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In the presence of Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Hamad bin Suhaim Al-Thani, wife of His Highness the Emir

Under the patronage and presence of Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Hamad bin Suhaim Al-Thani, wife of His Highness the Emir, Qatar University (QU) organized yesterday the graduation ceremony of its 43rd batch of distinguished female students at the QU Sports and Events Complex.

The University honored Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Hamad bin Suhaim Al-Thani who received a master’s degree in business administration from the College of Business and Economics.

During the ceremony for distinguished female students, 374 graduates were honored from the Class of 2020, representing a full academic year comprised of Fall 2019, Winter 2020, Spring 2020 and Summer 2020. This year 2455 female students graduate from a total of 3188 female and male students attended their respective graduation ceremonies over the course of a week. In consideration of the health and safety of the attendees, the University insured that safety and precautionary measures approved by the state were fully undertaken during the event.

In a speech on the occasion, Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Hamad bin Suhaim Al-Thani called on the graduates to continue on the path of knowledge, education and research, crediting it as the best way to build a conscious and responsible individual capable of contributing effectively to the advancement of the country.

She says, “As a graduate of this prestigious university, I returned to it in 2020 to receive my master’s in business administration after receiving my bachelors in 2003. And although the journey to get here has been challenging, it was also enjoyable and constructive and represents a realistic situation, as it is neither rare nor unique in our society for a women who has the responsibilities of being a wife and mother to still seek knowledge and to strive to continue learning.”

Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher added, “We have the duty to elevate our nation, and to use the resources availed to us, as education in our country asks us of only to be competent and exert efforts. The state has provided us all opportunities for continuous learning, for every hardworking person to achieve.”

Her Highness also noted the position of QU saying, “Through my studies at Qatar University, I have seen the nature of the University’s critical roles in contributing to Qatar National Vision. My brief speech cannot cover the extent of these outcomes. But I would like to point out the University’s efforts in research production and graduating thousands of Qataris who strive to achieve the national vision through various state agencies and institutions in the labor market as well as in civil society organizations. The University also graduates hundreds of residents who participated in Qatar’s development process. Here I would like to pay tribute to the University administration and its staff and commend them for their efforts. They have contributed in making Qatar University an outstanding academic and research institution in the region as witnessed by Times Higher Education rankings.”

Her Highness then addressed the topic of education in the context of the current Covid-19 pandemic saying, “The pandemic, which has affected the whole world, has proven to us the significance of investing in science and scientific research. Achieving sustainable development is possible through quality education and scientific research in our universities and academic institutions. Revolutionizing our educational systems has become of utmost importance in the context of increasing global competitiveness. As His Highness the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani stressed, a priority is investing in human capital, which is the direction of the State of Qatar in moving towards achieving sustainable development.”

“In my final note, I would like to emphasize the importance of contributing to the service of this dear country. I believe I speak for all of you when I say, we will use the knowledge and skills we have gained to serve our society and nation. We must continue to march with vigor and determination and set an example for future generations.”

To conclude, Her Highness thanked His Highness the Emir of the State of Qatar, to her parents and her children for their support and encouragement during her university studies. She also thanked her distinguished professors for their efforts and congratulated her fellow graduates and wished them continued success.

In his speech on this occasion, President of QU Dr. Hassan bin Rashid Al-Derham said, “As we celebrate the graduation of the 43rd batch of Qatar University students, we have the right to say: We are not only happy with the graduation of our female students, but we are proud of the Qatari women standing firm and creating the future of this nation.”

He added, “The Covid-19 pandemic has shown that when Qatari women were put to the test and given responsibility, they were up to the task. We saw -and continue to see- the role of women in combating the pandemic, and they are in the forefront. We see the teacher in the classroom, energizing her students, developing teaching and assessment methods and methods in light of the transition to remote teaching, in unprecedented circumstances, teaching children in unprecedented circumstances, together with her brothers, to limit the effects of the pandemic. Nurses and medical personnel are working at all hours of the day and night in order to save lives from the resurgent virus. We are witnessing today in terms of celebration part of the harvest of what you sowed. It is our country, a place of pride and security.”

“Qatar University is a place, a mission, a fortress of intellectual freedom and human dignity, a home for morality and creativity, and a knowledge lighthouse on the path of human civilization. In line with this ideology, Qatar University prioritizes science in the development of its highest values, as well as knowledge of human values and interests,” he said.

QU has been recognized as one of the top universities in the world, based on its achievements. The institution has moved to a leading position among the top institutions in the world, through the continuous support of a rational government, as well as the constant supervision of the Board of Regents. The University moved from placing 276 last year to 245th this year, according to the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Ranking 2021.

Many colleges and programs at QU have received academic accreditation from the most prestigious international bodies, demonstrating that the education provided by QU is no less than what international universities provide.

Al-Derham explained that Qatar University is founded on the fundamental belief that success is related to a never-ending effort to deliver the best for its students and society. In view of the challenges at the local and global levels, this is especially important. The higher education scene in Qatar has transformed in recent years, resulting in greater competition among educational institutions to attract outstanding students, as well as increasing their expectations and standards. On the other hand, he says, the results of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, whose precursors are beginning to take shape, and the radical change it imposes on the requirements of the labor market, obliges those in the education sector, and in higher education in particular, to revise existing policies and redraw plans.

Dr. Hassan also noted that the University is taking concrete steps to foster and develop a culture of leadership and innovation, for example launching a QU technology company, which incubates innovate ideas for university students through start-ups, which will add value to the economy. The university president concluded by offering advice and guidance to female graduates, emphasizing that knowledge is a journey, not a destination.

Addressing the female graduates, Dr. Hassan said: “HH Sheikha Jawaher bint Hamad bin Suhaim Al-Thani is a role model and today she honors our ceremony and celebrates with us her graduation and your graduation together.”

On behalf of the outstanding graduates, Al-Anoud Al-Kuwari presented a speech, welcoming students and emphasizing the value of knowledge, “I stand here with immense joy and pride in addressing you, on behalf of the 43rd class graduates, and I express my gratitude and appreciation to those who allowed me to be a part of this ceremony. The renaissance of education, through which people advance, can only be achieved by meaningful investment in human capital, and this is what the Qatar National Vision 2030 aspires to achieve in the first pillar, which is human development.”

In addressing parents of graduates she said, “Although you are not present in the hall today, due to the precautionary measures, you are in our hearts and words of gratitude would not be enough. Thanks to your prayers and support throughout these years, we are here, may Allah (SWT) bless you and give you health and longevity. I also thank the faculty; whom words of thanks and praise would not fulfill what they have contributed for us throughout our academics.”

As QU graduates its 43rd cohort of graduates, the university continues to chronicle a long history spanning decades in which it contributes heavily to Qatar’s development and prosperity, through boosting the labor market with qualified graduates.

Source: Qatar University