Major shortages in fuel, medical supplies hit Lebanon

Beirut, Lebanon is struggling with major shortages of medical supplies and fuel, leaving motorists queuing for hours at gas stations across the country, amid a deepening economic crisis, the Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA) reported.

Lebanon's streets were blocked by long lines of vehicles on Friday as drivers waited to fill their cars, with each only allowed 10 litres of petrol.

The lines of cars caused numerous traffic jams and occasionally chaos broke out as motorists scrambled to obtain their portion of fuel, witnesses said.

Experiencing its worst economic crisis since the end of its 15-year civil war in 1990, Lebanon is suffering from a shortage of foreign currency reserves necessary to import essential goods.

Experts have warned that the fuel shortage could cause Lebanon's power supply to collapse completely and trigger an internet outage in the near future.

Meanwhile health care officials expressed concerns about the acute shortage of medicines and other supplies.

Chairman of the Beirut Doctors' Syndicate, Sharaf Abu Sharaf, told dpa that urgently-needed supplies were running low.

"The situation is very difficult. All hospitals are only performing emergency operations now," he said.

On Friday, pharmacies nationwide began a two-day strike, protesting about the shortages of medicines.

Lebanon is suffering one of the world's worst economic crises in more than 150 years, according to the World Bank.

The Lebanese pound has lost about 90 percent of its value against the dollar since 2019.

The country has been under pressure from international financing institutions to introduce economic reforms and act against corruption amid a political deadlock on the formation of a new government.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

UAE dispatches shipment of COVID-19 vaccines to Belarus

The UAE - through its humanitarian arm, the Emirates Red Crescent (ERC) - on Tuesday sent a plane carrying 11,000 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine to the Republic of Belarus in a bid to support its efforts in combating the pandemic.

The medical aid shipment aims to provide greater protection for the vulnerable, the elderly and those with chronic diseases. It comes as part of the UAE's efforts to counter the spread of the coronavirus based on its humanitarian and pioneering role in combating the pandemic.

This aid will contribute to strengthening the preventive and precautionary measures taken by Belarus to address the COVID-19 pandemic in light of the emergence of new strains and to help reach the recovery stage.

The UAE is exerting significant effort to help other countries to overcome the ramifications of the virus, stand by their side, and enhance their health capabilities to face this pandemic by providing vaccines to countries in need.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, the UAE has been keen to carry out its humanitarian responsibility to peoples around the world and has provided and continues to provide support to many countries to curb the spread of the virus.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation

Qatar Provides Medical Aid to Moldova to Confront Coronavirus Pandemic

The Republic of Moldova has received a shipment of medical aid provided by the State of Qatar, containing about 3.5 tons of medical equipment and tools, through Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) in cooperation with Hamad Medical Corporation. The aid aims to support the health sector in Moldova in confronting the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and curbing its spread.

The shipment delivery was attended by HE State Secretary for Bilateral Cooperation, International Law and Economic Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova Dumitru Socolan, HE State Secretary of the Ministry of Health of Moldova Igor Curov, HE Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to the State of Qatar Victor Tvircun, and Acting Charge d'Affaires of Qatar's Embassy to Moldova Hamad bin Rashid Al Athba.

HE State Secretary Dumitru Socolan expressed thanks and gratitude to the State of Qatar for providing aid to his country during the coronavirus pandemic.

For his part, the Acting Charge d'Affaires of Qatar's Embassy to Moldova noted that the aid provided by the State of Qatar comes within the framework of supporting the efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic, and affirms the depth of relations between the two friendly countries.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

UAE sends 960 tonnes of urgent food, medical supplies to Gaza Strip

The UAE, through its humanitarian arm, the Emirates Red Crescent (ERC), sent today 960 tonnes of urgent medical and food items to alleviate the humanitarian repercussions for about 20,000 families in the Gaza Strip.

Implementing the directives of the Emirati leadership, the UAE sent 33 shipments through the Rafah Border Crossing, as part of the humanitarian and relief programmes for the fraternal Palestinian people.

The assistance came at a time when a large segment of the population is suffering from dire humanitarian conditions, and a lack of necessary needs of food, medicine, clothing and basic construction materials.

The UAE always sought to provide all possible support to enhance the humanitarian response to help the Palestinians in such circumstances that require everyone to show solidarity towards overcoming their harsh impacts on societies, especially women and children.

The UAE is closely following the developments of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.

Last January, 808 tonnes of urgent relief materials were sent through 29 trucks that entered through the Rafah Border Crossing as well, with a value of AED9 million, to support 10,000 families and provide the basic needs of Palestinians, to improve their living conditions.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation

Regional COVID-19 vaccination site for Chinese nationals launched in Dubai

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Chinese Embassy in UAE have jointly announced the official launch of a regional vaccination site in Dubai.

The launch follows a meeting in the UAE in March between H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and Wang Yi, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister, where it was agreed to set up a regional vaccination center.

Under the program, dubbed ‘Spring Sprout Action’ and administered by the Dubai Health Authority, Chinese nationals over the age of 16 who hold a short-term visa without UAE residency will be provided in Dubai with two doses of the Sinopharm vaccination, which received approval by the World Health Organization in May 2021 for emergency use. Chinese nationals temporarily visiting the UAE can visit the official websites of the Chinese Embassy in the UAE and the Consulate-General in Dubai for details.

China and the UAE have cooperated throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, sharing expertise, resources, and technology. A new factory in Abu Dhabi will start manufacturing a COVID-19 vaccine from Chinese pharmaceutical giant Sinopharm later this year under a joint venture between Sinopharm and Abu Dhabi-based technology company Group 42 (G42). The UAE Government has already included all citizens and residents in the national vaccination campaign.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation

SCH President urges full commitment to health protocols

Supreme Council for Health (SCH) President, Head of the National Medical Taskforce for Combating COVID-19, Lieutenant-General Dr. Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdulla Al Khalifa paid an inspection visit, today, to Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC) and a number of quarantine and treatment centres, amid a surge in the active cases over the past days.

He paid tribute to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and to His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister for their support to the National Medical Taskforce for Combating COVID-19, .

He praised the efforts of medical frontliners and health professionals, hailing their dedication in serving the nation, sacrifices and keenness on delivering world-standard services.

Lt-Gen. Dr. Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdulla Al Khalifa visted the SMC emergency ward, the SEHATI building and other facilities and was reassured about the delivery of services. He was also updated about the treatment of patients, especially active cases.

He also visited the International Hospital of Bahrain and A’ali Comprehensive centre, in the presence of members of the National Medical Taskforce for Combating COVID-19, and directed to harness all capabilities to deal with the current health situation.

He called upon the public to commit fully to the health protocols and mandatory precautionary measures recommended by the National Medical Taskforce for Combating COVID-19.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Health Ministry shuts five restaurants for one week

The Ministry of Health of Health has shut down five restaurants for one week for violating the mandatory precautionary measures for combating the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Public Health Directorate also took measures aagainst 53 others which were found in breach of the health protocols and mandatory precautionary measures.

The Ministry of Health conducted 190 inpection visits to restaurants and cafes yesterday, Friday, in coordination with the Ministry of Interior and the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA).

The restaurants which were found in breach of the mandatory measures allowed entry to people under 18 and non-vaccinated customers while other customers in cafes had no vaccination certificates on the Health Alert application.

Owners of other outlets addressed the violations immediately after inspectors warned them, said the ministry in a statement today.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Emirates Red Crescent starts first phase of COVID vaccination programme for refugees, displaced people in Jordan, Iraq

The Emirates Red Crescent has launched the first phase of a vaccination programme for tens of thousands of refugees and displaced persons in Jordan and Iraq as part of the medical assistance provided by the UAE's primary humanitarian arm to help the two nations confront the COVID-19 pandemic and to speed up the recovery drive.

This is in implementation of the directives of H.H. Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, Chairwoman of the General Women's Union (GWU), President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, and Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation (FDF), the Honorary Chairwoman of the ERC, under the follow-up of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ruler's Representative in Al Dhafra Region, (Chairman of the Emirates Red Crescent).

The medical assistance -provided in partnership with the Department of Health - Abu Dhabi, and in coordination with the health ministries in Iraq and Jordan as well as the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency- will benefit 12,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan and 15,000 Iraqi displaced people and Syrian refugees in Iraqi Kurdistan. In the meantime, the ERC is forging ahead with providing essential humanitarian supplies to the refugees and displaced in both countries.

Two ERC delegations will leave the UAE over the coming few days for Iraq and Jordan to oversee the implementation of the UAE health initiatives there and meet the immediate needs of refugees and displaced there.

ERC Secretary General, Dr. Mohammed Ateeq Al Falahi, highlighted the directives of H.H. Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, to drive the efforts made by the UAE to stem the spread of coronavirus as part of the country's contributions to the global battle against the pandemic. He also highlighted the role of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan and his significant support for the refugees and displaced persons living inside and outside camps.

Al Falahi added that the ERC will start with vaccinating severe cases, including the elderly and those suffering from chronic diseases, noting that the COVID-19 vaccines will help fight the new emerging strains of the virus.

Dr Gamal Mohamed Al Kaabi, Undersecretary of the Department of Health- Abu Dhabi, said the medical initiative reflects the role played by the UAE to confront the pandemic and stand by the sisterly and friendly nations. He hailed the ongoing collaboration with various local health departments in Iraq and Jordan.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation