Palestinian President Urges UN Security Council to Uphold Responsibility for Protecting Palestinian People


Cairo, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called on the United Nations Security Council to protect the Palestinian people, grant the State of Palestine full membership in the United Nations, ensure necessary recognition of the State of Palestine by the rest of the world countries, and convene an international peace conference under an international sponsorship to accomplish the promised peace objective.

In remarks before the Cairo Peace Summit held on Saturday in Egypt, President Mahmoud Abbas said since the first day, he has been calling for halting the barbaric aggression launched by the Israeli occupation immediately, opening humanitarian corridors to deliver relief and medical items and provide water and electricity, however, he said, the Israeli government did not allow for this to happen, warning of the occupation forces’ persistent assaults and settlers’ terror acts against the defenseless civilians in the West Bank and Jerusalem, along with the attacks carried out by far-right groups on Islamic and Christian holy places.

In addition, Abbas warned of attempts to evict the population of the Gaza Strip and any operations to deport Palestinians from their homes or dislodge them from Jerusalem and the West Bank, stressing that he will never accept the eviction of Palestinians, confirming that Palestinians will remain resilient on their lands instead, whatever the challenges might be.

This is the moment when everyone must be wise and look towards the future since the cycle of violence renews each time due to the lack of justice and the legitimate rights of Palestinian people, he added.

Palestinian President underlined that security and peace are achieved through the implementation of the two-state solution based on international legitimacy and ending the Israeli occupation of the land of the State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, as well as solving the issue of Palestinian refugees based on the UN resolution No. 194 with international assurances and a specified time schedule for implementation.

In conclusion, Abbas said the noncombatant Palestinian people are facing a wanton and brutal aggression perpetrated by the Israeli war machine which is violating religious and international humanitarian laws by targeting thousands of civilians, most of them are children and women, as well as hospitals, schools and shelters of the civilians who survived the scourges of war and bombing of their homes.

Source: Qatar News Agency