
Qatari Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani stressed the importance of stopping the war in Gaza without a precondition, adding that “the time is not in our favor especially that the humanitarian situation in Gaza is very difficult particularly in view of the treat against the city of Rafah.”

In his speech during a discussion session at the Munich Security Conference today, HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs explained that the past three weeks have witnessed progress in the negotiations between the two parties (Israel and Hamas), yet the last few days has not been progressing as expected.

To a question about Qatar’s vision in light of the escalation of the situation in the Middle East, HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs said: I think the time is not in our favor. We made some good progress in the past three weeks in the negotiations and we have been traying to reach an agreement between the two parties, yet th
e last few days has not been progressing as expected. I believe there are still differences in place between the two parties. We had an agreement in November, when we managed to get 109 hostages out and we had a humanitarian pause for a week.

His Excellency continued by saying that any agreement between both parties should have two elements – one is addressing the humanitarian conditions in Gaza, and the other one regarding the number of the people who will be released in the hostages agreement. In this agreement, we are talking about a bigger scale of hostages who will be released and we still see some difficulties on the humanitarian part of these negotiations. We see it really going to enable us and help us to make sure we are putting enough pressure to reduce the numbers of victims and casualties down. If we got some good condition on that side, we can see a deal happening very soon, but the pace in the past two days is not very promising. I always repeat that we will remain optimistic and we always rema
in pushing and we will try our best to reach this deal because the humanitarian situation in Gaza is dangerous, and especially when it comes to Rafah it is very difficult and we are in a threatening moment.

In a question about the obstacles to reaching an agreement, HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani said: “I cannot disclose much on the details of negotiation respecting the parties of the negotiations but as I mentioned, we still believe that if we are able to reach an agreement on the humanitarian side, perhaps numbers will remain an obstacle, but not the biggest obstacle. I think that time is not on our favor, Ramadan is ahead of us now, and also as situation in Rafah is evolving it will be very dangerous for the entire region. I am trying to avoid going into the details of the agreement, yet I think that if we can address and signify the humanitarian package within the agreement, we will be able to get through the obstacles.”

Regarding Israels rejection of the presence of the Hamas mo
vement in any negotiations regarding the Palestinian issue, HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs said “I think that to be realistic when starting a negotiation about a Palestinian state or the Palestinians’ future to look back in the last three decades. We have seen that we are just going into a cycle which never resulted in any progress or solution. On the contrary we have seen a steady increase in the number of settlements and settler violence, continuous violation on the holy sites, provocations happening from time to time. We have seen how many wars we have been through in the last 30 years, and yet we see that talking about the two-state solution is not anymore something happening. We hope that what happened on Oct. 7 will represent a wake up call that the situation is not sustainable and we need to step up and look at a better future for the people in the region whether the Palestinians, the Arabs, the Israelis for everyone we want to see a better future.”

His Excellency added: On the
issue of Hamas being part of the solution, what we are talking about is the Palestinian representatives. There is the PLO, and it is the representative of the Palestinians. It is the organization mandated for the negotiations and I believe that whoever the Palestinians agree on should be included in that the Palestinian decision to decide who is being part of them or not and I believe the Palestinians have the right to decide who to be part of them. I want to mention a point raised by Norwegian Prime Minister which is there is a big question mark emerging within the people of our region that sense right now that the people in Gaza being killed being displaced and we did not see the same stance that happened in different conflicts. When it comes to issues of killing Palestinian people we see an abandonment of the first principles of right and wrong and I am not meaning only Ukraine, there is Ukraine and other conflicts. We are not really looking at the acts itself, and we always determine about the perpetrator
and who is affected by the act and decide whether it is right or wrong.

HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani added: Our people now are questing credibility, did we step up and did enough to protect those millions of Palestinian civilians? And when they see non state actors emerging and doing things to claim they are protecting the people of Gaza. How we could face our people by telling them we could not help the Palestinians. Thus, I think we are at a cross-roads now. It is important that we stand by the global system, and what everyone is talking about here in Munich or other events is not distinguishing between the people who commit the acts and the victims of the act.

On a question about Qatar’s long-term vision regarding the Palestinian Authority, HE Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani said: Right now we are focused on the priority which is how to end this war and how to avoid a further escalation. Regarding the PLO and PA,
right now the PLO is the recognized representative after the Oslo, the PA is the governing authority of the West Bank and unfortunately after the division not ruling Gaza anymore. We would like to see a unified Palestinian government governing the Palestinian people, whether in the West Bank or Gaza, and certainly all Palestinians will join under the umbrella of the Authority because they want someone to represent the Palestinian people so that they can achieve their own statehood.

His Excellency added: On the question of Rafah, we see no reason for the continuation of the war in the first place and we know the importance of having a deal to bring hostages to their families but also we recognize the importance of stopping the war today even without a precondition, and we believe that stopping the war will bring the hostages back home.

His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani said the return of hostages to their families will end the war, and we hope to see this happening without an
y further excuses. Now this is the dilemma that is misused unfortunately by a lot of countries that in order to get a ceasefire the condition is to get the hostages home but the condition is the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon