Antonov: Russia supports BRICS role in uniting countries willing to live independently


Washington, Russia’s ambassador to the United States of America, Anatoly Antonov stressed Russia’s approach to strengthen the role of the BRICS group as a center of gravity for countries unwilling to obey anyone’s instructions.

‘ Moscow’s goal is to enhance and bolster BRICS’ role and weight as a center of gravity for countries seeking to pursue an independent foreign policy course’ and ‘for those who do not want to live under someone else’s dictate, and aspire to be on friendly terms with the rest of the world, trading and interacting on equal footing’, TASS quoted Antonov as telling the American magazine Newsweek.

‘The essence of BRICS doesn’t lie in confrontation, but in promotion of a positive and unifying agenda, and this group holds the principles of sovereign equality, and the search for collective solutions to current challenges,’ the Russian ambassador continued.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency