The QU Health Interprofessional Education (IPE) Committee at Qatar University has organized recently its second IPE activity entitled Interprofessional Education Activity on Diabetes.

Students from different healthcare programs in Qatar University, and University of Doha for Science and Technology (UDST) participated in this activity. 191 students and 24 facilitators attended the event.. Professions involved in this activity were Pharmacy, Medicine, Dental Medicine, Biomedical, Nutrition and Medical Radiography.

This Interprofessional Education activity aims to introduce the health profession team members and their roles. The activity started with an Icebreaker game, followed by an activity about the epidemiology of diabetes. After that, the students worked on a case study about diabetic patient. This activity helped students to exchange knowledge; and skills with each other and to get involved in the decision-making process while planning and implementing care.

In this IPE activity, students began by sharing their knowledge about diabetes epidemiology globally and locally. The group then discussed the roles of the different professions involved in the care of patients with diabetes. The activity was then narrowed to focus on Mr. MA, a 46 year old, who was admitted to the emergency department after his wife found him to be agitated and confused. According to his wife, MA had Type I Diabetes. She stated that he had a sore throat and stomach flu for four days with vomiting, pain in his throat and stopped taking his insulin two days ago when he became sick. Students discussed Mr. MAs condition, and identify diagnostic parameters through physical examination results and laboratory results consistent with diabetic ketoacidosis.

Then they discussed which professions are involved at this stage (admission) and their roles in assessment and monitoring of Mr. MA. Students also reflected on their clinical knowledge of the condition (diagnosis, treatment and laboratory tests), and identified priorities of care for Mr. MA. In the second stage of the case (discharge plan after patient stabilization for few days) for Mr. MA, students worked on creating an interprofessional discharge plan and design a pamphlet for sick day management for type 1 diabetes. Students then reflected on the strength of each profession involved and how interprofessional practice is implemented in the care of patients with diabetes.

Ms Myriam Jihad Eljaam, teaching assistant at the Clinical Pharmacy and Practice Department at the College of Pharmacy who was the lead facilitator said: “We are always pleased to see students work together through the IPE activities. This year we have a different appreciation of the interaction as it comes after two years of online teaching and online IPE. There is a new understanding of what it means to be working together hand in hand to face challenges. It was a pleasure to join this activity and I look forward to future ones too.”

Ms. Safa Al-Haneedi, 4th Year student fromCollege of Pharmacy said: “As a pharmacy student, I was grateful to be part of the IPE activity especially being face to face after so long. We had the opportunity as healthcare students to express our roles as part of the future health care team and prepare ourselves to enter the health workforce, where teamwork and collaboration are important competencies. This event means a lot, where it allows us to meet our colleagues from different health colleges to promote information and knowledge exchange. It also helps develop and promote interprofessional thinking and acting and as Helen Keller said: “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.”

The Interprofessional Education program was found to develop and facilitate interactions between health profession students from different institutions, and world-leading training synergies across health professions, equipping learners with team-based collaborative skills and emphasizing interactive learning.

Source: Qatar University