Arab Parliament: EU Parliament’s resolution on Algeria is a blatant and unacceptable interference

Arab Parliament renewed its call on its European counterpart to immediately and completely stop appointing itself as guardian of the Arab countries, and called on it not to politicize human rights issues and use them as a pretext to interfere in Algeria’s internal affairs.

The Arab Parliament affirmed in a statement its firm rejection and strong condemnation of the statement issued by the European Parliament on “freedom of expression” in the Republic of Algeria.

The Arab Parliament stressed that the European Parliament’s resolution represents a blatant and unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of Algeria and a continuation of the unacceptable approach of similar statements issued by the European Parliament on human rights in the Arab countries.

The statement also rejected the lies and misleading information included in the EU Parliament’s resolution that are not based on any facts or objective evidence.

The Parliament added that the unacceptable vocabulary and arrogant tone mentioned in the statement represents a flagrant violation of the principles of the United Nations and all international norms and laws, which affirm the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of states.

The Parliament pointed out that the EU Parliament must respect the rules and norms of parliamentary diplomacy, and to communicate directly with the Algerian Parliament to investigate facts from reliable sources, especially since there is already a direct contact between the two sides, which is the Joint Parliamentary Committee between Algeria and the EU.

The Arab Parliament called on Algeria and other Arab countries not to pay attention to such suspicious statements, as they were issued by a party that has no authority or mandate to evaluate human rights in Arab countries.

The Arab Parliament called on its EU counterpart to live up to the level of responsibility imposed by the common interests and strategic relations that unite the EU and the Arab countries, rather than involving itself in issues that offend it as a parliamentary organization before it harms its relations with the Arab countries.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

A Palestinian Martyred in the occupation air strikes on the Gaza Strip

A Palestinian died on Friday dawn, as a result of the continuous Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

Alian Abu Wadi, 38, died of his injuries, as a result of the occupation air strikes on the northern Gaza Strip, The Palestinian Wafa Agency said.

Today, at dawn, the occupation warplanes launched a series of raids on Gaza City, west of Nusseirat refugee camp, east of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, east of the towns of Beit Lahia and Beit Hanoun in the north, east of Rafah and Khan Yunis in the south, injuring a number of Palestinians and causing huge damage to their property and infrastructure.

Meanwhile, the occupation boats renewed their targeting with artillery shells and machine guns on the Gaza coast.

Eight Palestinians were killed on Thursday , bringing the number of martyrs to 31 since the beginning of the Israeli aggression at dawn last Tuesday, in addition to the injury of 95 others, most of them children and women.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

BACA unveils culture-packed programme marking International Museum Day

The Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities (BACA) has unveiled a culture-packed programme marking the 2023 International Museum Day, observed worldwide on May 18, under the theme “Museums, Sustainability and Well-being.”

BACA has prepared a wide array of cultural events that will be held between May 13 and 24 at the Bahrain National Museum and Qal’at Al Bahrain Site Museum.

The programme features numerous workshops for various age groups, to be hosted by the two sites, starting from May 13, in the fields of drawing, arts, photography, antiquities, museum guidance, cuneiform writing, and ancient arts from the civilisations of Tylos and Dilmun.

As for cultural tours, they will be organised in cooperation with several hotels in Bahrain, Kashta Tours, FDS Bahrain and Fuji Film Company.

The celebrations also feature other important events, such as a panel discussion on “Bahraini Proverbs Depicted by Cartoon Scribbles” book on May 20, a virtual lecture on the skills of a museum guide on May 22-23 and a panel discussion entitled “Sustainability & Well-Being in the Future of Museums”, to be held at the University of Bahrain on May 24.

The programme also features other events, including storytelling, a film entitled Mohenjo Daro, a group breakfast, the best museum competition and the “Coins through Culture and History Exhibition”.

The two venues will welcome visitors without entry fees between May 18 and 20, while the Darseen Café at the Bahrain National Museum will offer discounts on the menu during the same period.

BACA called on the public to participate in the events of the International Museum Day.

More information about the programme and registration can be obtained through BACA’s website ( or follow its accounts on social media at @CultureBah.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

HM King deputises HH Shaikh Khalid to attend Royal Windsor Horse Show

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa has deputised the First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, General Sports Authority Chairman and Bahrain Olympic Committee President, His Highness Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, to attend the Royal Windsor Horse Show, currently held here, in the presence of Bahraini Ambassador to the UK, Shaikh Fawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa.

On the occasion, HH Shaikh Khalid affirmed the strength and steady growth of the long-standing Bahrain-UK relations, in light of HM King Hamad’s vision, and the support of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, which contributed to bolstering bilateral cooperation at all levels.

HH Shaikh Khalid stressed the importance of the Royal Windsor Horse Show which bears witness to the historical and unique bilateral sports relations, thanks to the constant follow-up of HM the King’s Representative for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs, His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa.

He praised the outstanding participation of the Royal Endurance Team in the Royal Windsor Horse Show, and the distinguished performance of its jockeys, wishing them further success.

HH Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad was keen to attend the show, supporting Bahraini riders and giving them directives, which motivated them to lead the first stages of the 100-km, 120-km and 160-km races.

HH Shaikh Khalid also met a number of British personalities, and reviewed with them the solid bilateral relations, as well as the need to further strengthen them in various fields, especially sports.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Bahrain welcomes signing of Jeddah Declaration of Commitment to Protect the Civilians of Sudan

The Kingdom of Bahrain welcomed the signing of the "Jeddah Declaration" between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces in the brotherly Republic of Sudan regarding the commitment to protect civilians, and to facilitate their movement and access to humanitarian and medical aid, in accordance with the principles of international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs commended the role of the brotherly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the friendly United States of America to resolve the Sudanese crisis through peaceful dialogue, hoping that this declaration would constitute an important step towards an immediate and permanent ceasefire and a comprehensive and final settlement of the armed conflict.

This comes in light of the commitment of all Sudanese parties to give priority to wisdom and the supreme national interest, to respect the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the state, to protect its national and civil institutions, and to meet the aspirations of its brotherly people for security, peace, stability and development.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Shura Second Deputy Chairman meets with Burundian Senate Speaker

Second Deputy Chairman of the Shura Council, Dr. Jihad Abdullah Al Fadhel, met with Speaker of the Senate of the Republic of Burundi, Emmanuel Sinzohagera, on the sidelines of the 10th consultative meeting of the Association of Senates, Shura and Equivalent Councils of Africa and the Arab World (ASSECAA), held in the Kingdom of Eswatini from May 11 to 13.

Dr. Al Fadhel underlined the importance of developing parliamentary relations between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Republic of Burundi so as to promote cooperation regarding issues of common interest. She pointed out the growing interest of the legislative branch in Bahrain to boost the parliamentary diplomacy to enhance relations with brotherly and friendly countries.

Dr. Al Fadhel praised parliamentary cooperation between the Shura Council and the Burundian Senate, wishing to achieve set up goals.

The Speaker of the Burundian Senate lauded deep and historical relations between the two friendly countries, commending keenness of the Shura Council on promoting the principles of solidarity and collective work and praising Bahrain’s democratic march.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

LMRA, NPRA, Southern Police Directorate conduct joint inspection campaign

The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) conducted a joint inspection campaign in the Southern Governorate, in coordination with the Nationality, Passports and Residence Affairs (NPRA) of the Ministry of Interior and the Southern Governorate Police Directorate.

The campaign resulted in reporting a number of violations related to the Labour Market and Residency laws and were referred for legal action.

LMRA stressed its commitment to report any violation through a continuous and intensive inspection plan, in cooperation with the relevant government entities.

The Labour Market Regulatory Authority renewed its call on all members of the society to support the efforts of government agencies to address illegal labour practices, calling on the public to report violations by filling the electronic form on LMRA’s website or calling the authority’s call centre on 17506055.

Source: Bahrain News Agency