Palestinian Injured by Occupation Gunfire in West Bank


Ramallah: Israeli occupation forces shot and injured a Palestinian during clashes on Friday in the village of Osarin, south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society ambulance and emergency center reported that Israeli forces fired live ammunition at civilians, resulting in clashes and the injury of a 30-year-old man in the foot, who was subsequently transported to the hospital.

Meanwhile, settlers set fire to Palestinian homes in the Ein Al Auja area, north of Jericho.

Local sources reported that settlers attacked the Ein Al Auja area, vandalizing homes with racist slogans and setting fire to four of them.

In a related context, Israeli forces raided villages northeast of the city of Jenin.

Local sources mentioned that Israeli forces raided the villages of Jalbun and Faqqu’a, where the apartheid wall and the Meirav settlement were established, and conducted extensive searches.

Source: Qatar News Agencyi