‫شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (CGTN): الصين تحث على تسريع التنمية الرقمية والخضراء بين أعضاء منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي لآسيا والمحيط الهادئ 

بكين، 21 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر، 2022 / PRNewswire / — أصبح الاقتصاد الرقمي والتنمية الخضراء اتجاهين رئيسيين في التحوّل الاقتصادي والاجتماعي العالمي.

حث الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ، اليوم الجمعة، جميع أعضاء منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي لآسيا والمحيط الهادئ “أبيك” على تعزيز التعاون الاقتصادي والتقني، وتسريع التنمية الرقمية والخضراء المنسقة.

فيبلغ عدد سكانها مجتمعة 2.9 مليار نسمة، وتشكل اقتصادات الأبيك الـ21 أكثر من 60% من إجمالي الناتج المحلي العالمي ونحو نصف تجارتها. إن وضع المنطقة مهم عالميًا، وتحقيق التنمية الرقمية والخضراء المنسقة له أهمية حيوية.

العلاقة بين الاقتصاد الرقمي والأخضر

الرقمنة والنمو الأخضر مترابطان ويعزز كل منهما الآخر، حسبما قال وانغ سونغ، المسؤول في مكتب إدارة الفضاء السيبراني في الصين، في مؤتمر صحفي في 7 نوفمبر.

وأدلى وانغ بهذه التصريحات عند تقديمه ورقة بيضاء بعنوان “البناء المشترك لمجتمع ذي مستقبل مشترك في الفضاء الإلكتروني”، والتي أصدرها المكتب الإعلامي لمجلس الدولة الصيني. ودعت الورقة إلى “بذل جهود مشتركة لتنسيق التحوّل نحو الرقمنة والنمو الأخضر”.

وأضاف وانغ أن التكنولوجيا الرقمية تلعب دورًا بارزًا بشكل متزايد في تعزيز الاقتصاد الأخضر. وقال وانغ إن التقديرات تشير إلى أنه بحلول عام 2030، ستخفض الصناعات في الصين انبعاثات الكربون بمقدار 12.1 مليار طن بفضل التقدم في التقنيات الرقمية.

الصين وغيرها من أعضاء منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي لآسيا والمحيط الهادئ (أبيك) يتعاونون في مجال الاقتصاد الرقمي

لقد جعلت الصين من تنمية الاقتصاد الرقمي استراتيجية وطنية.

 احتل حجم الاقتصاد الرقمي في الصين المرتبة الثانية في العالم لسنوات، وفقًا لمجلس الدولة في تقرير قدمه إلى اللجنة الدائمة للمجلس الوطني لنواب الشعب الصيني لمراجعته في 28 نوفمبر.

كما تم إحراز تقدم مطرد في التعاون بشأن الاقتصاد الرقمي بين الصين وغيرها من اقتصادات أبيك.

ووقعت مجموعة علي بابا الصينية والحكومة التايلاندية اتفاقًا في أبريل 2018 في بانكوك شهد تعاون الجانبين في التجارة الإلكترونية والخدمات اللوجستية الرقمية والسياحة وتدريب الموظفين.

وأطلقت الشركة في مايو 2022 مركز بيانات في تايلاند لتعزيز قدرات الابتكار الرقمي للشركات المحلية، وفقًا لوزارة التجارة الصينية.

وقالت الشركة إن الفلبين وأستراليا تعاونتا أيضًا مع علي بابا في مجال البيع بالتجزئة والخدمات اللوجستية والمالية والتكنولوجيا المالية والترفيه الرقمي وخدمات المؤسسات العامة.

كما تم تعزيز التعاون في مجال الدفع الرقمي. وقالت تشاينا يونيكوم في نوفمبر تشرين الثاني إنه تم إصدار أكثر من ستة ملايين بطاقة UnionPay في جنوب شرق آسيا منذ بداية هذا العام بزيادة قدرها 40 بالمئة على أساس سنوي.

وحتى الآن، تم إصدار أكثر من 40 مليون بطاقة UnionPay   في 10 دول من بلدان رابطة أمم جنوب شرق آسيا، من بينها سبع بطاقات أعضاء في منتدى التعاون الاقتصادي لآسيا والمحيط الهادئ.

التنمية الخضراء في الصين

ويوفر النمو الأخضر نهجًا عمليًا ومرنًا لتحقيق التنمية المستدامة للاقتصاد العالمي.

