8 citizens were injured by occupation bullets during a military operation in the town of Beit Ummar

Hebron - Ma'an - This Saturday morning, 8 citizens were injured by live bullets during confrontations with the occupation forces in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, and the injured were transferred to Hebron hospitals to receive treatment.

Media activist in Beit Ummar, Muhammad Ayyad Awad, explained that large forces from the occupation army and dozens of military vehicles stormed the town at three in the morning today, and declared Am al-Balza a closed military zone. They raided dozens of homes, shops, and the Great Mosque of Beit Ummar, and the soldiers placed The Israeli flag on the roofs of the raided homes.

Awad added that the soldiers carefully searched the places they raided, causing serious damage, as happened in the office of the Awad Al-Zaqiq family, where the soldiers destroyed all the furniture inside the office and pictures of the family’s martyrs placed inside a glass frame, placing them inside a garbage container and setting them on fire.

Awad continued in his speech: “During their withdrawal from the town this morning, violent confrontations took place, resulting in 8 young men being injured by live bullets in the lower limbs of their bodies. They were transferred to Hebron hospitals. The occupation intelligence officer also threatened a number of citizens, especially the families of the martyrs, not to post pictures of their martyred sons.” inside their homes.

Source: Maan News Agency