
The Computing Club at Qatar University (QU) kicked off the series with the first event, “Python 101”, presented by Zaineh Osama, a junior from Qatar University.

It took place on the 25th of August and introduced basic concepts like loops and conditional statements that were to be capitalized on later in the series. The atmosphere was full of excitement and zeal as more than 130 participants learnt how code in Python varied from other languages, such as C++ and Java. The event ended with a competitive game of Kahoot where the top three won by a hairsbreadth.

It was followed by the next event a week later, where over 150 attendees joined on the 1st of September to listen to the fan favorite Dr AbdulAziz Al Ali, QU professor and the Director of KINDI Center for Computing Research, a researcher who has specific interests and experience in the field of machine learning and pattern recognition. Students were taught a variety of basic topics which included overfitting and deep learning in this beneficial event, which also ended in an enjoyable Kahoot. The response from the participants was outstanding.

A couple of days later, over 100 participants learned to teach computers to recognize handwritten numbers in the last event of the series which occurred on the 4th of September. "You’re First ML Model" was presented by Hussein Aly, a master’s student and QU research assistant. It was a big step up towards more complicated coding, and attendees learnt about the different tactics that can be used to solve problems, making use of a variety of libraries like scikit-learn, Panda and NumPy as well as learning about decision trees and different forms of classification.

Ahmed Ashraf, Club’s President said, “It was a major turning point for the club, I was thrilled to see that much support and positive feedback after the hard work the team's put in. I can't wait to reveal the next stage of the events. Stay Tuned!”

The Computing Club was thrilled to see that many enthusiastic students, so early in the term, seeking knowledge and motivation. It was truly honoring to collaborate with three inspiring presenters and provide the QU community with an opportunity to explore their interests and develop valuable skills for the modern world.