5 percent of them did not explode.. The occupation army: We bombed Gaza with 50 thousand bombs

Gaza - Ma'an - Israeli Army Radio said on Monday that the army has bombed Gaza with 50,000 bombs since the beginning of the war, 5% of which did not explode. She added, "Hamas can use unexploded bombs to build new missiles." The radio indicated internal estimates that if a long truce is reached within the framework of an exchange deal, Hamas will succeed in building large missile capabilities. Source: Maan News Agency

The occupation threatens to demolish 8 homes in Masafer Yatta

Hebron - Ma'an - As part of the operations of uprooting and displacing citizens in Masafer Yatta, the occupation army, this afternoon, delivered notices to demolish 8 homes in the Khallet al-Dabaa area in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron. The coordinator of the Popular Committees to Resist the Wall and Settlements in South Hebron, Ratib Al-Jabour, explained that the occupation delivered the notices to the families of: Fouad Musa Dababsa, Muhammad Mahmoud Dababsa, Abbas Adnan, Dababsa and Saud Dababsa, and the brothers: Salah, Jaber, Amer, and Muhammad Ali Dababsa, where they live with their families. Al-Jabour said: 'The escalation in attacks by settlers and the occupation army has made the residents of the desert and Masafer Yatta live in extremely difficult conditions, and we fear that the attacks will continue.' Source: Maan News Agency

Foreign Minister hails national efforts in preserving human dignity and combating trafficking in persons

Manama, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the National Human Rights Committee, extended congratulations to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, on Bahrain's success in maintaining Tier 1 status ranking for the seventh consecutive year in the US State Department's Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report. Dr. Al Zayani said the Kingdom, under the leadership of HM the King, continued its efforts in upholding human rights and combating trafficking in persons, which are based on Bahrain's humanitarian principles and its comprehensive legislative, judicial, and executive framework. The minister expressed his appreciation to General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, Minister of Interior; Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan, Minister of Labour, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) for their efforts in law enforcement a nd providing a safe and fair environment in the labour market through implementing integrated measures and procedures to combat trafficking in persons. The minister commended the ongoing cooperation between the legislative, executive, and judicial authorities, and the role of the National Committee for Combating Trafficking in Persons (NCCTIP) in promoting coordination between the ministers of Interior, Justice, Islamic Affairs, and Endowments, Foreign Affairs, Social Development and Information, and LMRA. This includes cooperation efforts between the diplomatic and consular missions and the exchange of expertise with the US and relevant international organisations. He affirmed that the Kingdom continues to accomplish human rights achievements and to maintain its advanced global ranking through progressive legislative and regulatory measures under the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Law (1) of 2008, in parallel with the National Plan for Human Rights and international human rights standards. Source: Bahrain N ews Agency

DANAT signs UN Women’s Empowerment Principles

Manama, The Bahrain Institute for Pearls and Gemstones (DANAT) signed the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), established by United Nations (UN) Women and UN Global Compact. This underscores DANAT's keenness towards fostering gender equality and empowering women across the workplace, marketplace, and society. The seven WEPs principles advocate for high-level corporate leadership on gender equality, fair treatment of all employees without discrimination, enhancement of employee health, well-being, and safety, provision of education and training for career advancement, responsible project and supply chain development, community engagement and advocacy, and robust measurement and reporting. By integrating these principles, DANAT demonstrates its recognition of the vital role companies play in achieving and promoting gender equality. Noora Jamsheer, CEO of DANAT Institute, said that the principles align with DANAT's values, within Bahrain's commitment to women empowerment through initiatives led by the Sup reme Council for Women. Jamsheer emphasised that DANAT's endorsement of the Women's Empowerment Principles is rooted in the Institute's recognition of women's significant contributions at both social and economic levels. Their achievements have been essential in advancing DANAT's global position and solidifying Bahrain's reputation in the pearls, jewellery, and diamond sectors. This commitment is further demonstrated by DANAT's inclusive workplace policies, designed to empower women to achieve work-life balance through flexible hours, maternity leave, and other supportive measures. The CEO of DANAT affirmed the Institute's commitment to gender equality, highlighting its comprehensive approach to empowering women in the workplace. This includes ensuring equitable salaries, providing equal opportunities for learning, development, and leadership roles, and fostering a supportive environment that enables women to thrive. The Institute's commitment is embodied in its workforce composition, with women constitut ing a majority of the total workforce and holding a significant percentage of leadership positions. This commitment demonstrates ongoing efforts to develop and implement strategies that further enhance women's empowerment. Source: Bahrain News Agency

QRCS Garners International Humanitarian Support for Afghanistan

Doha: Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) concluded today the Afghanistan Humanitarian Partners Workshop, co-hosted in Doha by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). In a statement, Director of Relief and International Programs Division at QRCS Dr. Mohamed Salah Ibrahim said that "QRCS is strongly committed to supporting humanitarian action in Afghanistan. We believe in working together and are ready to help ensure the success of these efforts. Every child who does not receive polio vaccine remains at risk of this serious disease, highlighting the urgent need for our continued efforts. We are confident that these discussions will be productive, leading to clear action plans. Together, we can make a big difference in the lives of those in need". Dr. Ibrahim said QRCS had been working in Afghanistan for 10 years now, implementing many diverse health, education, food, and other relief projects. Source: Qatar News Agency

Education Minister Approves First Round of Secondary School Exam Results for 2023/2024

Doha: HE Minister of Education and Higher Education Buthaina bint Ali Al Jabr Al Nuaimi approved on Tuesday the results of the first round of secondary school exams for the 2023/2024 academic year. The pass rate for the scientific track (daytime education) was 85.52 percent, and 20.45 percent for adult education. In the literature and humanities track (daytime education), the pass rate was 79.64 percent, and 42.21 percent for adult education. The technological track (daytime education) saw a pass rate of 75.47 percent, while Qatar Science and Technology Secondary School for Boys achieved a 100 percent pass rate, and the Religious Institute Preparatory Secondary Independent School for Boys had a 97.14 percent pass rate. Qatar Technical Secondary Schools had a pass rate of 84.14 percent for daytime students and 11.76 percent for adult education. Qatar Banking and Business Administration Secondary Schools achieved a 100 percent pass rate for daytime students, and 60 percent for the audio education schools. Th e parallel track for adult education saw a pass rate of 38.36 percent. HE Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education Dr. Ibrahim bin Saleh Al Nuaimi attended the announcement of the results. In a press conference, Assistant Undersecretary for Evaluation Affairs at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Khaled Al Harqan, presented the secondary school exam results. He congratulated the successful and outstanding students, wishing them continued success in their academic and professional futures. He also congratulated the schools that achieved high levels of excellence. Al Harqan said that the indicators and results of this year's tests were close, and that the percentages obtained by male and female students were better. He noted that 13,920 students took the exams, of which 8,272 students achieved a 70 percent pass rate, qualifying them for university admission. Those who did not achieve this percentage still have opportunities to join Doha University of Science and Technolo gy and other universities inside and outside Qatar. He emphasized that these results are a strong indicator of the efficiency and strength of public schools and their outputs. He revealed that 3,808 students will sit for the second round of secondary school exams for the 2023/2024 academic year on August 25. Director of Student Assessment Department at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Ibrahim Abdullah Al Mohannadi, discussed the stages of correcting, reviewing, and auditing the exam papers at 79 centers and schools within and outside Doha. He confirmed that every effort was made to ensure that each student received their rightful scores and that the results were commendable, reflecting the expected academic achievement. Director of Public Relations and Communication at the Ministry, Maryam Abdullah Al Mohannadi, opened the press conference by congratulating the successful and distinguished students, wishing them a bright future in their academic and professional lives. She urged those who did not pass to take advantage of the second round of exams. She also thanked school administrations, teachers, and parents for their significant role in achieving these results for the 2023/2024 academic year, noting that the announcement of the results marks a milestone towards a journey filled with challenges and accomplishments. Source: Qatar News Agency


Medical sources in the Gaza Strip warned of a real threat to the lives of a thousand dialysis patients due to the acute shortage of medicines and medical supplies, as the service provided to them is limited to palliative treatment. The sources said that due to the continued aggression, hospitals and health centers are suffering from a severe shortage of medicines and medical supplies necessary to continue providing the necessary medical services to save the lives of patients and injured. Among the most prominent medications that are about to run out are reception, emergency, anesthesia, intensive care, operations, and treatments for oncology patients and dialysis. The occupation forces continue to close the Rafah border crossing, after they controlled the Palestinian side of it on May 7, the day after the start of their ground invasion of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. The occupation has prevented the entry of life-saving aid and supplies into the Strip since May 7. The ongoing closure of the crossings threatens the return of famine to the Gaza City and the northern Gaza Strip. Source: National News Agency - Lebanon

A workshop on total quality management for students of the Faculty of Business at the Arab American University

Jenin - Together - The Department of Business Administration at the College of Business at the Arab American University organized a workshop for the department's students on the most important modern practical applications in the field of comprehensive quality management, in which Professor Muhammad Mahameed, Director of the Quality Department at Ibn Sina Hospital and a certified expert from the National Association for Quality Care, was hosted. American Health. Dr. Raed Irqat, lecturer in the Department of Business Administration, opened the workshop with a speech in which he welcomed the attendees and stressed the importance of cooperation with private sector institutions with the aim of enhancing knowledge, building the skills required for graduates, and integrating them into the Palestinian labor market. For his part, Mr. Mohammed Mahameed spoke about the strategic role of the quality function in business sectors, regardless of their activity or size, touching on the most important challenges facing qua lity specialists in a dynamic work environment, in addition to the most important quality practices and strategies applied in private sector institutions in light of the digital transformation in institutional performance. Mahameed reviewed examples from the Palestinian reality on how to use artificial intelligence to continuously improve the quality of services in particular. Source: Maan News Agency