Monthly report: 15 martyrs, hundreds of wounded and detainees, and thousands of demolitions in Jerusalem


Jerusalem Together – The Public Relations and Media Unit in the Jerusalem Governorate issued its report for the month of October 2023, on the crimes of the Israeli occupation in the Jerusalem Governorate, in which it summarized the overall violations observed in the neighborhoods and towns of the governorate.

Martyrs and the file of bodies detained by the occupation:

During October 2023, (15) martyrs rose in the Jerusalem Governorate, including 7 children, and they are: the child Yasser Thaer Sami Al-Kasbah, (17 years old), Muhammad Ziyad Abdel Jalil Hamid (24 years old), and Amjad Maher Alian Khudair (36 years old). ), the child Adam Amjad Fathi Al-Julani (16 years old), the martyr Ali Al-Abbasi (25 years old), Abdul Rahman Faraj (18 years old), Omar Issa Al-Farra, Khaled Al-Muhtaseb (21 years old), Ahmed Khaled Eid Farraj (18 years old), the child Muhammad Taher Mustafa (16 years old), the child Laith Abu Marra (17 years old), Abdul Rahman Ribhi Al-Amouri (22 years old), the child Ayham Iyad Issa Jabareen (17 years old), the child Ahmed Ghaleb Mutair (17 years old), the child Adam Nasser Abu Al-Hawa ( 17 years).

File of detained bodies

During the month of October, the occupation detained the bodies of 5 martyrs: Ali Al-Abbasi, Abdel-Rahman Faraj, Khaled Al-Muhtaseb, the child Adam Abu Al-Hawa, and Abdel-Rahman Al-Amouri.

Until the end of October 2023, the occupation authorities are still detaining the bodies of 30 Jerusalemite martyrs in the occupation’s refrigerators and number cemeteries.

Targeting national figures:

As part of the occupation’s attempts to control, oppress, and destroy trees, stones, and people, the occupation authorities continue their crimes against the national figures in Jerusalem. During the month of October, the occupation authorities continued their violations against the governor of Jerusalem, Sharif Adnan Ghaith. At the end of October, the occupation forces summoned Ghaith and handed him a decision to prevent him from entering. West Bank. It is noteworthy that the occupation has imposed on Governor Ghaith open house detention in his home in the town of Silwan, since August 4, 2022, and the occupation prosecution submitted an indictment against him that included (17) violations of the decision preventing him from entering the West Bank from the moment the decision was issued, and the occupation prosecution is demanding that he be transferred to an actual prison.

At the end of October, the occupation forces arrested the head of the Jerusalem Anti-Judaization Committee, Nasser Al-Hidmi, and released him after he was handed a deportation order to the West Bank. It is noteworthy that the occupation authorities imposed house arrest on Al-Hidmi at his place of residence in the Al-Suwanah neighborhood in Jerusalem. The occupation has also prevented Al-Hidmi from traveling since 4 years, and he has been banned from entering the Old City and Al-Aqsa for more than two years.

A website for Jewish extremists also published on the Telegram platform the locations of the homes of Jerusalemite activists via the Google Maps application, and the extremists were incited to reach and target them. Among them were known: the home of the martyr Khaled al-Muhtasib and the home of other martyrs, Rami al-Fakhouri, Mustafa Abu Zahra, Sheikh Ikrimah Sabri, Hamza al-Zughair, Nasser al-Hidmi, Samah Mhamid.

A group of settlers also published the names and pictures of: Hajj Tawfiq Abu Zahra, Amjad Abu Assab, Hanadi Al-Halawani, Nasser Al-Hidmi, Hamza Zaghir, Sheikh Raed Salah, and Sheikh Ikrimah Sabri on a site called Nazi Hunters.

Settlers attacks:

Settlers carried out (29) attacks against Jerusalemites, including (6) attacks with physical abuse, and (6) attacks on property, including the theft of olives in Wadi Al-Rababa in the town of Silwan, south of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.


During October, the Jerusalem Governorate monitored injuries resulting from the occupation forces’ use of excessive force against Jerusalemites in various parts of the occupied capital. The intensity of the confrontations increased during the month of October, especially after the events of October 7, which led to an increase in the number of injuries this month, as (37) injuries were monitored. As a result of the firing of live bullets and rubber-coated metal bullets and severe beatings by the occupation forces, in addition to hundreds of cases of gas suffocation.

Crimes against Al-Aqsa Mosque:

During October 2023, (8,006) settlers and (16,255) foreigners, under the guise of tourism (through the Israeli occupation Ministry of Tourism), stormed the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, with heavy protection from heavily armed occupation forces. This is the highest number of break-ins during the current year. Thus, 49,168 settlers have stormed the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque from the beginning of 2023 until the end of October.


In conjunction with the war on Gaza, the occupation forces carried out daily arrest campaigns in most of the governorates of Palestine, including Jerusalem Governorate. It is noteworthy that the arrests from homes were accompanied by extensive searches and vandalism of all the contents of the house, such as clothes, kitchens, cabinets, furniture and electrical appliances, and vandalism of the walls of the houses through the use of tools. House demolition under the pretext of “inspection”.

The reasons for arrest also varied, and most of the time there was no clear reason for the arrest, as many young men were arrested on the basis of their publications supporting the resistance, and other times the arrest was carried out simply for a look, or for publishing a Qur’anic verse or an honorable Prophetic hadith.

A number of Jerusalemites were also summoned by the occupation police or the heads of the institutions and companies working in them, and they were suspended from work or dismissed permanently due to their posts on social media sites that were considered incitement to the occupation.

During October 2023, about (394) cases of arrest of citizens were monitored in all areas of the Jerusalem Governorate, and among the detainees were 22 children and 27 women.

Decisions of the occupation courts:

The occupation courts impose unfair decisions against detainees, ranging from issuing actual prison sentences and imposing home detention, in addition to deportation decisions and heavy financial fines. Among them are those against whom the occupation court issued travel ban decisions, in addition to extending the detention of a large number of detainees for long months without bringing charges. clear about their rights.

It is worth mentioning that the decisions of the occupation courts against detainees during the “war on Gaza” increased in frequency and continued to be harsh.

1. Actual prison sentences

The racist occupation courts issued (29) actual prison sentences against Jerusalemite prisoners, and among the rulings (28) were administrative detention sentences, “that is, without clearly specifying the charge against them,” in addition to imposing very heavy financial fines that increase the suffering of their families.

2. Decisions on home detention

The Jerusalem Governorate monitored (44) house arrest orders issued by the occupation authorities against Jerusalemite citizens, including many children.

3. Deportation and travel ban decisions

The month of October witnessed the occupation authorities issuing deportation decisions from the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Old City, in an attempt to control Al-Aqsa Mosque and the places surrounding it. They issued about (23) deportation decisions, including (3) deportation decisions from Al-Aqsa Mosque.

As for the travel ban, the occupation forces handed over two travel ban decisions during the month of October 2023.

Demolition and bulldozing operations

One of the most dangerous occupation policies followed in the Jerusalem Governorate is the policy of demolition and bulldozing, which aims to change the demographic character of the Holy City, by finding invented reasons to prevent licensing, despite the scarcity of granting the necessary permits for construction, to demolish the dream of Jerusalemites and put pressure on them in an attempt to displace them out of the city and replace settlers. Their place, which comes in the context of punitive measures, forced displacement, ethnic cleansing of citizens, and the Judaization and “Israelization” of the occupied city.

During October 2023, the number of demolition operations in the Jerusalem Governorate reached (19), of which (7) were forced self-demolitions and (12) were demolitions carried out by occupation mechanisms.

During October 2023, the occupation mechanisms and crews carried out (12) demolition operations, including: Homes, office, commercial establishment (popular restaurant).

Demolition, forced eviction, and land confiscation decisions:

During the last week of October of this year, the occupation authorities handed over orders to immediately demolish a large number of homes in the Old City in the Bab Hatta area in occupied Jerusalem.

Forced eviction

On October 31, the occupation forces abused the family of Daoud Ismail Al-Khatib and asked the family in the Hizma wilderness area, northeast of occupied Jerusalem, to leave immediately without their possessions and livestock.

The occupation authorities also forced the residents of Bariyat Hizma to demolish their homes in preparation for their departure from the area, after giving them until next Friday to leave the area.

Violations against prisoners:

In conjunction with the war on Gaza and on October 23, the so-called military commander of the occupation army issued a military order for temporary amendments regarding administrative detention, namely: increasing the period of detention of the detainee, to examine the possibility of issuing an administrative detention order against him, from 72 hours, to 6 days, and amending The detainee is presented to the first stabilization session; Where it was previously 8 days, it is now 12 days. The aim of this amendment is to implement more arrest campaigns, make it easier for the occupation forces to issue more administrative detention orders, and manage the large number of detainees, including those who are administratively detained.

Violations against Jerusalem institutions and monuments:

On October 24, the occupation authorities forced the residents of the town of Al-Issawiya to remove the minaret of the Tawbah Mosque after an administrative decision by the occupation municipality to remove it under the pretext of placing it without a permit.

On October 18, the occupation forces stormed the town of Al-Issawiya in occupied Jerusalem. They stormed the village cemetery and deliberately trampled on the graves of the martyrs “Laith Abu Murra” and “Muhammad Mustafa.”

During the month of October, the occupation forces obstructed the access of Jerusalemite students to their schools due to the closure of military checkpoints and the isolation imposed by the occupation authorities on the city of Jerusalem following the outbreak of the Gaza War.

During October, the occupation forces stormed Al-Maqasid Hospital in occupied Jerusalem more than once.

As for the restrictions on clergy and attacks on religious freedom, during the first week of October, coinciding with the so-called Jewish Sukkot holiday, settlers, while walking and praying in the alleys of the Old City, attacked Christian clergy, pilgrims, and churches in the Old City, by spitting and directing insults. This was repeated several times.

Violations against journalists

The occupation restricted the work of Jerusalemite journalists during the period of the Jewish Sukkot holiday. It conducted careful inspections of journalists and prevented them from covering despite showing international press cards to the occupation forces. On October 3, the occupation evacuated the Bab al-Silsilah area in the Old City of Jerusalem of journalists and tightened its procedures to prevent their access to the place.

After the rise of the two young men, Al-Abbasi and Faraj, in the town of Silwan, south of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem, the occupation forces detained the press crews in the vicinity of the place.

On October 15, the occupation forces attacked the Jerusalemite journalist Rajai Al-Khatib while he was in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem and forced him to leave the town.

Attacks on journalists are not new to the occupation government. Since the beginning of the war on the Gaza Strip, the number of martyred journalists as a result of the war waged by the Zionist occupation on Gaza since October 7 has increased to (25) journalists.

Source: Maan News Agency