Report: Settler terrorism reaches record levels in the West Bank


Nablus – Together – A report prepared by the National Office for Land Defense and Settlement Resistance said that the Israeli occupation authorities are practicing organized terrorism throughout the length and breadth of the West Bank, and are not content with tearing the West Bank apart through military checkpoints, iron gates, and earth mounds, but also launch continuous incursions into cities, towns, villages, and camps. Amid killing, demolition of homes, and arrests, while at the same time providing protection against colonialist attacks.

The office added in its weekly settlement report, today, Saturday, that the attacks carried out by the colonists do not fall within the framework of individual actions or isolated and sporadic incidents, but rather it is an organized action that finds support and encouragement from political circles in the Israeli government and Knesset, and from influential circles in the occupation police and army. .

He confirmed the escalation of criminal attacks by colonialists and
colonial groups that take safe havens from colonies, colonial outposts, and so-called pastoral farms, with the protection of the occupation army and emergency teams formed and armed by the extremist minister, Itamar Ben Gvir.

The report explained that the attacks of the colonialists and colonial groups went beyond burning the Palestinians’ crops and trees, stealing their crops, destroying their water wells, preventing them from benefiting from their springs, storming their homes in their towns and villages, blocking their roads, and throwing stones at their vehicles, and entered a new phase of organized terrorism, using weapons and violence. He pulled the trigger, as the number of martyrs who were killed by colonialists’ bullets from October 7 until today has reached 18 martyrs.

He stated that the colonies have turned into armed arsenals and greenhouses for breeding terrorist ideology and forming organizations that have turned into a force of pressure and aggression, challenging, so to speak, even the measu
res taken by the occupation authorities to keep the situation under control, to absorb international reactions that condemn the violence of the colonists, but they remain clear discriminatory measures.

From the point of view of Israeli civil society organizations, they see that the colonialists have become the strongest political pressure group in Israel, and they have those who support them in the Israeli government and the Knesset, and their logic is weapons, and they control vital information, until they have a state, as if Israel were a foreign rule, like the British Mandate. At that time, they take what is possible from power, control property and lands as much as possible, and ignore everything else.

The report stated that the violence of these colonists, sponsored by the occupying state, remains an integral part of the Israeli apartheid system that aspires to Judaize the place, fragment and disintegrate the Palestinian sphere, strip the Palestinians of their lands and put them in isolation, leaving t
hem no room even to object before the judiciary.

Based on data from Israeli human rights organizations over the past 15 years, following up on investigation files into the violence of the colonists is a formal matter, as more than 1,200 files were opened over those years and an indictment was filed in only 100 of them.

He explained that what is new in the violence and terrorism of the colonists, which mostly emanates from colonial outposts and so-called pastoral farms, is that it has doubled in various areas of the West Bank since the beginning of the aggression on the Gaza Strip, significantly compared to what it was before last October 7, especially after arming… More than 17 thousand colonists have since formed their own militias, including emergency teams and others, and been completely freed by the Israeli occupation army.

Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate had the largest share of this violence, as the colonists continued their attacks, with the protection of the occupation forces, on several villag
es north and east of the city of Ramallah, including: (Al-Mughayir, Beitin, Deir Jarir, Silwad, Ain Sinya, Abu Falah, Burqa, Atara, and Al-Mazraa Al-Gharbiyya). It led to the martyrdom of two citizens: Jihad Abu Alia from Al-Mughir, and Omar Hamed from Beitin, the injury of dozens, and the burning of dozens of homes and vehicles.

Last week, the village of Al-Mughayir was the scene of attacks by the colonists, who, along with the occupation army, attacked the village under the pretext of searching for a colonist who was tending sheep in a colonial pastoral outpost in the area, and information was received about his death from the bite of the Palestine snake, according to the well-known Israeli journalist Barak Rafid, so the colonists invaded the village. and its surroundings in a brutal act that resulted in the death of Abu Alia, the injury of 10 others, and the burning of more than 40 homes and vehicles.

The colonists established 5 pastoral colonial outposts on the peaks surrounding the village, which is su
rrounded by colonialism on all sides after it left for them only 1,200 dunums of the village’s land area, which amounts to 41,000 dunums, extending along the edge of the Palestinian Jordan Valley in that vital area.

As for the Nablus Governorate, it was also exposed to a wave of terrorism carried out by a large number of colonialists, whom political and media circles in the United States of America and several countries in the European Union describe as ‘violent.’

