, working to add it to the agenda, and uniting their efforts to urge the various parliamentary groups to vote for it, expressing that the item's topic, which was submitted by the State of Qatar, is compatible with the IPU's current session on peaceful coexistence.

During the meeting, the items on the 146th session of the IPU Assembly's agenda were reviewed and discussed extensively, stressing the Islamic group's united front in support of it.

In the same context, the Shura Council, headed by HE Shura Council Speaker Hassan bin Abdullah Al Ghanim, participated in the coordination meeting of the Asian parliamentary group, also held today on the sidelines of the IPU Assembly.

Participants supported the State of Qatar's request to criminalize contempt of religions, the need to vote in support of it, as well as having it added onto the Assembly's agenda as an emergency item, stressing parliamentarians' important role in adopting legislation that supports peaceful coexistence, adding that coexistence is reached when there is a lack of contempt of religions and instead there is a respect of religious beliefs and sanctities.

The two meetings were attended by the Shura Council delegation participating in the IPU Assembly's meeting and its accompanying sideline meetings.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Shura Council Participates in Opening of IPU 146th General Assembly

The Shura Council on Saturday took part in the opening of the 146th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), which is held in Bahrain over five days, with a delegation headed by Speaker of the Council HE Hassan bin Abdullah Al Ghanim.

Held under the theme "Promoting peaceful coexistence and inclusive societies: Fighting intolerance," the work program includes several meetings of the General Assembly of the Union, meetings of the Governing Council, as well as meetings of the permanent committees, in addition to workshops and accompanying events, and coordination meetings between the Gulf, Arab and Islamic parliaments.

Parliamentary delegations will exchange views and discussions on the general topic of the General Assembly's work related to peaceful coexistence. The meetings also include consultation and exchange of viewpoints on a number of pressing issues related to cyber-attacks and crimes, reducing carbon emissions and climate change, orphan trafficking, combating misinformation, hate content, and discriminatory content in cyberspace. The General Assembly will also adopt on Sunday the emergency item that will be placed on the agenda.

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is an international organization with the central goal of promoting and protecting global democracy. The IPU consists of 178 member parliaments and 14 associate members.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Shura Council Partakes in Meeting of Heads of IPU Geopolitical Groups, Standing Committees

The Shura Council participated in the joint meeting between the heads of geopolitical groups and the heads of the Standing Committees of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), which took place on the sidelines of the 146th IPU Assembly in Bahrain.

HE Shura Council Member and President of the IPU Committee on Peace and International Security Mohammed bin Mahdi Al Ahbabi represented the Shura Council in the meeting.

During the meeting, HE IPU President Duarte Pacheco reviewed the latest developments and the main activities since the 145th Assembly in Rwanda.

The heads of the geopolitical groups reviewed their main activities since the Rwanda meetings and their expectations from the IPU Assembly in Bahrain. The meeting touched on strengthening cooperation among the geopolitical groups and the contribution of the standing committees to the IPU strategy.

HE Mohammed bin Mahdi Al Ahbabi discussed the activities and programs of the Committee on Peace and International Security during the last period and the various topics and issues concerning regional and global peace and security.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Ministry of Labour Launches E-Service Package to Process Work Permits

The Ministry of Labour has launched a new package of e-services related to the management of work permits, as part of the Ministry's strategy to digitally transform services and provide them to the public without using paper in order to achieve excellence in performance, streamlining and expediting procedures.

The new services include six different requests, including: a request for a work permit, a request for renewing a work permit, a request for cancelling a work permit, a request for issuing a Labour recruitment approval, a request for renewing the validity of a Labour recruitment approval, a request for amending a Labour recruitment approval.

The new service of the Work Permits Department provides the opportunity for establishments to submit a work permit application that allows them to secure a vacancy in the Labour market from different categories, including the person currently residing in Qatar under the sponsorship of their families, citizens of GCC countries, permanent residence permit holders, or investors.

The service enables establishments to submit a request to renew a work license and a request to cancel a work license online, without the need to visit the ministry's headquarters, external offices or government complexes.

In order to avail service of renewing a work permit, it is required to provide a valid residence permit that is not less than 3 months, in addition to a certificate of academic qualification, the residence of the employer, a certificate of good conduct and behavior, and a certificate of practicing professions for the professions that you need such as engineering professions, medical professions, and a letter of approval must also be available from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education if the work is related to schools and kindergartens.

The service of approving the recruitment of workers provides an opportunity for establishments to submit a request for recruitment approval from the Ministry of Labour, where the Ministry of Labour employees study the request and decide on the request. If the application is approved (in terms of gender, number, and profession), the application is then automatically transferred to the nationalities selection system, and after the application is approved, the application information is exported to the Ministry of Interior.

It is also possible, within the new service, to submit a request to amend the approval of the recruitment of workers electronically, and then it is decided upon within the procedures followed.

To benefit from the amendment service, it is required that the approval belong to the establishment and the establishments registration is active and does not have violations of the provisions of the Labor Law, and that the approval is effective, and not all of them have been exhausted. Pre-approved recruitment approvals, and not to exceed the number in the original approval.

The service also enables establishments to submit a request to renew the validity of approval to recruit workers electronically, and it ends with exporting the request to renew the approval to the Ministry of Interior through the integrated link, without the need to visit the ministry's headquarters, external offices or government complexes.

In order to avail the renewal service, it is required that the approval belong to the establishment submitting the application, and the establishments registration is effective, and it has no violations of the provisions of the Labour Law, and all previously approved recruitment approvals have not been used, and that the approval is effective and a week or less remains before the end of the visa.

The Ministry of Labour has been working within an integrated strategy for the digital transformation of more than 80 services since the launch of the Digital Transformation Unit, based on the Agile engineering methodology, which allows the ability to launch new services and updates.

Source: Qatar News Agency