Najran’s Mud House Doors: A gateway to history and beauty


Najran’s mud houses have a captivating charm, accentuated by the beauty of their doors that act as a portal into the region’s rich heritage of folk architecture.

The art of decorating wooden doors has become synonymous with Najran itself. As the first impression for any visitor, homeowners take great pride in adorning their doors with intricate patterns and designs.

Doors are typically constructed from two or three panels of Sidr or Athel wood. The choice of wood, along with the complexity of the geometric designs and overall size, reflects the owner’s social standing.

According to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), the location of a door in the house further dictated its design. Yard and main entrance doors differ from room doors, yet all share a common thread – a captivating beauty and robust construction, some standing strong for centuries.

Sadly, the ancient craft of door carpentry is slowly fading away. In the past, skilled artisans honed their craft, innovating specific styles for different regions.

se doors act as silent guardians, whispering tales of Najran’s rich past and the artistic spirit that continues to inspire.

Source: Bahrain News Agency