Military Technical Committee for Lebanon continues support to Lebanon against all odds


Despite the difficult situation, the Military Technical Committee for Lebanon (MTC4L) continues its support to the Lebanese population.

This time, the focus has shifted to the city of Sidone, a strategic crossroads for Lebanon and an ancient Phoenician port city. For a very special occasion also for the local community, where Christians and Muslims join in prayer for the feast of the Assumption, MTC4L has donated to the Municipality of Sidone, clothing for children. Local authorities, including Mayor Dr. Hazem Khodor Badieh, were well represented along with a representative of the city council. Moreover, attending the event were the Honorary Consul for Italy, Mr. Ahmad Seklawi, a representative of the Department of Civil and Military Cooperation (CIMIC) of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and Colonel Sandro Iervolino, Commander of the Italian Bilateral Military Mission in Lebanon (MIBIL).

In Sidone, a town about 40 km south of Beirut, where the predominant religion is Sunni Islam, there are also Christian co
mmunities, Shia and Druze, and this concentration of religious realities testifies that multi-confessionalism, which is the authentic expression of Lebanon. The land of cedars, in fact, is among the nations with the largest number of believers in the Middle East and this characteristic, despite the difficulties, puts it at the forefront in a world increasingly open in order to accept the differences that unite.

In addition to the donation, the Major of the Municipality of Sidone took the opportunity to thank the Committee, represented by Colonel Attilio Cortone, who “with this initiative has shown closeness to the population, interpreting the needs of the little ones.’

The MTC4L, a multilateral humanitarian and capacity building initiative led by Italy, has recently been established at international level with a double purpose: to support the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) but also and above all to support the Lebanese population through humanitarian initiatives. The Military Technical Committee for Lebanon is
led by Major General Diodato Abagnara and operates in full compliance with the UN resolutions, bilateral and international missions already present on the territory and is currently composed by the following 8 partner countries: Italy, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands.

Source : National news agency – Lebanon