Qatar University (QU) will take some of its best research to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which will be held on June 2 to 5 under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation, as part of Qatar’s participation as a guest country at the event.

The education, research and innovation institution will join over 50 leading Qatari public and private sectors entities as part of the State of Qatar delegation as a Guest Country.

QU will exhibit its research-based prototypes such as a portable device that can test air quality, a cooling technology prototype for open areas and early genetic diagnostic testing for athletes. The prototypes, with already existing patents, are unique business propositions to issues facing the world today, with an aim to develop partnership opportunities with Russian stakeholders.

With over 16 fully-fledged interdisciplinary research centres on topics ranging from biomedicine to sustainable development, Qatar University continues to transform to promote and achieve distinctive excellence in education, research, institution, and engagement.

“Qatar University has always been at the forefront of innovation in Qatar, while playing an increasing role in supporting Qatar’s economic and social growth and development as an instigator of innovation fostering networks of knowledge. We are thrilled to be sharing some of Qatar University’s best designs and research projects at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum,” said Dr. Hassan Rashid Al-Derhman, President of Qatar University.

Briefing note

The State of Qatar is located on the Qatar Peninsula in the in the northeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. Its boundaries are washed by the Persian Gulf on the three sides. The population is 2,8 million people, total area is 11,6 thousand square km. Qatar is one of the most dynamic world economies, GDP per capita leader and is among top investors in Russian economy. As partner, it supports Russian projects in diverse sectors of the economy, cultural events, forums and exhibitions. In 2018, for 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations, Russia and Qatar organized cross Year of culture. The country with ancient culture and unique flair counts on preservation of cultural heritage, organically combining it with advanced technologies. Unique museums, including UNESCO World Heritage Sites, are located in the country. Tourism is one of the core sectors of the Qatar economy future. As in previous years, Qatar actively participates in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). At the invitation of President Vladimir Putin, Qatar became a guest country at the SPIEF 2021.

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) is a unique event in the world of business and economics. SPIEF has been held since 1997, and since 2006, it has been held under the auspices of the President of the Russian Federation, who has also attended each event. Over the last years, the Forum has become a leading global platform for members of the business community to meet and discuss the key economic issues facing Russia, emerging markets, and the world as a whole. The 24th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum is set to take place on 2–5 June 2021. As in previous years, the business program will focus on the global and Russian economies, social issues, and technological development.


H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed receives student delegation from National Defence College

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, has received, at the Ministry’s headquarters in Abu Dhabi, a delegation of National Defence College students in the presence of Major General Staff Aqab Shahin Aqab Alali, Commandant of the College.

Sheikh Abdullah welcomed the students, urging them to strive hard in their studies at the college, which is one of the most distinguished academic institutions in the country and the region.

Abdullah bin Zayed expressed his wishes to the students for success and distinction in their scientific journey during their studies at the college, stressing their important role in the process of enhancing the nation’s gains, preserving its achievements, and achieving distinction and leadership for the UAE in all fields.

For their part, the delegation of the National Defence College students expressed their happiness at meeting Sheikh Abdullah, expressing their pride in studying at the National Defence College.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation


In the presence of Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Hamad bin Suhaim Al-Thani, wife of His Highness the Emir

Under the patronage and presence of Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Hamad bin Suhaim Al-Thani, wife of His Highness the Emir, Qatar University (QU) organized yesterday the graduation ceremony of its 43rd batch of distinguished female students at the QU Sports and Events Complex.

The University honored Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Hamad bin Suhaim Al-Thani who received a master’s degree in business administration from the College of Business and Economics.

During the ceremony for distinguished female students, 374 graduates were honored from the Class of 2020, representing a full academic year comprised of Fall 2019, Winter 2020, Spring 2020 and Summer 2020. This year 2455 female students graduate from a total of 3188 female and male students attended their respective graduation ceremonies over the course of a week. In consideration of the health and safety of the attendees, the University insured that safety and precautionary measures approved by the state were fully undertaken during the event.

In a speech on the occasion, Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Hamad bin Suhaim Al-Thani called on the graduates to continue on the path of knowledge, education and research, crediting it as the best way to build a conscious and responsible individual capable of contributing effectively to the advancement of the country.

She says, “As a graduate of this prestigious university, I returned to it in 2020 to receive my master’s in business administration after receiving my bachelors in 2003. And although the journey to get here has been challenging, it was also enjoyable and constructive and represents a realistic situation, as it is neither rare nor unique in our society for a women who has the responsibilities of being a wife and mother to still seek knowledge and to strive to continue learning.”

Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher added, “We have the duty to elevate our nation, and to use the resources availed to us, as education in our country asks us of only to be competent and exert efforts. The state has provided us all opportunities for continuous learning, for every hardworking person to achieve.”

Her Highness also noted the position of QU saying, “Through my studies at Qatar University, I have seen the nature of the University’s critical roles in contributing to Qatar National Vision. My brief speech cannot cover the extent of these outcomes. But I would like to point out the University’s efforts in research production and graduating thousands of Qataris who strive to achieve the national vision through various state agencies and institutions in the labor market as well as in civil society organizations. The University also graduates hundreds of residents who participated in Qatar’s development process. Here I would like to pay tribute to the University administration and its staff and commend them for their efforts. They have contributed in making Qatar University an outstanding academic and research institution in the region as witnessed by Times Higher Education rankings.”

Her Highness then addressed the topic of education in the context of the current Covid-19 pandemic saying, “The pandemic, which has affected the whole world, has proven to us the significance of investing in science and scientific research. Achieving sustainable development is possible through quality education and scientific research in our universities and academic institutions. Revolutionizing our educational systems has become of utmost importance in the context of increasing global competitiveness. As His Highness the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani stressed, a priority is investing in human capital, which is the direction of the State of Qatar in moving towards achieving sustainable development.”

“In my final note, I would like to emphasize the importance of contributing to the service of this dear country. I believe I speak for all of you when I say, we will use the knowledge and skills we have gained to serve our society and nation. We must continue to march with vigor and determination and set an example for future generations.”

To conclude, Her Highness thanked His Highness the Emir of the State of Qatar, to her parents and her children for their support and encouragement during her university studies. She also thanked her distinguished professors for their efforts and congratulated her fellow graduates and wished them continued success.

In his speech on this occasion, President of QU Dr. Hassan bin Rashid Al-Derham said, “As we celebrate the graduation of the 43rd batch of Qatar University students, we have the right to say: We are not only happy with the graduation of our female students, but we are proud of the Qatari women standing firm and creating the future of this nation.”

He added, “The Covid-19 pandemic has shown that when Qatari women were put to the test and given responsibility, they were up to the task. We saw -and continue to see- the role of women in combating the pandemic, and they are in the forefront. We see the teacher in the classroom, energizing her students, developing teaching and assessment methods and methods in light of the transition to remote teaching, in unprecedented circumstances, teaching children in unprecedented circumstances, together with her brothers, to limit the effects of the pandemic. Nurses and medical personnel are working at all hours of the day and night in order to save lives from the resurgent virus. We are witnessing today in terms of celebration part of the harvest of what you sowed. It is our country, a place of pride and security.”

“Qatar University is a place, a mission, a fortress of intellectual freedom and human dignity, a home for morality and creativity, and a knowledge lighthouse on the path of human civilization. In line with this ideology, Qatar University prioritizes science in the development of its highest values, as well as knowledge of human values and interests,” he said.

QU has been recognized as one of the top universities in the world, based on its achievements. The institution has moved to a leading position among the top institutions in the world, through the continuous support of a rational government, as well as the constant supervision of the Board of Regents. The University moved from placing 276 last year to 245th this year, according to the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Ranking 2021.

Many colleges and programs at QU have received academic accreditation from the most prestigious international bodies, demonstrating that the education provided by QU is no less than what international universities provide.

Al-Derham explained that Qatar University is founded on the fundamental belief that success is related to a never-ending effort to deliver the best for its students and society. In view of the challenges at the local and global levels, this is especially important. The higher education scene in Qatar has transformed in recent years, resulting in greater competition among educational institutions to attract outstanding students, as well as increasing their expectations and standards. On the other hand, he says, the results of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, whose precursors are beginning to take shape, and the radical change it imposes on the requirements of the labor market, obliges those in the education sector, and in higher education in particular, to revise existing policies and redraw plans.

Dr. Hassan also noted that the University is taking concrete steps to foster and develop a culture of leadership and innovation, for example launching a QU technology company, which incubates innovate ideas for university students through start-ups, which will add value to the economy. The university president concluded by offering advice and guidance to female graduates, emphasizing that knowledge is a journey, not a destination.

Addressing the female graduates, Dr. Hassan said: “HH Sheikha Jawaher bint Hamad bin Suhaim Al-Thani is a role model and today she honors our ceremony and celebrates with us her graduation and your graduation together.”

On behalf of the outstanding graduates, Al-Anoud Al-Kuwari presented a speech, welcoming students and emphasizing the value of knowledge, “I stand here with immense joy and pride in addressing you, on behalf of the 43rd class graduates, and I express my gratitude and appreciation to those who allowed me to be a part of this ceremony. The renaissance of education, through which people advance, can only be achieved by meaningful investment in human capital, and this is what the Qatar National Vision 2030 aspires to achieve in the first pillar, which is human development.”

In addressing parents of graduates she said, “Although you are not present in the hall today, due to the precautionary measures, you are in our hearts and words of gratitude would not be enough. Thanks to your prayers and support throughout these years, we are here, may Allah (SWT) bless you and give you health and longevity. I also thank the faculty; whom words of thanks and praise would not fulfill what they have contributed for us throughout our academics.”

As QU graduates its 43rd cohort of graduates, the university continues to chronicle a long history spanning decades in which it contributes heavily to Qatar’s development and prosperity, through boosting the labor market with qualified graduates.

Source: Qatar University


In the presence of His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar

Under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar, Qatar University (QU) celebrates the graduation ceremony of its 43rd batch, which took place in the QU Sport and Events Complex the morning of 30 May 2021. This year 3188 student’s graduate as part of QU’s Class of 2020, 733 of whom celebrated yesterday in the male graduation ceremony in the presence of His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, who honored 109 distinguished male students.

The annual convocation includes graduates from a full academic year comprising Fall 2019, Winter 2020, Spring 2020 and Summer 2020.

As QU graduates its 43rd cohort of graduates, the university continues to chronicle a long history spanning decades in which it contributes heavily to Qatar’s development and prosperity, through boosting the labor market with qualified graduates. In consideration of the health and safety of the attendees, the University insured that safety and precautionary measures approved by the state were undertaken during the event.

In his speech on this occasion, President of QU Dr. Hassan bin Rashid Al-Derham said, “As we celebrate the graduation of our 43rd class, our treasured nation is witnessing a renaissance that would not have been possible without the concerted efforts of the people of this country.” Dr. Hassan Al-Derham added that the University has the honor of contributing to this renaissance by preparing generations of talent through more than 54,000 graduates who helped build the nation. Today, the University celebrates a new cohort of 3,188 graduates to join the ranks, and strive towards building and developing the country.

Dr. Al-Derham said, “Humanity today is suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic and its negative effects in all walks of life. At Qatar University, we have begun to deal with this pandemic using a responsive approach. Our goal is to maintain the university’s core functions and roles in teaching, research and serving the community.”

In cooperation with its partners at the local and global level, QU has directed its programs to contribute in the fight against Covid-19. A number of QU faculty members and researchers from QU Health colleges have joined task forces let by the Ministry of Public Health to formulate public policies to combat the pandemic at the national level.

Dr. Hassan added, “Our University researchers have published more than 200 research studies on understanding coronavirus and ways to combat it. Perhaps the most important study, which made waves in international media, was published by researchers from the Biomedical Research Center in the magazine New England Journal of Medicine on monitoring the mutated strains of coronavirus and the length of effectiveness of the Pfizer Vaccine. Here I note; this study would not have been possible without a biosafety level three laboratory, which was established by QU shortly before the pandemic. The University also hosted a national campaign for volunteers in confronting the pandemic, which recruited and trained volunteers to support the state’s efforts.”

Addressing His Highness, the President said, “In your recent speech to the Shura Council, you made it clear by saying ‘The State should exert its utmost effort to diversify its income sources through investment in its sovereign fund for future generations, etc. But diversification of income sources also depends on the community, and the economic and service sectors, where the community members work, by resorting to saving, private initiatives, investment and relocating from consumer mentality to the mindset of productive community. The way must be cleared for that end.’”

Dr. Al-Derham stressed QU’s efforts in embodying this guidance through spreading a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship and implementing the university’s strategy, through research plans and academic programs, to support the state’s efforts in diversifying its sources of income and achieving sustainable development. The University also works hard to achieve the goals of the strategy, for example launching a QU technology company, which incubates innovate ideas for university students through start-ups, which will add value to the economy.

The President stressed that the results of the hard work and efforts are reflected in international rankings. The University moved from placing 276 last year to 245th this year, according to the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Ranking 2021. According to Times Higher Education (THE) the University jumped 90 places and entered the club of the best 350 International Universities. This achievement, he says, would not have been possible without the blessings of Allah (SWT) and the continued support of the state, as well as the efforts of the Board of Regents.

Addressing the graduates, Dr. Hassan said, “Today you are at the door of a new phase of your lives, in which you will take your first steps towards your career armed with the knowledge you gained during your academic journey and the skills that will lead you to success and excellence. This achievement was made possible through the grace of Allah (SWT), your perseverance and the sincere efforts of your educators. For this reason, as I stand here, I must pay tribute to their efforts and dedication in fulfilling their duties.”

“As you receive your certificates, in front of the leader of this esteemed nation, and under his patronage, you must be faithful to your responsibilities towards God, the nation and the Emir. And always remember His Highness’s guidance to you when he visited the University and said, ‘Man is the most important building block of our nation and the greatest investment. Qatar invested in you.’ My dear graduates embody these words, through hard work and dedication, in all fields and in every role you are tasked with.”

The President concluded his speech by emphasizing that the University is represented by its 25,000 students, 1,700 faculty members and offers 96 academic programs. He said, “Qatar University will always be committed to its qualitative excellence, based on integrity, in an environment of innovation and effective leadership. I congratulate you for this success and your families for their efforts in harvesting your talents.”

Graduate Hamad Al-Jumaily delivered a speech on behalf of the graduates, praising the university, and the roles of different individuals in helping students to reach this point. “Our parents, you are watching this ceremony through your screens and undoubtedly you are feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness. We owe you a heavy debt as you paved the path towards our success. The greatest thing we can give our parents is to be successful, so congratulations to you as well.” He also paid tribute to the faculty saying, “You were our candles that illuminated our paths and set us on the path of knowledge.”

It is worth mentioning that the ceremony included a video screening produced by Qatar University, where the public learned about the university's vision and the most important achievements of its students. The graduates received their diplomas in an atmosphere of joy at this important moment in their lives.



Group of female students at Qatar University (QU) held a campaign (With Our Values We Learn), known as the (Qataf) campaign.

A field project prepared by female students from the Department of Faith and Advocacy and under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Al-Zahraa, a member of the faculty at the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Qatar University.

The campaign Qataf focused on the link between science and its value system, this link cannot achieve its educational goals through social media sites only. The campaign focused on the educational goals and how it can be achieved. The campaign opened doors for discussion and finding proper solutions to the problems faced by students.

The team participating in this project included; Salma Hassan: Bachelor’s student, specializing in advocacy and media, fourth year, team leader and design officer in the field course, Razan Ashraf Al-Faqih, BA student, majoring in Islamic studies and two branches of media, fourth year "graduation semester", content officer in the (Qataf) team, Rashida Hafez: Bachelor’s student, major in Islamic Studies, major in history, graduation semester, responsible for posting on Twitter and compiling verses and hadiths on the topic, for the Qataf team in field training, Hanan Lamy: Bachelor’s student, majoring in doctrine and advocacy, graduation class, responsible for publishing in Twitter, and compiling scholars ’statements according to the topic in field training, Al-Anoud Andilah: Bachelor's degree student, majoring in advocacy and media, "graduation", design and publication of the Qataf project in the field course, Afra Muhammad Al-Mutawa: Bachelor’s student majoring in Islamic Studies, “Graduation Class” responsible for the weekly report of the Qataf team in field training and Sheikha Rashid Al-Maqareh: Fourth year, specializing in advocacy and media, preparing interviews and sending them to those interested in our topic, and responsible for spreading messages on Twitter in emergency situations.

Dr. Fatima Al-Zahra, said, “The College of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Qatar University seeks to provide high-quality education in all fields, by teaching some of the basic skills a student needs in his professional life. Islamic Studies at Qatar University provides its students with a solid foundation in building a successful career, despite the efforts exerted by faculty members, it is difficult to transfer full work experience through the classroom only, especially field experience and practical practices that can only be obtained by spending time for this reason.”

The participants in this meaningful field work confirmed that they seek to contribute to improve the image of science and education in the perspective of the science students in the Arab community by reaching 10,000 students during the year 2021 through this initiative from different communication platforms, linking science with original values and contributing to clarifying the relationship between values and science through the initiative.


H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed chairs virtual meeting of Education and Human Resources Council

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Chairman of the Education and Human Resources Council, chaired a virtual meeting of the council.

During the meeting, Hussain bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi, Minister of Education (MoE), talked about developments in the scholarships programme, as well as the efforts to diversify scholarship destinations and areas of study, to help enrich students' skills and expertise and enhance their competitiveness in the labour market.

He also touched on the initiatives that aim to prepare students in terms of their education in host countries.

Student support initiatives include orientation initiatives, such as the Intilaqa Initiative and a student exchange initiative, along with various programmes set up in collaboration with government authorities, including the Ministry of Culture and Youth, which aim to encourage students to apply for scholarship in arts and culture fields, Al Hammadi said.

He presented the developments related to the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA) at the MoE, along with statistics on licenced higher education institutions and accredited academic programmes.

Moreover, Al Hammadi highlighted key CAA projects and achievements, including the launch of new accreditation criteria, the restructuring of the academic programmes and joint international accreditation initiatives, as well as its future plans.

Sara Awadh Issa Mussallam, Chairperson of Abu Dhabi's Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK), showcased the progress of ADEK's Virtual Charter School, which was launched in collaboration with Edurizon as an innovative solution aimed at providing education opportunities for students from low-income families, who were financially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The meeting was attended by Nasser bin Thani Al Hamli, Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation; Hessa Essa Buhumaid, Minister of Community Development; Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri, Minister of Economy, Jameela Al Muheiri, Minister of State for Public Education; Dr. Ahmad bin Abdullah Humaid Belhoul Al Falasi, Minister of State for Higher Education and Advanced Skills; Shamma bint Suhail Faris Al Mazrui, Minister of State for Youth Affairs; Zaki Nusseibeh, Cultural Adviser to the President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan; Sarah bint Yousif Al Amiri, Minister of State for Advanced Sciences, Secretary-General of the Council, and other high-ranking officials.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation


Ibn Khaldun Center for Human and Social Sciences at Qatar University organized a scientific lecture on Thursday, entitled: “Zionist claims to the historical and religious right in Jerusalem: Presentation and criticism”, on zoom platform.

Prof. Muhammad Khalifa Hassan, Professor of Religions and Dialogue of Civilizations at Qatar University, delivered this lecture as part of The Accordance, one of the five structures in which the Ibn Khaldoun Center operates at Qatar University, against the background of the current Israeli attacks on Jerusalem and Palestinians, especially the citizens of Gaza.

The lecture started with Dr. Jassim Al-Jazaa, as the moderator, an Islamic history lecturer, he delivered a message in which he stressed that our current battle is a battle of consciousness, since the current generation lacks knowledge, thinking, and facts about their adversary and the Zionist movement, Indicating that the beginning of the solution to any problem is awareness of it as it is known in Management science.

Then Prof. Dr. Muhammad Khalifa started greeting the honorable attendees, he thanked the Ibn Khaldoun Center and the Director of the Center, Dr. Nayef Bin Nahar, for his invitation to deliver this lecture, which comes at this difficult time in which the Palestinian brothers are suffering from the brutal Zionist aggression.

