Qatar Chairs 26th Meetings of GCC Ministers of Environment -1-


, HE Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi praised the efforts of HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, and his brothers, Their Majesties and Highnesses, leaders of the GCC countries, which had a significant impact in advancing the progress of the Council to broader areas, wishing His Highness good health and wellness, and the Qatari people more development and prosperity.

His Excellency pointed out the pivotal role played by the environment in the Gulf countries, as its preservation has become an essential part of their national visions, with a focus on addressing its challenges in climate change and water scarcity.

He also noted that the GCC countries are working to enhance environmental policies, rely on renewable energy, and reduce carbon emissions to achieve a balance between development and environmental protection, stressing the importance of cooperation between countries around the world to address climate change and other environmental challenges.

He stre
ssed the effective contribution of the GCC countries to global cooperation and their provision of solutions to address the effects of climate change on the one hand, and their preservation of the environment on the other hand, in addition to coordinating their positions with their partners in this field during their participation in international forums.

HE Secretary-General of the Council added that the agenda of this meeting is full of many topics that require presentation and discussion, and taking guidance regarding them, most notably the strategic plan of the Ministerial Committee, which aims to enhance joint Gulf action in the field of environment and biodiversity, in accordance with policies, frameworks and programs to achieve sustainable development and global competitiveness and to achieve greater integration and interconnection.

In the same context, HE Minister of Oil and Environment of the Kingdom of Bahrain Dr. Mohammed bin Mubarak Bin Dainah stressed the role played by the Gulf Ministerial Coun
cil in addressing common issues in all positions, whether regional or international, noting that all countries in the region and the world are suffering today from the challenges of climate change, and that environmental challenges include a political aspect, so it is important for the countries of the region to negotiate any political decision.

His Excellency praised the advanced stages that the Gulf region has reached in implementing environmental standards and preserving their elements, as the GCC countries do not suffer from any type of waste, whether plastic or industrial pollutants, in addition to the noticeable decrease in the level of carbon dioxide emissions compared to its levels with the rest of the world, noting the Gulf countries interest in the environment and preserving it for new generations, and their interest in the elements of growth, prosperity and well-being and their interconnectedness as if they were one country that shares knowledge and coordination in enacting laws and legislation an
d unifying positions to achieve the desired results.

For his part, HE Deputy Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture of Saudi Arabia Eng. Mansour bin Hilal Al Mushaiti highlighted the contribution of the Ministerial Council, through this committee, in advancing the joint environmental work process towards achieving the goals of sustainable development in the region, including approving the strategic plan of the Committee of Ministers Responsible for the Environment, and adopting the environmental directions of the GCC countries, which is an important future vision for joint environmental work, as it includes all aspects related to environmental protection, mitigating the effects of climate change, and balancing the requirements of development and preserving natural resources and enhancing their sustainability in a way that preserves the interests of the countries of the region.

His Excellency emphasized what was included in the fifth paragraph of the final statement issued by the Supreme Council at i
ts 42nd session, and the decision issued at the 25th meeting of Their Excellencies the Ministers Responsible for Environmental Affairs in the GCC States, and the importance of the Council continuing its full support for the Green Middle East Initiative, focusing on what came out of the second summit of this initiative, which was the announcement by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia of a grant for this initiative in the amount of two and a half billion US dollars and hosting the initiative headquarters, calling on the GCC States to complete the procedures for ratifying the initiative charter and to include the national targets for planting natural wood within the initiative’s targets.

He also expressed his aspiration to enhance the role of the national development funds in the GCC countries to follow up on the development of the vegetation cover in the region and the Councils effective participation in the initiative hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Oct. 16, reviewing Saudi Arabias efforts to confront envir
onmental challenges, land degradation, desertification and drought, and to enhance cooperation and coordination to reduce land degradation, enhance the ability of communities and ecosystems to withstand drought and enhance joint environmental action.

In addition, HE Chairman of the Environment Authority in the Sultanate of Oman Dr. Abdullah Bin Ali Al Amri reviewed his country’s efforts in protecting wildlife and endangered animals, noting the efforts of the GCC countries in cooperation and solidarity in everything that would protect the environment with all its components, and the continuous coordination and communication between its countries to take what they deem appropriate to protect the environment regionally and internationally.

For her part, HE Acting Director General of the Public Environment Authority in the State of Kuwait Eng. Samira Mohamad Al Kandari attributed the stability and distinguished growth witnessed by the GCC countries to the wise directives of Their Majesties and Highnesses, the l
eaders of the GCC countries, and their continuous emphasis on the necessity of protecting the environment, preserving its natural resources, and sustainable development through planning and implementation that takes into account the environmental dimension in all development projects, considering the Supreme Councils decisions related to the environment as essential milestones and a major shift in strengthening the path of joint environmental work, achieving the desired goals for the well-being of the peoples of the GCC countries, and enhancing economic and social progress and stability.

It is worth noting that today’s meeting discussed a number of topics of common interest in the fields of environment and biodiversity in the GCC countries, including the strategic plan of the Committee of Ministers Responsible for Environmental Affairs, which is an extension of the Gulf Cooperation Council’s journey and its shared vision, ways to develop the Gulf Environmental Portal, and the agreement to preserve wildlife a
nd its natural habitats.

The meeting concluded with the approval of the recommendations and results of the work of the technical committees and joint working groups in the fields of environment, biodiversity and international cooperation, in addition to joint activities and events

Source: Qatar News Agency