Government & Politics

The Kataeb Party’s Political Bureau held its weekly meeting chaired by Kataeb Leader MP Samy Gemayel. After the meeting, the following statement was issued:

1-Hezbollah persists in solidifying its grip on the South and its people, utilizing them as human shields and bargaining chips to execute the Iranian plan aimed at gaining the role of the decision-maker in the region, from Lebanon to Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. This has ignited the southern front despite Arab and Western warnings against continuing on this deadly path.

The Kataeb Political Bureau calls on the Quintet Committee, which seeks to protect Lebanon from war, to exert its utmost efforts to separate the presidential elections from the regional negotiation process, so that efforts bear fruit in a fully qualified state with a president empowered to conduct negotiations, sign agreements, and speak on behalf of the Lebanese people.

It also blamed all those who insist on seizing the presidential elections and refusing to meet the opposition halfway in
selecting a president whose name is acceptable to all.

The Kataeb Party calls upon sovereign forces from parties, individuals, and entities to unite and collaborate to confront the status quo, regain control, and restore the state and its institutions, no matter the sacrifices required.

2-The Kataeb Political Bureau categorically rejects the smear campaigns launched against Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi and against anyone who raises their voice against the hegemony over Lebanon and its people, foremost among them being Kataeb Leader MP Samy Gemayel.

2- The Kataeb Political Bureau considers the budget recently approved as nothing more than a new evidence to the state’s bankruptcy, saying that this budget represents a new heavy tax burden added to the shoulders of the Lebanese people. Besides being illegitimate, this budget lacks any reform or strategy, aiming solely to stretch out a hand to the citizenry to cover the gaps caused by a failed fiscal policy that impoverished the people.

ce: National News Agency – Lebanon