تضمن المؤتمر الوطني الـ20 للحزب الشيوعي الصيني دعوة للبلاد لتسريع الانتقال إلى نموذج للتنمية الخضراء، وتعزيز الصناعات الخضراء ومنخفضة الكربون، وتعزيز طرق الإنتاج والحياة الخضراء ومنخفضة الكربون.

تهدف الصين إلى بلوغ ذروتها في انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون قبل عام 2030 وتحقيق حياد الكربون قبل عام 2060.

ويغطي سوق الكربون الوطني في البلاد حوالي 4.5 مليار طن من انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون، مما يجعله الأكبر عالميا بعد عام واحد من التشغيل، حسبما قال تشاو ينغمين، رئيس الوفد الصيني إلى الدورة الـ27 لمؤتمر الأطراف في اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة الإطارية بشأن تغير المناخ في 8 نوفمبر في شرم الشيخ، مصر.

وقعت أكبر شركة لصناعة السيارات الكهربائية والهجينة في الصين، BYD ، اتفاقية في سبتمبر مع شركة WHA Group التايلاندية لتطوير المدن الصناعية لبناء مصنع جديد للسيارات الكهربائية ( EV ) في البلاد بطاقة إنتاجية سنوية مخططة تبلغ 150،000 وحدة.

بهدف تنمية سوق السيارات الكهربائية على أمل إنشاء 30 في المائة من إنتاجها للسيارات الكهربائية، قدمت تايلاند جولة جديدة من سياسات الاستثمار والترويج لتشجيع الاستثمار في السلسلة الصناعية الكاملة للسيارات الكهربائية هذا العام، وفقًا للمجلس الصيني لتعزيز التجارة الدولية في فبراير.

وسيساعد دخول BYD إلى تايلاند صناعة السيارات على الاقتراب من هذا الهدف، فضلًا عن مساعدة البلاد على أن تصبح مركزًا عالميًا لتصنيع السيارات الكهربائية ، كما قال المؤسس المشارك ورئيس مجلس إدارة جمعية الصحة العالمية جاريبورن ياروكورنساكول.

وأعربت شركة صناعة السيارات عن أملها في أن تساهم تكنولوجيا السيارات الكهربائية الخاصة بها في صناعة السيارات الكهربائية في البلاد، حسبما قال ليو شويليانج، المدير العام لقسم مبيعات السيارات في آسيا والمحيط الهادئ في BYD .

حثت الصين شركاتها على دمج التنمية الخضراء في جميع أنحاء الاستثمار والتعاون في الخارج، وفقًا لمبدأ توجيهي صادر عن وزارة التجارة الصينية ووزارة البيئة والنظام الإيكولوجي في عام 2021.



The webinar is organized by the Culture & Arts Chapter in QU Alumni Association and a research team on Interdisciplinary Studies from the College of Arts and Sciences, in collaboration with the Qatari Forum for Authors

The Culture & Arts Chapter in Qatar University (QU) Alumni Association and a research team on Interdisciplinary Studies from the College of Arts and Sciences, organize cultural webinar, in collaboration with the Qatari Forum for Authors on “Literature and Football: The World Cup Unites Us” to shed light on the relationship between literature and sports.

The webinar featured speakers Dr. Mahfoud Amara, QU Professor in Sport Management and Social Sciences; Dr. Emad Abdul Latif, QU Professor in Rhetoric; Abdulla Al-Mulla, Director of 3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum; Khadija Al-Mutri, sports and literature enthusiast; and moderated by Dr. Abdelhak Belabed, Associate Professor at QU and a member of the Qatari Forum for Authors. The webinar was attended by Kholeh Mortaza Mortazawi, President of the Culture & Arts Chapter; and Essa Abdulla from the Qatari Forum for Authors.

In a comment, Amna Abdulkarim, Vice President of Culture & Arts Chapter, QU Alumni Association noted that the webinar hosts a group of specialists and those interested in the world of sports and football to showcase the relationship between literature and sports in general, enabling us to think about football and how it develops its creativity in the poetry of the novel and how it can enter into the dialogue of great writers and intellectuals.

Dr. Abdelhak Belabed also commented noting the connection between literature and sports, and how it combines happiness, excitement and tension, “Jean-Paul Sartre said ‘In football everything is complicated by the presence of the opposite team.’ The magic of football is not lost on writers, including Nobel prize winners such as Albert Camus, who was a lover of the sport. This includes Arabs writers such as Naguib Mahfouz, who was also a football enthusiast.”

For his part, Dr. Emad Abdullatif, Professor of Public Rhetoric at Qatar University, said: “We are on the verge of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and the multiple responses it receives, whether in its cheers or applause, or those enthusiastic songs that inflame the stands, all of which constitute eloquent speeches that can be studied and analyzed, and thus these speeches help communication and coexistence between peoples, in light of cultural diversity and the rejection of violence. and hate.”

