Government & Politics

House Speaker, Nabih Berri, met this evening at Ain al-Tineh Palace with former cabinet minister and Progressive Socialist Party Chief, Walid Jumblatt, where the general situation and latest political and field developments featured high during their discussion.

After the meeting, Jumblatt said: ‘Above the difficulties, the complexity of the stage, and over the rage of war, I came to visit Speaker Nabih Berri to offer my condolences for the fallen martyrs of the Amal Movement, the martyrs of the Resistance, the people, and the martyrs of other organizations, and in solidarity with the people of south Lebanon.’

He added: ‘We spoke a little about the current situation, and we always hope to find a horizon to break through the wall of hatred and reach an acceptable settlement to implement Resolution 1701 and return to the 1949 Armistice Agreement, which, if we read in detail, dictates to the Lebanese and Israeli sides a specific area of the border with a limit on armament, so to speak, and this could be a star

In response to a question about the connection of the presidential elections dossier to the war in Gaza and the South, Jumblatt said: ‘I did not hear this matter, and the presidential file is a Lebanese file, and those who refuse dialogue are at fault, not us…’

Jumblatt confirmed that he did not discuss the presidential dossier today.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon