Over 436,859 Women Currently Insured in Social Security


Amman: The Social Security Corporation (SSC) announced that the current number of actively insured women under Social Security has reached 436,859, with 31,879 participating voluntarily.

In a statement released Wednesday, marking Mother’s Day, celebrated annually on March 21, the organization highlighted how the Security Law now extends protection to self-employed women and business owners, mandatorily covering them under the insurance scheme.

The amendment to the law has fortified social protection for mothers employed in the private sector by broadening the eligibility criteria for maternity leave benefits. Now, a woman with at least 6 continuous or intermittent contributions in the 12 months preceding her entitlement to maternity leave can qualify for the allowance or coverage in the last 6 months before her leave.

Moreover, the Security Law has introduced the Care Program, which shoulders the expenses of caring for the newborn of an insured woman in approved nurseries or through home care for six month
s. Additionally, it enhances social protection for divorced daughters, sisters, or widows by granting them a portion of their deceased father or brother’s salary, retroactive to January 1, 2023.

Encouraging non-working Jordanian mothers to voluntarily enroll in the insurance scheme, the corporation emphasizes the benefits of social protection, including retirement and sickness benefits, which empower women economically and ensure social security through active economic participation.

Furthermore, the organization urges all female workers to inquire about their insurance entitlements and ensure their inclusion under the insurance scheme, based on their actual earnings and work history.

Source: Jordan News Agency