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Somali Prime Minister Calls on Qatari Businessmen to Invest in Agricultural, Livestock Sectors

HE Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia Hamza Abdi Barre invited Qatari businessmen to visit Somalia and learn more about the investment opportunities in all economic sectors, especially in the fields of agriculture, livestock and fisheries.

During a meeting with a Qatari Businessmen Association (QBA) delegation headed by HE QBA chairman Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim Al-Thani, HE the Somali prime minister said that the various economic sectors, such as the agricultural, commercial, real estate and industrial sectors, are open for investment, whether in partnership with the government or the Somali private sector, as there is a large market in East Africa that Somalia has joined with more than 300 million consumers.

HE Abdi Barre added that both countries have distinguished and strong relations, as Qatar has contributed to building Somali institutions that included economic, investment and development cooperation, expecting that these areas will witness greater cooperation in the future.

His Excellency added that his country, with a population of 14 million people, has an enormous livestock wealth exceeding 40 million head of cattle, in addition to more than 8.5 million hectares of fertile land and a huge coastline of 3,700 km in length with a large fish wealth, all of which are available for investments by Qatari businessmen. The country imports milk and its products despite the abundance of the livestock sector, which confirms that the country needs food factories, especially in the dairy sector.

For his part, HE Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim Al-Thani said that Qatar and Somalia have strong historical relations that are based on mutual respect, common understanding and collaboration, stressing that the success of any investor in the beginning will open the way for the rest of the investors.

HE Sheikh Faisal also welcomed the invitation of the Somali Prime Minister to visit Mogadishu to study the investment opportunities in the real estate, insurance, tourism, agriculture and other investment sectors.

The Republic of Somalia seeks to attract Qatari investors to establish projects that can support development in the country and create job opportunities for its youth. There are many sectors in which investment can be made, especially agricultural projects and livestock and fisheries, especially since Somalia has coastlines extending more than 3,700 kilometers, one of the longest coastlines in the world.

Source: Qatar News Agency