Mr. Abdullah Al-Mulla, Director of the 3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum spoke about how the museum combines the spirit of sports creativity and its beauty through the special collections and exhibits, which chronicle the history of football and will be enjoyed by all visitors and fans.

Source: Qatar University

Qatar, US Sign Letter of Intent on World Cup Legacy

HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani and HE US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken participated today in launching the fifth US-Qatar Strategic Dialogue.

The opening session addressed several regional and international issues, especially the situation developments in Palestine and the negotiations to return to the joint action plan, Russian-Ukrainian crisis developments, energy and food security, cooperation in the human rights field, and several issues of common interest.

HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and HE US Secretary of State signed a letter of intent between the government of the State of Qatar and the government of the United States of America on the World Cup Legacy (2022-2026).

Under the letter of intent, both parties announced their intention to exchange World Cup knowledge and the drawn conclusions and build on the success of the State of Qatar in making the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 accessible for persons with disabilities and apply the learned lessons in future tournaments, including the FIFA World Cup 2026 that will be held in the US, and find places that allow more inclusion and accessibility for people with disabilities.

Both parties also affirmed their intention to increase technical exchange and exchange of knowledge to combat human trafficking crime, including those with regards to sporting events, and work together to introduce and implement fair employment practices to protect migrant workers, exchange knowledge in the field of the labor protection, and establish a joint work group to develop specific steps to enhance the current letter of intent.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs: Qatar Sees Relations with US as One of Its Major Strategic Partnerships

In a joint press conference with HE US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the sidelines of the fifth US-Qatar Strategic Dialogue, currently held in Doha, His Excellency considered this round of the dialogue as an important platform in strengthening those relations that enjoy stable and solid foundations and multifaceted partnership.

His Excellency indicated that the US-Qatar Strategic Dialogue represented an opportunity to address several issues ranging from regional issues and today's global challenges, discuss the latest development concerning the nuclear deal, the developments in Iraq, Lebanon, and Libya, and the Palestinian cause that Qatar sees as its central cause; in addition to joint efforts in Afghanistan.

His Excellency pointed out that this round of dialogue discussed joint cooperation in responding to global challenges, especially the challenges of energy, food security, and other developmental challenges that the world faces today.

HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani added that the State of Qatar and the US share the same point of view regarding these issues, and they look forward to working together among the team works that will resume the talks between the concerned institutions in both countries.

His Excellency added that the State of Qatar always looks forward to strengthening its cooperation with the US, and always having an open dialogue and a relationship based on transparency and mutual trust between the two countries.

His Excellency valued the cooperation shown by the US with its various institutions in support of hosting the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. His Excellency extended his thanks for all the efforts, especially those of the US security and cybersecurity institutions, for the support they provided to Qatar in favor of hosting this tournament, pointing out that this is seen as a part of the cooperation that extends beyond the multiple partnerships between the two countries.

In his response to the media attack on the State of Qatar, HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani noted that the State of Qatar, when it was awarded the honor to host FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, was determined to have multi-faceted tasks to attain this organization that impressed the entire world.

He said that many people think that the world cup was the main reason behind the reforms that have been made in the recent years, however, Qatar sees the world cup as merely a catalyst for that process. He stressed that change is an ongoing process, unconnected to a specific event or stage, noting in this regard that the vision of HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani is a transformational vision for the State of Qatar in terms of keeping pace with developments taking place around the world.

He confirmed that the human rights issue in the State of Qatar is the state's responsibility toward the Qatari people and everyone who lives on the land of Qatar, stressing that the State of Qatar has been decisive on this matter, pointing out that the reforms adopted are intended to serve this objective.

HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs said that some media institutions did not take the reforms that have been made by the State of Qatar into consideration, but they came out with a prejudgment even without visiting the State of Qatar or engaging in a conversation with the state's officials, even though the State of Qatar always opens its doors to everyone and has been engaging in dialogue since the start of these attacks.

He added that the State of Qatar cannot alter the opinions of those who want to compromise its reputation to attain their goals or other intentions, adding that such goals have nothing to do with the State of Qatar, however, the vast majority of people and football masses when they came to Doha were surprised by the success of the preparations. His Excellency also pointed out that the State of Qatar and the Qatari people are always generous and welcome all people.

His Excellency pointed to the joy in the eyes of people by hosting this event, including the happiness of the masses and the joy at their participation and their enjoyment of trying something new that has not been tried before.

HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs noted the existence of a work program through which the State of Qatar and the United States have teamed up to build the capacities among the various institutions and the law enforcement agencies, in addition to learning and utilizing the expertise available in the United States, pointing out that there are points of agreement and points of disagreement, because such matters are usually appropriate in the society in which they are applied.

His Excellency conveyed a message to the media and public opinion that the State of Qatar welcomes all people and its doors remain open, calling for the importance of focusing on football and everything that happens on the pitch, adding that those who would like to launch prejudgments solely for achieving other goals, will only have a temporary impact, but ultimately the reality on the ground will prevail to talk about itself.

He looked forward to making the tournament in Qatar a station for the convergence of peoples, cultures and all civilizations to enjoy the atmospheres provided by Qatar in Doha, as well as the hospitality experience of the Qatari people and the residents on the land of Qatar.

For his part, HE US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the State of Qatar has outdone the United States in hosting this amazing and detailed dialogue, just like it did in terms of entertainment.

He added that bilateral relations are at the peak point of the 50-year diplomatic relations and that cooperation is now stronger than ever before, the result of which is that the US and Qatari peoples are now in a better situation. His Excellency also said that the security relationship with Qatar is the most powerful one, highlighted by the fact that Qatar hosts one of the largest US military bases in the region, noting that it serves as an anchor for regional security and stability.

He pointed out that the US president Joe Biden designated Qatar as a major non-NATO Ally last March. He also said that this was followed several months later by delivering F-15 aircraft to Qatar Amiri Air Force to augment its defensive capabilities and made the armies amenable to interoperability.

HE US Secretary of State Blinken affirmed that the United Sates and the State of Qatar are engaging in the region and outside the region to bolster stability, defuse tensions and end the conflicts, noting that Qatar had provided vital economic aid to the Palestinian people, helped pay the salaries of the security forces in Lebanon and has been a mediator in the peace agreement between the Chadian transitional government and the opposition groups, adding that Qatar is constantly working to heal the regional rifts which is essential in addressing the common challenges facing the US and its partners.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

H.H. Abdullah bin Zayed meets Indian Minister of External Affairs in New Delhi

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, has met with Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs of India.

During the meeting, which took place in New Delhi, the two ministers discussed ways of strengthening the historic UAE-India relations, under the framework of the comprehensive strategic partnership between their countries.

They also discussed the prospects for boosting trade and economic bilateral relations, within the framework of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), which their countries signed in 2022. Moreover, the meeting explored bolstering the two countries' collaboration in the health and technology sectors, given their vitality as drivers of their developmental goals.

Sheikh Abdullah and Jaishankar exchanged views on a number of issues of mutual concern, as well as on the latest developments in the regional and global scenes.

In addition, the meeting discussed India's priorities as the 2023 President of the Group of Twenty (G20), and ways to enhance the UAE's participation in the Group's activities, serving as a guest country for the second consecutive year, as well as boosting the contributions of the private sector in both countries to the G20's activities, given the sector's pivotal role in driving sustainable development.

They also reviewed the prospects of the UAE-India cooperation at the level of multilateral groups and organisations, be it through existing partnerships such as the I2U2 Group, or future cooperation opportunities with BRICS, an informal grouping of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

Sheikh Abdullah stressed that the UAE and India and their leaderships share strong, historical ties, with their partnership yielding many an achievement that drive sustainable development in the two countries.

In line with the UAE-India CEPA, we are seeking to boost our economic cooperation to achieve our ambitious goal of raising our non-oil trade value to around US$100 billion in the next five years, H.H. Sheikh Abdullah added.

He underscored that the various successes achieved through the UAE-India ties are the fruits of the visions of their leaderships to establish a world-leading model of partnership and cooperation that boost sustainable economic growth and prosperity.

Sheikh Abdullah expressed his eagerness to see a new and prosperous chapter in their countries' cooperation and multipartite work that would contribute to raising their status regionally and globally.

He went on to highlight the UAE's keenness on furthering its participation in the G20 during India's presidency, as well as supporting the private sector's participation in the group's work.

After the meeting, Jaishankar hosted a luncheon in honour of H.H. Sheikh Abdullah and his accompanying delegation.

Present at the meeting were Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemy, Minister of State for International Cooperation; Dr. Abdul Nasser Al Shaali, UAE Ambassador to India; Saeed Mubarak Al Hajeri, Assistant Foreign Minister for Economic and Trade Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC); and Omran Anwar Sharaf Al Hashemi, Assistant Minister for Advanced Sciences and Technology Affairs at MoFAIC.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation