Special Envoy of Arab League Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Urges Investment in Refugee Education, Care around the World -1-


HE Special Envoy of the Arab League Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Sheikha Hessa bint Khalifa bin Ahmed Al-Thani stressed the need to promote social integration of refugees and their integration into host societies, while ensuring their access to equal rights, opportunities and services; noting that the displaced, internal or external, often face social exclusion and discrimination, which increase their suffering.

In her World Refugee Day speech, Her Excellency called for concerted efforts to enhance understanding, tolerance and empathy among the host population, through awareness campaigns and community initiatives.

Her Excellency warned of the great dangers of civil conflicts and their repercussions on destroying societies and disrupting the lives of individuals, forcing many to flee their homes in search of safety. Internally displaced persons are considered among the most vulnerable groups affected by those conflicts as they often face great challenges in meeting their basic needs, maintaining their health and dignity, and rebuilding their lives in the face of such difficulties. Therefore, societies must empathize with them to alleviate their suffering.

Her Excellency cautioned that the treatment of internally displaced persons requires understanding of their basic human rights and protecting them from discrimination, violence, exploitation, and torture; calling on governments to enact legislation that protects their rights and guarantees their safety. In addition to the need for legal frameworks to recognize the special needs of internally displaced persons and deal with them in a way that allows them to access basic services, exercise their right to education and participation in the decision-making processes that affect their lives. She stressed the need to respect the human rights of internally displaced persons in order to promote dignity, justice, and equality in societies.

She noted that the displacement crisis requires international cooperation and shared responsibility from governments and civil society organizations to comprehensively address the needs of displaced individuals. This cooperation includes providing financial support, sharing resources and expertise, and establishing fair and effective housing processes. It is possible through collective action to create sustainable solutions that address the root causes of displacement, mitigate the impact of armed conflicts and natural disasters, and protect the rights and dignity of displaced people around the world.

HE Sheikha Hessa bint Khalifa bin Ahmed Al-Thani presented some examples and stories of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Sudan in her speech, through which she proved that empathy and understanding can change the course of people’s lives so that refugees are not defined by their situation but by their resilience and potential. By extending a helping hand and empathy, the world can create a multiplying effect of positive change that transcends borders, cultures, and circumstances.

The examples and stories of refugees showed the ability of these people to achieve success in their studies and work after being provided with psychological and educational support, health care and opportunities that enable them to live in dignity and help them access the skills and tools they need to achieve success in their professional lives and provide a source of income to support their families, which enhanced their integration into their host societies.

HE the Special Envoy of the Arab League Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs commended the appreciated efforts made by the governments of refugee-hosting countries, regional and local UN, international and Arab organizations, civil society institutions, and individuals who do not skimp on providing aid, support and empathy to the refugees, and contribute to alleviating their suffering and giving them and the displaced a sense of safety.

Source: Qatar News Agency