Sabbagh discusses with WFP enhancing its role in supporting Syrians


Damascus, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bassam Sabbagh, met today with a delegation from the World Food Program (WFP), headed by Rania Dagash-Kamara, WFP Assistant Executive Director.

Sabbagh hailed the program’s work in maintaining global food security, and the role it plays in Syria, especially in terms of providing food aid, emphasizing the importance of implementing early recovery projects and their role in rehabilitating infrastructure and facilitating the return of displaced Syrians.

Humanitarian work must not be politicized and it is important for Syria to remain among the program’s list of priorities, the Deputy Minister Sabbagh stressed.

Dagash-Kamara presented the efforts made by the program to address the financial crisis resulting from the decline in the level of global funding, which most UN agencies and programs are suffering from, stressing the program’s commitment to provide humanitarian assistance to the Syrians and boosting that according to a clear plan based on the process of ide
ntifying needs.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency