OIC Says Israeli Insistence on Committing Crimes of Genocide Represents Flagrant Disregard to All Sanctimonious Norms


The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has strongly condemned the daily war crimes and genocide committed by the Israeli occupation army against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, alongside the occupied Jerusalem city.

OIC added that the last crime committed was the assassination of chief of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement in Palestine (Hamas), Dr. Ismail Haniyeh during his stay in the Iranian capital Tehran.

Addressing the opening session of the open-ended extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee at the level of Foreign Ministers, held to discuss the ongoing crimes of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people and infringing on the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Secretary-General of OIC Hissein Brahim Taha, emphasized that the insistence of the Israeli occupation army on perpetrating these crimes represents a blatant disregard to all international norms, sanctities, laws and resolutions, and constitutes an infringement upo
n Iran’s sovereignty and national security, in a flagrant violation of the precepts of international law and provisions of the UN charter.

Taha called on the UN Security Council to shoulder its responsibility and take essential measures to pressure Israel, the de facto occupying power, into respecting the sovereignty of international law and stopping its threats and assaults that imperil regional and global security, in addition to imposing an immediate cessation of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, and protecting the entire security and stability of the Middel East from being descended into a full-blown regional war.

Additionally, Taha condemned all Israeli unlawful measures, including the rejection of establishing the Palestinian statehood and designation of UNRWA as a terrorist organization. He called for providing further political financial support for UNRWA’s budget, to help it perform critical role in providing essential services for the Palestinian displaced people and alleviate the
humanitarian plight in the enclave.

He urged the active international parties to engage in patronizing a political track to end the Israeli occupation and achieve peace based on the two-state solution, as per international legitimacy’s resolutions, in addition to expanding the recognition of the State of Palestine and supporting its membership in the United Nations.

Source: Qatar News Agency