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Palestine Calls International Community to Offer More Protection to Palestinian People

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs today called on the international community to provide protection for the Palestinian people and urged the International Criminal Court to break its silence and expedite its investigations into the crimes committed by Israeli occupation forces.

In a statement, the ministry condemned the extrajudicial execution carried out by Israeli occupation forces against the martyr Mahmoud Abu Sa'ne (18 years old) during their brutal raid of the city of Tulkarm and Nur Shams refugee camp.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry considered this crime as an integral part of the ongoing series of daily killings of Palestinian people with the approval and cover of the Israeli political establishment.

It viewed the escalation of Israeli occupation forces' crimes against the Palestinian people, their land, properties, and sanctities as nothing but an Israeli attempt to ignite the conflict and drag the entire region into an endless spiral of violence.

Earlier today, a young Palestinian man was martyred by Israeli occupation forces' gunfire during their incursion into Nur Shams refugee camp, east of Tulkarm in the West Bank.

Source: Qatar News Agency