Minister of Municipality to QNA: Municipal Council Reflects Proper Approach to Serving Homeland, Elevating Its Status -1-


In regard to the competences of the Central Municipal Council and the extent to which its recommendations can be used to meet the needs of citizens, HE the Minister of Municipality explained that Law No. 12 of 1998 and its amendments regulating the Central Municipal Council, defines the terms of reference and powers entrusted to this council, represented in monitoring the implementation of laws, decisions and regulations related to the powers and competences of the ministry and the council, including laws, decisions and regulations related to the affairs of organizing buildings, land planning, roads, commercial, industrial and public shops and others.

The Ministry of Municipality pays attention to the decisions and recommendations submitted by the Council to the Minister of Municipality to take the appropriate decision in this regard, in accordance with what is stipulated in Article 25 of Law No. 1 of 2011 amending some provisions of Law No. 12 of 1998 organizing the Central Municipal Council, he added.

HE the Minister of Municipality stated that to facilitate communication and interaction with the decisions and recommendations of the Central Municipal Council, an office headed by an assistant director of the Minister’s Office for Municipal Council Affairs has been designated to receive requests and recommendations of Council members and its committees and transfer them to the concerned authorities in the ministry to respond to them.

Also, there is continuous coordination between the ministry’s officials, particularly the municipal managers, and the representatives of the constituencies in these municipalities regarding the projects and services provided to the residents of their constituencies, as both parties participate in seeking to serve the residents of these areas as they are closest to them in the various affairs of their daily lives. Likewise, the ministry officials do not hesitate to respond to any invitations addressed to them from the Municipal Council Secretariat, to attend the meetings of the council or its specialized committees, provide information and respond to questions and inquiries raised by members of the council, he added.

HE the Minister of Municipality stressed the role of the Ministry in the success of the work of the Council and its keenness to provide all aspects of support to it in light of the existing cooperation and integration relationship between the two parties to ensure the success of the council in its mission in a manner that meets the hopes and aspirations of citizens in their constituencies and achieves the desired goals in raising the level of services in Qatari cities and contribute to the comprehensive development plans that the country is working to achieve.

His Excellency said that the ministry, through its competent agencies, is very keen to communicate with the Central Municipal Council, in the interest of developing municipal work. The ministry also attaches great importance to the recommendations or requests it receives from the council, aimed at serving the public interest, he added. He underlined the ministry’s keenness to ensure the success of the Central Municipal Council and its firm belief in the importance of this council as the first platform for the practice of popular participation in the State of Qatar.

Regarding the impact of the oversight departments in the municipalities and the launch of online services for citizens on the role of the Council, HE the Minister of Municipality pointed out that the municipalities and their affiliated departments were established to provide services to citizens and residents of their areas with ease, through online services provided via the ministry’s website or the (Oun) application of smart devices, government service complexes, or other advanced means of providing services within Qatar Digital Government.

His Excellency added that all municipalities, their departments, and the services they provide are supportive and enhance the role of the members of the Central Municipal Council in serving their constituents and meeting their requirements through the advanced mechanisms and means of the ministry to achieve the satisfaction of citizens who are the residents of the constituencies represented by the members of the municipal council; stressing that the ministry and the council work in a team spirit to achieve one goal, which is to serve the country and the citizen.

Source: Qatar News Agency