Berliner Tageszeitung: Criminal complaint in Berlin, Germany, against Elon Musk and Twitter for possible fraud to the detriment of users

Berliner Tageszeitung: Criminal complaint in Berlin, Germany, against Elon Musk and Twitter for possible fraud to the detriment of users

Berliner Tageszeitung: Criminal complaint in Berlin, Germany, against Elon Musk and Twitter for possible fraud to the detriment of users

BERLIN, May 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BERLINER TAGESZEITUNG reports today that a criminal complaint has been filed with the Berlin public prosecutor’s office against Elon Musk, file number: 253 UJs 1012/23, alleging that Musk charged Twitter users on their credit cards but blocked them without giving any reason.


“Blocking user accounts is a daily occurrence at Twitter, but the fact that they then continuously charge money to users’ credit cards makes the matter explosive and is currently occupying the Berlin Public Prosecutor’s Office (Federal Republic of Germany). In any case, the question arises as to how much power a medium like Twitter can be granted at all and when the regulatory authorities should intervene to protect Twitter users.”

Incidentally, this is not the first time Elon Musk has been investigated, as there is also currently an investor lawsuit against Tesla CEO Elon Musk. The lawsuit is about Musk’s tweets in August 2018 with the premature announcement that he wanted to take the electric car company off the stock market and had secured the financing to do so. It later emerged that there were no firm commitments from investors.

“Elon Musk lied,” said a lawyer for the plaintiffs.

US Judge Edward Chen (Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California) had already found in the 2022 trial that Musk’s statements in the tweets had not been true.

“We will continue to monitor the case closely and report further developments as new information becomes available. It remains to be seen how the criminal charges against Elon Musk and Twitter will develop and what the consequences might be.

From a factual point of view, it should be noted that according to Article 48 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the presumption of innocence applies to defendants and accused persons, which must also apply in the case of the criminal charges against Elon Musk for “suspected fraud to the detriment of Twitter users”.

META KEYS: Elon Musk, Elon Musk Twitter, Elon Musk Strafanzeige, Twitter accounts, Thierry Breton, Thierry Breton Twitter, Berlin public prosecutor’s office against Elon Musk, Twitter users, BERLINER TAGESZEITUNG, verified Twitter accounts

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

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Press Contact: P. Hansen
Unter den Linden 21
10117 Berlin

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Tabbaa, Director General of Saudi (Mawhiba) Center of Excellence discuss educational cooperation

The Minister of Education, Dr. Darem Tabbaa, discussed Wednesday Khaled Al-Sharif, Director General of Saudi (Mawhiba) Center of Excellence, prospects for joint cooperation.

That came on the sidelines of the 13th Arab Education Ministers Conference, which is being held in the Moroccan capital of Rabat under the auspices of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO).

Minister Tabbaa showed Syria’s interest in the field of excellence, creativity and gifted care through a number of educational programs and activities for the distinguished of different age groups.

During the meeting, an invitation was presented to Syria to participate with a number of Arab countries in an annual event organized by Mawhiba Center, which begins next June and ends next September.

Mawhiba is a Saudi foundation that aims to discover and nurture creative people in scientific fields, and to contribute to building a system and model for talent and creativity locally, regionally and globally.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

Ershadi: Israeli attacks on Syrian territory a serious threat to regional peace and stability

Iran’s Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Zahra Ershadi, has affirmed that the Israeli terrorist attacks on Syrian territory clearly violate international humanitarian law and the principles of the UN Charter and pose a serious threat to peace and stability in the region.

In a speech during a meeting of the UN Security Council, Ershadi said that the failure of the international community to stop the Israeli aggressive acts and terrorist attacks against Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity is a matter of great concern.

“Iran strongly condemns these heinous crimes and stresses the urgent need to take urgent and decisive measures to confront this outlaw entity,” Ershadi noted.

Ershadi added that the humanitarian situation in Syria still faces challenges, especially that the current level of funding allocated to the humanitarian response in Syria is much less than what is required, and this funding shortage severely hinders the ability of the UN to provide adequate assistance to those in need.

The Iranian diplomat went on saying that the continuation of unilateral coercive measures remains an obstacle to improving the humanitarian and economic situation in Syria, as these illegal measures have exacerbated the challenges faced by the Syrian people and severely hindered the ability of the Syrian government to provide basic services to those in need.

Ershadi noted that in order to effectively deal with the humanitarian and economic crisis in Syria, a comprehensive approach is necessary, and this approach must include several key elements, including the provision of adequate funding and the lifting of sanctions.

Ershadi pointed out that terrorism still poses a threat to Syria and the region, and it must be confronted firmly.

She stressed that the illegal presence of foreign military forces in Syria is the main source of insecurity in this country, and it must be ended in order to create a suitable environment to resolve the crisis.

Combating terrorism must be carried out with full respect for national sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Syria and should not be used as an excuse to violate these basic principles of international law, the Iranian Ambassador stressed.

Ershadi noted that Syria’s participation in the meetings of the Arab League and the resumption of its relations with Arab countries represent important steps in supporting security, stability and prosperity of Syria and the region.

She expressed hope that Western countries will also review and correct their policy towards Syria soon.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

After 12-year hiatus, first direct Venezuelan flight lands in Damascus Int’l Airport

The first direct flight from Venezuela to Syria landed Wednesday in Damascus International Airport coming from Caracas Airport after about 12-year hiatus of air traffic between the two countries.

102 passengers were on board, including Venezuelan Minister of Transport, Venezuelan Deputy Foreign Minister and an accompanying delegation, according to SANA reporter.

In a press statement at Damascus Airport, Director of the US Department at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry, Ambassador Khalil Bitar, said “There will be a flight every 15 days between Damascus and Caracas.”

In turn, Venezuelan Minister of Transport Ramon Velasquez said “After 12 years, we resume flights between our two countries, and this flight represents a victory for both of them and serves the interest of the Syrian and Venezuelan peoples.”.

Venezuelan Ambassador in Damascus, Jose Biomorgi Muzattiz, said “The return of air traffic came due to the great efforts exerted by both countries and it represents a step forward in strengthening bilateral relations”

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

UN Security Council Extends UN Mission in Iraq

The UN Security Council extended the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) for another year.

The UN said in a statement that UNAMI's mandate was extended until May 31, 2024, while retaining its core tasks.

The statement said that the 15-member States unanimously adopted the resolution .

According to the statement, the Council requested that the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative for Iraq and UNAMI give priority to the provision of advice, support, and assistance to the Iraqi government and people on advancing inclusive political dialogue and national and community-level reconciliation.

Moreover, the Council asked the UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres to conduct and provide the Security Council with an independent strategic review of UNAMI, no later than March 31, 2024.

UNAMI is a political mission established under Security Council resolution 1500 for the year 2003.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Turkish President, NATO Secretary-General Discuss Regional, Global Developments

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan together with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg discussed regional and global developments, which came during a telephone call, according to a statement by the Turkish Presidency's Directorate of Communications.

During a phone call on Tuesday, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu discussed Sweden's NATO membership file with his US counterpart Antony Blinken.

On June 28, 2022, Turkiye, Sweden and Finland signed a tripartite memorandum of understanding on the latter two countries' accession to NATO after pledging to respond to Ankara's demands on counter-terrorism cooperation, which was achieved on Finland's accession to the Alliance. However, there has been a recent tension between Turkiye and Sweden following the Swedish authorities' permission to burn down the Holy Quran in front of the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm.

NATO's accession requires the approval of all 30 member States, including Turkiye.

Source: Qatar News Agency

US Condemns N. Korea’s Satellite Launch

The United States condemned North Korea's attempt to launch a spy satellite into space, the White House said, calling it a "brazen violation" of multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions.

The United States strongly condemns the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) for its launch using ballistic missile technology, which is a brazen violation of multiple UN Security Council resolutions, raises tensions, and risks destabilizing the security situation in the region and beyond, spokesperson of the White House National Security Council (NSC) Adam Hodge said in a statement.

This claimed space launch involved technologies that are directly related to the DPRK intercontinental ballistic missile program, the statement said, adding that US President Joe Biden and his national security team are assessing the situation in close coordination with "our allies and partners".

The statement called on the DPRK to come to the table for serious negotiations. "The door has not closed on diplomacy but Pyongyang must immediately cease its provocative actions and instead choose engagement," it added.

The United States will take all necessary measures to ensure the security of the American homeland and the defense of the Republic of Korea and Japanese allies, the statement said.

North Korea announced early Wednesday that its spy satellite launch failed, according to the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

DPRK's National Aerospace Development Administration said that the launched new-type satellite carrier rocket crashed into the West Sea of Korea along with the loss of thrust because of abnormal start of the second-stage motor after the first-stage separation while making a normal flight, according to KCNA.

Source: Qatar News Agency