Palestinian Foreign Ministry Calls for International Measures to Stop Israel’s Illegal Actions


The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates called on the international community to take the necessary steps to implement the promises made and oblige the Israeli occupation to stop all its unilateral and illegal actions before it is too late.

In a press statement, the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the violations of the occupation forces, the settlers militias and their terrorist groups against Palestinian citizens, their lands, homes, properties and sanctities throughout the occupied Palestinian territory.

Palestinian Foreign Ministry stressed that these actions are further violations on Palestine, imposes more punishments, and extends the occupation's open war on Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem and all "C" classified areas.

The statement stated that the Israeli occupation is racing against time to impose more changes on the current political, historical, legal and demographic reality in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, with the aim of resolving the future of the occupied West Bank unilaterally by the force of the Israeli occupation, which leads to undermine any chance to establish a Palestinian state on the June 4, 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed that the failure of the international community to implement the international law and the legitimate international decisions regarding the Palestinian case further encourages the Israeli occupation to escalate its racist colonial actions, with the aim of perpetuating the occupation and accelerating the gradual annexation of the West Bank.

Countries that claim to stand with the principles of human rights and call for the two-state solution are only demanding and appealing that the Israeli occupation stop its illegal actions, but without these demands and appeals having any real pressure or consequence, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry added.

Source: Qatar News Agency