Government & Politics

Parliamentary committees on Tuesday held a joint session at the House of Parliament headed by Deputy House Speaker, Elias Bou Saab, in presence of Caretaker ministers of interior and finance, Bassam Mawlawi and Youssef Al-Khalil, and a number of MPs and representatives of concerned institutions. Eight items were on today’s agenda, including a law proposal for an additional general budget appropriation of approximately LBP 1500 billion to cover the expenses of municipal elections for the year 2023. In the wake of the session Bou Saab said, “It seems that no one has a problem with municipal and mayoral elections being held; on April 3, 2023, the Minister of Interior will call for municipal elections, but there are many things that must be taken into account before doing so.’ Bou Saab added that ‘a political dispute led to the adjournment of the session, which witnessed a tensed atmosphere. This shall never lead us to rational solutions. God willing, we will eventually reach an understanding because the country is at the threshold of a total collapse.’

Source: National News Agency-Lebanon