Euro-Med calls for an investigation into the use of the American floating dock for military purposes


The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor strongly condemned the massacre committed by the Israeli army on Saturday in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, expressing its deep concern over reports of the possibility of Israel using the American floating dock designated for transporting humanitarian supplies to Gaza for military purposes.

Euro-Med said in a press statement that more than two hundred Palestinians were killed and hundreds more injured, the majority of them women and children – a preliminary statistic that may increase as recovery operations continue, as a result of air, land and sea attacks launched intensively and violently by the Israeli army over a period of about two hours on the area. The Central Market, which is crowded with thousands of residents every day in the Nuseirat camp and the surrounding areas, and later affected most of the central Gaza Strip.

Following the large-scale attacks, the Israeli army announced that its forces, in coordination with the General Secur
ity Service (Shin Bet) and the Israeli Police (Al-Yamam), were able to recover four Israeli detainees in an operation carried out by special forces in the Nuseirat camp.

Euro-Med said that the aforementioned operation by the Israeli army was characterized by launching massive indiscriminate air and artillery attacks to cover up the withdrawal of Israeli forces, which resulted in excessive loss of civilian lives, a large number of casualties among them, and the infliction of extensive damage to civilian objects, which constitutes a grave violation of the rules of international humanitarian law, including It includes the principles of humanity, distinction, military necessity, proportionality and due precautions.

Nasser Ghaben (45 years old), a displaced person from Gaza City to the Nuseirat camp, told the Euro-Med team that the sounds of gunfire during the attack on the camp were unusual and characterized by extreme randomness, coinciding with air and artillery targeting of a large number of buildings and re
sidential apartments.

Ghaben stated that he miraculously survived the intense Israeli bombing on the Nuseirat market area while he was with one of his relatives for the purpose of buying some of their food needs, and that during his escape from the event area he saw dozens of bodies lying in the road, some of which turned into dismembered pieces, including some belonging to young children.

For his part, a young man named ‘Faisal,’ who requested that his full name not be mentioned, told the Euro-Mediterranean team that Israeli warplanes and drones launched intense attacks first in the northwestern areas of the Nuseirat camp, and then the attacks expanded to affect larger areas in the camp, including random firing of artillery shells. Tanks were stationed at the entrance to Al-Bureij camp and the Al-Awda Street area northeast of Al-Nuseirat.

He added that the intense Israeli bombing forced thousands of civilians to try to flee from the Nuseirat camp to escape the severity of the large-scale indiscriminate ta
rgeting. However, many were pursued by gunfire from Quadcopter drones and artillery shells from them, which led to the spread of bodies and injured people everywhere. They were thrown on the floor. The land, especially in the Jules Street area in the middle of the camp.

On the other hand, Euro-Med followed the announcement of an American official, according to what was published by the American website (Axios), that the American ‘hostage cell’ in Israel supported efforts to recover the four detainees from the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, Israeli media reported that an Israeli truck set off from the area of the American floating pier off the coast of the Gaza Strip under the guise of transporting humanitarian supplies, while it was carrying Israeli special forces that carried out the operation to recover the four detainees.

Israeli Army Radio said, “The American hostage cell played a decisive role in freeing the detainees, and high-precision American technology was used that had not been used before in the process
of freeing the detainees.” Video clips of the truck and a Caddy car were published at the moment of the intrusion before the incident.

The Euro-Mediterranean Observatory confirms that pretending to use means of transportation designated for humanitarian aid and wearing the uniform of humanitarian relief workers as a cover constitutes a crime of treachery in accordance with the provisions of international humanitarian law, which prohibits actions that arouse the trust of the opponent while deliberately betraying this trust, which leads the opponent to believe that he has the right. In protection or he is obligated to provide it, which leads to his death or injury. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court classifies the crime of treachery as a war crime.

The Euro-Mediterranean Observatory stressed that the possibility of using the American floating dock – which Washington announced was ready to bring humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip on May 17 before it was announced to be inoperable days later
– should be investigated for military purposes and contribute to the killing of Palestinian civilians.

At the same time, Euro-Med stressed its rejection of the Israeli army’s persistence in using various types of weapons and ammunition and indiscriminate destructive force against Palestinian civilians and their property, and committing massacres on a daily basis without justification since the seventh since the start of its military attacks on the Gaza Strip last October.

He reaffirmed the Israeli military attacks in the Gaza Strip and the results and effects they caused, with alarming statistics in terms of the number of victims and the severity of the destruction, confirming that what Israel has done and continues to do constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity in and of themselves, and comes within the framework of the crime of genocide it is committing against the Palestinian population in The Gaza Strip for nine months, which requires activating all levels of international, legal and judicial i
nvestigations and accountability mechanisms and serious work to hold Israeli leaders and soldiers accountable and not allow them to escape punishment, and to compensate the victims and their families in accordance with the rules of international law.

Euro-Med demands that the United States of America be held accountable as a major partner in committing crimes against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, including the crime of genocide, for providing various forms of military, logistical, operational and financial support to Israel in its military attack on the Strip, including holding accountable all American officials who participated. In making criminally relevant decisions.

Euro-Med also renewed its call on all countries to assume their international responsibilities by imposing effective sanctions on Israel, and stopping all forms of political, financial and military support and cooperation provided to it, including immediately stopping arms transfers to it, including export licenses and military aid

ource: Maan News Agency