The report indicated that the scene of this wave of terrorism included the villages of: Asira Al-Qibliya, Al-Lubban Al-Sharqiya, Jalud, Qaryut, Qasra, Douma, and Khirbet Al-Tawil, east of the town of Aqraba, which were subjected to an attack that resulted in the martyrdom of Muhammad Bani Jami’ and Abd al-Rahman Bani Fadel, which raised the death toll. There were 468 martyrs in the West Bank since October 7, including 18 who were shot by colonialists, while more than 4,800 others were injured.

He stressed that the machine of colonization, displac
ement and ethnic cleansing practiced by the occupation authorities does not stop, especially in the city of Jerusalem, where the Israeli Supreme Court issued an order last week to evacuate 15 Palestinians from their homes in the town of Silwan for the benefit of the colonists.

The court not only ordered the evacuation of the building in which three families lived and gave them until the first of next June, but also fined the families an amount of 5,000 shekels as fees for the colonists’ lawyers.

In another ruling, the occupation court in Jerusalem decided to evacuate 20 citizens from the Saleh family from their homes in which they have lived in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood for decades, giving them until next July 17 for the benefit of the colonists, and paying an amount of 80 thousand shekels to the registered company ‘Nahlat Shimon.’ Abroad, it is controlled by right-wing activists.

Also in Jerusalem, the colonial organization “Amana” recently submitted a new plan to the so-called “Local Planning and Bu
ilding Committee” asking it to build 6 additional floors to its existing building, which currently consists of two floors in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, and includes offices, commercial spaces, and a hall for conferences and events, with a height of It reaches 8 floors opposite the Qatari occupation police headquarters.

In the 1990s, the organization obtained private land seized from the Palestinians in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

This plan is not merely to introduce an additional colonial building, as much as it is a new gift to this colonial organization to develop its sources of income, as the occupation municipality in Jerusalem is renting offices from it in the building, and has chosen to operate a social welfare office, and the organization will be able to transform the building into a space in which it manages a colonial expansionist activity.

The occupation authorities are escalating the operations of seizure, bulldozing, and demolition notices in various areas of the West Bank in the inter
est of colonial expansion.

It issued a military decision to seize 64 dunums of citizens’ lands in the ‘Buweira’ area, north of the city of Hebron, in order to establish a residential and industrial colony in a move aimed at displacing citizens, who number approximately 8,000 citizens, in order to seize about 800 dunums.

The ‘Buira’ area, which its residents describe as ‘God’s paradise on earth’ due to its vineyards, fruit orchards, water pools, and stunning views, is one of the areas targeted for colonial expansion. It is subject to Israeli control, and is located between the ‘Kiryat Arba’ and ‘Kharsina’ settlements on the An area of ??2000 dunums, surrounded by new colonial outposts, and the occupation considers it an extension of natural colonial expansion.

The citizens of Al-Buira are exposed to attacks by colonialists from Kharsina, Kiryat Arba, and the outposts surrounding the area, in addition to being deprived of access to their lands through the street adjacent to the colony, seizing the tops of th
e hills that lie outside the apartheid wall, and opening dirt roads there as a sign. To seize it and declare it as future expansion sites.

The colonists also began establishing two new colonial outposts on lands threatened with seizure in the Ain al-Hilweh area in the northern Jordan Valley, east of ’60’ Street, near the Bedouin communities that belong to the Wadi al-Maleh area, 20 kilometers from the city of Tubas, and they began the work of establishing a third outpost at the Al-Auja water spring. North of Jericho.

This outpost is occupied by a colonist who lives in a colonial outpost next to the Al-Marajat community called ‘Zohar,’ who has previously carried out many attacks on citizens in that area.

The colonists threatened the Bedouin families in the Ras Ain Nabaa al-Auja community by removing the water lines that feed their Bedouin communities.

The National Land Defense Office documented weekly violations that were as follows:

Jerusalem: The occupation municipality crews and the so-called ‘Nature A
uthority’ resumed the bulldozing of the Friday market land, ‘the land of the ditch,’ east of the Jerusalem Wall, and completely uprooted the asphalt in preparation for the establishment of a biblical park.

The same crews stormed the land and began bulldozing it in mid-February, disrupting its use as a parking lot, even though it was owned by the families: Owais, Hamad, and Atallah of Jerusalem.

It is noteworthy that the area of ????the targeted parking lot is 1,260 square meters, and it was closed with cement cubes, while colonists attacked citizens’ vehicles on the road connecting the village of Jaba and the town of Hizma.

Hebron: Colonists attacked sheep herders in the Badia Yatta area in the Zudin area in the Eastern Badia, and prevented farmers from reaching their lands.

In the archaeological hill of Ma’in, east of the town of Yatta, colonists stormed the site and performed provocative Talmudic prayers in the place under the guard of occupation soldiers.

Colonists also attacked farmers, homeowners, a
nd their property in the Shaab Abu Sakur area near the town of Tarqumiya, west of Hebron.

In the village of Maghayir Al-Ubaid, colonists attacked citizens, forcibly evacuated its residents from their homes at gunpoint, and severely beat a peace activist.

In this context, colonists stormed the Al-Jawaya area in Al-Musafer, pursued sheep shepherds, attacked the village of Shaab Al-Butam, and burned a citizen’s vehicle.

Bethlehem: Citizen Alaa Omar Abu Ghalioun (42 years old) suffered bruises and wounds as a result of the settlers’ assault on him in the town of Al-Khader while he was on his land in the ‘Batin Al-Maasi’ area, south of the town. This led to him sustaining bruises and bleeding wounds, after which he was transferred to Beit Jala Governmental Hospital to receive treatment.

A group of colonists attacked a number of population centers south of Bethlehem, especially Khirbet Baluta and Beit Askaria, while a colonist stormed land in the Khalayel al-Lawz area and grazed his livestock on land planted wi
th almonds and olives, and destroyed a number of trees, belonging to citizens of the Suwais family.

Ramallah: A group of colonists in military uniform erected occupation flags on top of Mount Na’lan in the town of Al-Mazra’a Al-Gharbiyya, which is considered one of the most beautiful areas of the village, while others took advantage of the situation and seized control of the entire area.

In the village of Kafr Malek, colonists stormed the Ain Samiya area and beat a number of workers in a quarry, wounding one of them and bruising them. They also kidnapped the worker Maher al-Darbani (22 years old).

In the village of Abu Falah, five citizens were injured in a new attack by the colonists on the village. They opened fire on the citizens and their homes, and burned at least 12 vehicles, 4 agricultural greenhouses, and 5 motorcycles.

Nablus: Colonists burned a house and a vehicle in the eastern town of Lubban, and attacked a citizen of the village, causing him to suffer a fracture in his hand.

In the village o
f Al-Sawiya, colonists from the “Ali” colony, which was established on the village lands, attacked the village houses, fired live bullets at them, and stole 7 heads of sheep from the vicinity of one of the houses.

In the town of Qasra, south of Nablus, colonists burned a commercial store, homes, and vehicles, while four citizens were injured in the village of Duma, and dozens of homes were burned.

Salfit: The occupation bulldozers began bulldozing work to construct and expand a colonial road in the northwestern region of the lands of the town of Deir Istiya, to expand the entrance to the ‘Rafava’ colony, and this led to the uprooting of perennial olive trees in that area.

At the same time, a group of colonists from the “El Matan” colony attacked citizen Ayman Odeh while he was on his land.

Colonists also attacked two citizens while they were herding sheep in the ‘Umm al-Babin’ area, west of the town of Kafr al-Dik, and beat them, causing them to suffer bruises. Others attacked citizens’ vehicles as they w
ere passing on the road linking the towns of Kafr al-Dik and Deir Ballut, causing damage to a number of them.

Settlers burned two tents housing the family of Muhammad Shuhaybar Mahariq, south of Deir Ballut, where the citizen said that the occupation army and colonists chased them from one area to another and forced them to leave the area under the pretext of its proximity to the apartheid wall.

Qalqilya: Dozens of colonists gathered on the main road linking the cities of Qalqilya and Nablus, at the intersection of the two villages of Jit, near the ‘Qaddumim’ settlement, and attacked citizens’ vehicles.

A citizen from the town of Imatin was injured by stones while passing near the entrance to the ‘Yitzhar’ settlement, while colonists from the ‘Havat Gilad’ colony attacked with stones citizens while they were working on their land in the towns of Git and Imatin.

The Jordan Valley: Colonists burned 4 citizens’ homes in the Nab’ al-Auja community, and wrote racist slogans on citizens’ homes belonging to the
Rashayda and al-Ghawanimah Arabs. On the Al-Marajat road, colonists attacked vehicles and assaulted Bedouin tents in the Al-Malihat Arab community in the area, and grazed their sheep in the community.

Colonists also attacked citizens’ homes in Ain al-Hilweh, and destroyed electrical power cells supplying the population center, “Ain Ghazal” in Persian.

Settlers attacked citizens’ vehicles near the villages of Al-Auja, Fasayel, Al-Nabi Musa, and Al-Mu’rajat, and closed a crossroad in Wadi Qilt and the Nabi Musa Road. Others stormed a Bedouin gathering northwest of Jericho, led by the head of the settlement council in the northern West Bank, Yossi Dagan.

Source: Maan News Agency