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Qatar Charity extends Eid al-Fitr greetings

Qatar Charity (QC), on the advent of Eid al-Fitr, has extended its heartfelt congratulations and sincere wishes to His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, the Amir of Qatar, the Qatari leadership, government, citizens, residents, the Arab and Islamic nations, and all the philanthropists who have contributed to the success of the ‘Ramadan of Hope’ drive, making supplication to Allah that peace, harmony, and happiness would prevail everywhere in the world.

Qatar Charity extended special thanks to the benefactors in Qatar, public and private sector institutions and sponsors who supported its ‘Ramadan of Hope’ drive to implement the Ramadan projects and contributed to alleviating the suffering of the distressed, refugees, the displaced, and the vulnerable worldwide.

Qatar Charity also thanked various media outlets, social media influencers, media figures, volunteers, who are truly partners in the achievement and success of the Ramadan campaign.

Qatar Charity urges benefactors to continue to support the underprivileged with their generosity, as acts of charity are not limited to Ramadan, but should continue throughout the year, especially in light of difficult and exceptional circumstances faced by many vulnerable communities across the globe.

Source: Qatar Charity