Malaysian Minister of Islamic Affairs Praises Great Saudi Role in Serving Pilgrims


Makkah: Malaysian Minister of Religious Affairs Dato’ Muhammad Naeem bin Mukhtar praised the significant role that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia plays in serving the pilgrims, expressing his gratitude and appreciation to Hajj workers for their exceptional service to the pilgrims of Malaysia and for providing them with all necessary amenities since their arrival in the Kingdom.

During his visit in Makkah today to the Malaysian Hajj Mission’s headquarters at the Southeast Asian Mutawafi “Mashariq Al Masiah Company,” he emphasized the significance of ongoing collaboration between the two sides to guarantee the best possible experience for Malaysian pilgrims. He also acknowledged the Mashariq Al Masiah Company’s efforts to provide exceptional services to pilgrims.

Mashariq Al Masiah Company chairman of the board of directors Ali bin Hussein Bondakji emphasized that the Malaysian Hajj Mission’s distinguished partnership is substantiated by the company’s three-year agreement with the organization, which is dedicate
d to delivering exceptional services that facilitate the peaceful and efficient performance of Hajj rituals.

Source: Saudi Press Agency