The doctor emphasized that Zionism's arguments that Jews have a historical and religious right to Palestine, which dates back long before Zionism, are unfounded and contradict Palestine's and Jerusalem's histories. As a result, Jewish orientalism, followed by Zionist orientalism, and now Israeli orientalism, acted on a fabrication. Or the founding of Israel, as well as the construction of a Jewish holy house that they say houses the Temple of Solomon, peace be upon him, and he said that Jerusalem had been subjected to the greatest fraud in human history.

He stressed that Israel was a product of Orientalism, and that he was the one who created it, and that historians in the West and the Islamic world use the term fabrication or construction, which refers to the creation of a state from nothing, and that it was accomplished by falsifying or silencing Palestinian history.

Dr. Muhammad Khalifa demonstrated the falsity of Zionism's arguments with historical evidence, demonstrating that the Jews have never had a state in their existence, starting from the date of their migration to Egypt and passing through the exit from Egypt and the diaspora for forty years, then the stage of the Kingdom of David and Solomon, which lasted only 30 years it did not rise to the level of the state but was merely a political entity. And then the various stages of captivity, in addition to falling under the authority of different types of empires, such as the ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Christian, Arab, and Islamic Arab states. Adding that the Jewish history was a history of those empires that ruled the ancient East, a history that is devoid of any ownership of them.

When reviewing the religious history - according to Dr. Muhammad Khalifa, “It becomes clear that the Jewish religion is from the manufacturer of the Assyrian and Babylonian captivity, and was not made in Palestine, this also includes the Jewish religious books such as the Torah, the books of the prophets, the Old Testament and the Babylonian Talmud also written in Iraq, with the exception of the Palestinian Talmud, which is considered weak. And it is not used except for some unhappy groups.



Qatar University (QU) Research Summer Internship is a training program for undergraduate and graduate students that provides training in research methods, characterization techniques, application processes, and technical writing.

The program aims to develop research skills in graduate and undergraduate students of all the colleges at QU. The faculty and staff of research centers will mentor students to contribute to several courses and their research topics and activities. The program for this year will take place from 6 June till 1 July 2021.

As the precautionary measures followed by Qatar University to prevent the spread of Covid-19, the Internship Program this year will be conducted through the established online platforms. The registration will close on the 24th May 2021. The interested students across QU colleges can visit the webpage of the Research and Graduate Studies Sector at Qatar University website.

The internship program will cover a broad range of courses and topics offered by ten research centers. These centers are: Center for Advanced Materials (CAM), Environmental Science Center (ESC), Biomedical Research Center (BRC), Laboratory Animal Research Center (LARC), Central Laboratories Unit (CLU), Young Scientists Center (YSC), Social & Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI), Ibn Khaldon Center for Humanities & Social Sciences, Gas Processing Center (GPC) and National Center for Educational Development (NCED).

The directors, technical managers, and faculty members of the respective centers took a keen interest in designing the Summer Research Internship 2021 program and decided to deliver 29 courses in relevant subjects.

Qatar University has a plan to continue its efforts to conduct such a program every summer and to enhance research culture and participation of undergraduate and graduate students in research activities. This program constitutes a milestone in the transformational plan of Qatar University, as a step forward for promoting research culture at the level of students and build the knowledge-based society in Qatar.

To broaden the mission and geographical target of the program, this year, for the first time, it will be open for international students. Selected and interested students from the Academic Network for Development Dialogue (ANDD) will be invited to participate in the courses relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This approach will enhance the partnerships and collaboration with more than 25 international universities.

The Vice President for Research & Graduate Studies, Prof. Mariam Al-Maadeed while emphasizing the need for such programs, she said, ”Our students are the true investment for the future of Qatar, they are the new generation that will transform our economy and enrich our society. Furthermore, as we believe that QU has an important international academic role, we decided to expand the program to accommodate students from the region and beyond.”

Dr. Abdelbary Elhissi, Director of Research Planning and Development at Qatar University, expressing the importance of the Summer Research Internship 2021 program stated that: “This program opens the gate for students on the world of research and innovation and equips them with an important strategic tool needed to serve the national development needs of Qatar to participate in the future of this country. The expansion of this program provides evidence about the important role that QU can play not only to promote research at the national level, but also in the region and worldwide”.