GCC Secretary-General Praises Qatar’s Efforts to Halt Israeli Aggression on Gaza


The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) praised the efforts made by the State of Qatar and Egypt to achieve a ceasefire and stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip that has been ongoing since last October.

In a statement on Monday, GCC Secretary-General Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi welcomed the initiative announced by the President of the United States Joe Biden to reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip which included the withdrawal of Israeli forces, release of detainees and prisoners, return of the displaced to their homes safely, and provide adequate humanitarian aid to civilians.

Albudaiwi stressed the need to build on this declaration to reach a political framework to resume negotiations to achieve comprehensive peace based on the two-state solution, in accordance with the Arab Peace Initiative and international legitimacy resolutions.

On Friday, US President underscored the importance of stopping the eight-month war in the Gaza Strip and declared a plan to reach a ceasefire.

rce: Qatar News Agency