IAEA Director Praises Qatar’s Continuous Support for Agency’s Programs and Projects


HE Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi, met with HE Ambassador of the State of Qatar and Permanent Representative to the United Nations and international organizations in Vienna Sultan bin Salmeen Al-Mansoori.

During the meeting, HE Grossi expressed his praise and gratitude for the great and continuous support provided by the State of Qatar to implement the various IAEA programs and projects, including its contributions to financing the renewal of the agency’s laboratories in Seibersdorf on the outskirts of Vienna.

For his part, HE Al-Mansoori stressed the importance that the State of Qatar attaches to the International Atomic Energy Agency due to its important and distinguished role in promoting peaceful uses of atomic energy, technology transfer and nuclear non-proliferation.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs