Shura Council pays tribute to Bahraini workers


The Shura Council has expressed pride in the contributions of workers to the kingdom’s development process, commending the patriotic efforts they are making at various work and production sites.

The Shura Council praised His Majesty King Hamad bi Isa Al Khalifa’s constant support for workers, in line with the royal belief in the pivotal role the human element plays in building the nation’s present and progress.

In a statement marking the Labour Day, the Council also lauded the role played by the government, led by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, in supporting and protecting workers’ rights, highlighting the government’s keenness to provide quality job opportunities by adopting promising economic plans and initiatives aimed at enhancing the labour market and developing the national competencies in various specialties and fields.

In its statement issued during the 28th meeting of the second session of the sixth Legislative Term, chaired by Jamal Moh
ammed Fakhro, the First Deputy Chairman, the Shura Council lauded the kingdom’s national productive workforce, highlighting their dedication, giving and honourable patriotic stances.

The Shura Council underlined its keenness to develop and enact national legislation and laws that keep up with the developments of the labour market, support workers’ rights and pave the way for implementing the government’s plans and programmes, which contributes to serving the comprehensive development process, led by HM the King.

Source: Bahrain News Agency